  • 我拒绝国,我的位置在这里。
    I refuse to go abroad , I belong here.
  • 他们收拾好东西就发了。
    They gathered their belongings together, and set off.
  • 威廉周前把他个人的财产全部换成了现金。
    William cashed in all his personal belongings before going abroad.
  • 你的手吧,美丽的土耳其,握住我的手吧,亲爱的祖国!
    Reach out, beauteous Turkey, give me your hand, my beloved homeland!
  • 情人眼里出西施。
    Love is blind. (或:In the eye of the lover, his beloved is a beauty.)
  • 在百忙之中,贝多芬居然抽时间给一个从卡透露过姓名的“永恒的爱人”写了一封神秘的信。
    In the midst of all his activities, Beethoven found time to address a mysterious letter to an Immortal Beloved whose identity has never been revealed.
  • 福特是全球妇女崇拜的性感偶像,同时,因其扮演了电影史上最受人喜爱的英雄形象,人们都认为他是个色的演员。
    Revered as a sex symbol by women worldwide, the person behind the most beloved heroes in film's history is regarded as an excellent actor by both sexes.
  • 警察系上皮带,走了去。
    The police belted up and went out.
  • 她大声唱出高音。
    She belted out a high note.
  • 汽车很快地驶广场。
    The car belted out of the square.
  • 士兵们系上子弹带发了。
    The soldiers belted up and set off.
  • 士兵们系好腰带后去。
    The soldiers belted up and went out.
  • 黑人歌手高声唱了一首受喜爱的歌曲。
    The black singer belted out a loved song.
  • 我一打开门;狗就窜了来。
    When I opened the door, the dog belted out.
  • 他刚打开门,狗就窜去了。
    Hardly had he opened the door when his dog belted out.
  • 那位网球选手将球用力打球场去了
    The tennis player belted the ball right out of the court
  • 她从林子里冲了来。
    She came belting out of the woods.
  • 本。福塞特上尉买了一辆不寻常的租汽车,并已开始一项新的营业。
    Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.
  • 本停住卡车,走来。
    Ben stopped the truck and got out.
  • 请把钉子从凳子上拔
    Pull the nail out the bench please.
  • 守门员因打架而被责令退比赛
    Benched the goalie for fighting.
  • 检讨的目的是要找香港企业管治制度中缺漏和不足之处,并建议改善方法,务使香港的企业管治制度成为亚洲区内典范。
    The objectives of the review are to identify and bridge any gaps in the corporate governance regime, making it a benchmark in the region.
  • 为进一步推动和鼓励雇主采取良好人事管理措施,并设定基准,劳资协商促进组在一九九九年首次颁发良好人事管理奖,并在119名参与的雇主中选16名得奖者。
    To further promote, encourage and benchmark employers in achieving good people management practices, the unit launched for the first time the Good People Management Award in 1999. Sixteen winners were selected from 119 participating employers.
  • 同时,入职薪酬会在每隔三至四年进行的基准检讨完成后作调整,而不会依从每年的公务员薪酬调整幅度。
    With effect from the same date, starting salaries were delinked from the annual civil service pay adjustment and will be subject to the benchmark review which will be conducted every three to four years.
  • 他是庶出的。
    He has a bend sinister.
  • 有弹性的能够自如地移动、弯曲或弹的;弯曲的
    Capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily; supple.
  • 这些鸟一定是把铁丝弄弯钻笼子的。
    The birds must have wormed their way out of the cage by bending the wire.
  • 罪犯一定是把铁丝弄弯从监狱里钻去的。
    The criminals must have wormed their way out of the cage by bending the wire.
  • 盒子盖翻折过来以更好露商品。
    The top of the box bends back to show the goods.
  • 在某事物之上
    To project over something that lies beneath.
  • 我们在这个世界上到底能占有多少空间,是和我们为他人利益所提供之服务的质与量,以及提供服务时所产生的心态,成正比例的关系。
    Acknowledge that the space you occupy in this world is in exact ratio to the quantity and quality of the service you render for the benefice of others,plus the mental attitude in which you render it.
  • “啊,当然——我现在看来啦:您才是这慈善的天仙的有福气的占有者哩。”我转过头来对我旁边那个人说。
    `Ah, certainly--I see now: you are the favoured possessor of the beneficent fairy,' I remarked, turning to my neighbour.