  • 女服务员迎上来在他面前放了一杯水。
    A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
  • 老约翰(1804—1849):人们有时就叫他“老的”或“圆舞曲之父”。他从小就梦想当一咖啡馆乐师。
    Johann Senior(1804-1849), sometimes called the Elder or The Father of the Waltz, dreamed from childhood of being a coffee-house musician.
  • 例如,在系统上运行的一个条码服务器的一个dns为“fe2”,条码对象将为“fe2ws”。
    for example a wand server running on the system with a dns named of " fe2 " will have the wand object named " fe2_ws."
  • 我怀疑他们搞什么堂。
    I wander what they are doing.
  • 他的力量[声]减弱了。
    His strength[reputation] is -ning.
  • 这一区里有三候选人参加竞眩
    There are three candidates standing for election in this ward.
  • 这一区里有三候选人参加竞选。
    There is three candidate stand for election in this ward.
  • 1990年和1991年共有24监管工作人员因此被判处有期徒刑。
    In 1990 and 1991, there was a total of 24 wardens and guards sentenced to imprisonment for this crime.
  • 而超级投资者沃伦·巴菲特这次则成为了最大的赢家,他不但坐稳了排上第二把交椅的位置,而且资产净值还从332亿增加到了360亿。
    The biggest winner was investor Warren Buffett, who remained No.2 on the list. His net worth increased - to $36 billion from $33.2 billion.
  • 他在过去的工作岗位上以老看钟盼下班而闻,如果他在这里还是耍那一套,他会丢掉工作的。
    In his last post he was known as a clock watcher. If he comes that game here, he'll lose his job.
  • 最后一球员小心地守着他的三柱门,直到比赛结束。
    Defending his wicket watchfully, the last man is playing out time.
  • 年轻的足球运动员很有发展前途。
    The young footballer will bear watching.
  • 40男人被派去当警卫。
    Forty men were told off as watchmen.
  • 黄果树瀑布以水势壮观出
    Huangguosu Waterfall is on the map for its water.
  • 加利福尼亚州的一个国家公园,以瀑布和岩石群闻
    a national park in California famous for its waterfalls and rock formations.
  • 提沃利意大利中部一城市,位于罗马东北偏东方向。提沃利现有几个古代罗马别墅的遗址,同样也以其瀑布出。人口50,969
    A city of central Italy east-northeast of Rome. Tivoli contains the ruins of several ancient Roman villas and is also noted for its waterfalls. Population,50, 969.
  • 请以华先生的义顶餐.
    Please book it under the name of Mr.Watson.
  • 在数学方面,沃森先生的儿子列前茅。
    In mathematics, Mr Watson’s son bears away the bell.
  • 电功率以瓦特为测量单位,那是以著的英国工程师詹姆斯·瓦特命的。
    Electric power is measured in watts, named after the famous British engineer James Watt.
  • 我们把瓦特的字与蒸汽机联系在一起。
    We couple the name of Watt with the steam engine.
  • 这使我想起那个叫詹姆斯·瓦特的科学家来。
    It recalled me of the scientist by the name of James Watt.
  • 他听到有人叫他的字,就回头去,看到一个妇人正沿着街道跑过来,手里挥着钱。
    He heard his name being called, looked over his shoulder and saw a woman running down the street, waving money.
  • 过分小心的张德培昨晚竟被排第十二的种子选手,来自南非的韦恩·费瑞逼得他使出所有招数,……。
    Michael Chang, careful to a fault, let himself be pushed to the limit last night by 12th-seeded Wayne Ferreira of South Africa, ….
  • 他姐姐是这个工厂的一纺织工。
    His sister is a weaver in this factory.
  • 加斯东站起身,坐到钢琴前面,开始弹奏韦伯的这首曲,乐谱摊在谱架上。
    Gaston got to his feet, sat down at the piano and began to play Weber's splendid melody, the music of which lay open of the stand.
  • 3阿拉伯人被逮捕,l逃入附近的树林。
    Three Arabs were captured and one escaped into the nearby weds.
  • 上周末我们接待了250参观者。
    We had 250 admissions last weekend.
  • 上周末我们接待了250参观者。
    We have 250 admission last weekend.
  • 海伦在娱乐界结识了所有的知人士。
    Helen is in with all the weft-known people in the entertainment world.
  • 她的字本身就有分量。
    Her very name carries weight.
  • 在一长串举重健将的单中,处于首位的的是陈镜开;他是创立世界记录的第一位中国运动员。
    At the top of a long list of winners in weightlifting is Chen Jingkai. Who is the first Chinese athlete to set a world record.
  • 声外水,轻的上浮,重的下沉。
    Fame, like water, bear up the lighter thing, and let the weighty sink.