  • ,我们不能满足于现状,而应该努力确保新加坡永远保持廉洁。
    Instead of resting on our laurels, we must strive to ensure that it always stays that way.
  • 一种天玻璃,由熔化的火山岩快速冷却形成。
    a kind of natural glass produced when molten lava cools very rapidly.
  • 我送上礼物时,美国人会马上打开,后赞不绝口。
    When I presented a gift, they opened it right away and gave it lavish compliments.
  • 而苔丝下定决心,无论如何也不去克莱家求助。夏天,她很容易在农场找到工作;可是冬天一来,加上她给家里过多的生活费,她面临贫困艰难的处境。
    Determined, however, to make no appeal to Clare's family, Tess easily finds summer employment among the farms; But with the coming of winter and too lavish contributions to her family's support, privation stares her in the face.
  • 依照法律惩罚和改造罪犯,在中国仍是一项艰巨的工作。
    The lawful punishment and reform of criminals remains an arduous task in China.
  • 你必须先办理一些手续,后才能成为这辆汽车的合法主人。
    There are a few formalities to settle before you become the lawful owner of the car.
  • 烤面包机虽摔过但仍可以用剪草机有些钝了但仍可以用;可用飞机;洗碗机正在用。
    the toaster was still functional even after being dropped; the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable; an operational aircraft; the dishwasher is now in wording order.
  • “我们死也要死得壮烈英勇,我希望。”劳伦斯爵士突严肃地说。
    "We'll see us die game, I hope", said Sir Lawrence with sudden gravity.
  • “你打算请什么人来参加这个委员会?”那绅士突一问。“请我父亲,”迈克尔说,“同时我们还打算请斯洛夏侯爵—”“他年纪太大了。”“但还很矫健。”劳伦斯爵士说。
    “Whom have you got in mind for this committee?” asked the squire abruptly. “My father,” said Michael, “and we’d thought of the Marquess of Shropshire—” “Very long in the tooth.” “But very spry,” said Sir Lawrence.
  • 自然法则
    The laws of nature.
  • 自然科学发展规律
    laws of development of natural science
  • 领导上的软弱涣散状态仍存在;
    In some places leadership remained weak and lax.
  • 冶金部的领导班子就是软的,当还不能说是懒的、散的。
    That of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry is weak, though we can't as yet go so far as to say it is lazy and lax.
  • 造成物质沉淀的自过程。
    the natural process of laying down a deposit of something.
  • 当公司突宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌
    Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.
  • 他很聪明,而却很懒。
    He is clever, and yet lazy.
  • 我国的自资源因滥用而慢慢地浪费掉。
    The natural resources of our country are leaking away through misuse.
  • 而,一些氯氟化碳会从渗漏的、保养差的或丢弃的器件中溢出。
    However, some CFC's escape from leaking, poorly serviced, or discarded appliances.
  • 后他依着墙壁站着,说不出话来。
    Then he stood leaning against the wall, unable to speak.
  • 后校长靠门站着,说不出话来。
    Then the master stood leaning against the door, unable to speak.
  • 这个想法突闪过他的脑海。
    The idea leaped into his mind.
  • 一举成名;冒断定。
    leap into fame; jump to a conclusion.
  • 他打开报纸;一条可怕的消息跃映入了他的眼帘。
    He opened the newspaper and a terrible news leaped out at him.
  • 她突想出了这个主意。
    The idea leaped into her mind.
  • 车突减速,乘客猛地向前一跃。
    When the bus slowed down, the man leaped forward.
  • 今天《每日镜报》上她的名字跃映入了我的眼帘。
    Her name leaped out at me from today’s Daily Mirror.
  • 牛突向前跳来,我差一点没被撞倒。
    The cow leaped forward, and I got out of the way only just in time.
  • 当他得知这消息时, 他突间跳了起来。
    He suddenly sprang to his feet when he learnt the news.
  • 后我就学习开拖拉机。
    Then I learnt to drive a tractor.
  • 马来半岛的一个羽状叶片棕榈树属,只开花结果一次后死亡。
    a genus of Malayan pinnate-leaved palm trees that flower and fruit once and then die.
  • 后我们就离开了。”
    “And then we left.
  • 这当是一个令人自豪的传家宝。
    It's certainly a proud legacy.