  • 那出戏首次演之夜观众非常热情。
    The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play.
  • 并不是所有的英国人都不喜欢外国旅游者。“我热烈欢迎他们。”海德园的一位卖冰淇淋的人热情地说。
    Not all Londoners dislike foreign tourists. “I welcome them with open arms,” said one ice-cream seller in Hyde park enthusiastically.
  • 为此,sun司建议了一系列java管理api(jmapi),并得到了一些设备制造商的鼎力支持。
    To this end, Sun Microsystems Inc. has proposed a series of Java Management APIs (IMAPIs), which some device makers are enthusiastically supporting.
  • 价格产品的定价必须高到能给司带来利润,而又低到能吸引消费者来购买。
    Price The price charged for the product must be high enough to give the company a profit, but low enough to entice the consumer to buy.
  • 我认为那是完全不正的。
    I should regard that as entirely unjust.
  • 中国积极认真履行了《禁止化学武器约》规定的各项义务,按时并完整地递交了初始宣布和年度宣布,接受了约组织的多次核查,并参加了约组织的各次执行理事会和两次缔约国大会。
    China has been active and conscientious in fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the CWC. It delivered the initial declaration and annual declaration in time and in their entirety and has accepted inspections by the convention. It has also participated in every one of the convention's executive council meetings and the two conferences of states parties.
  • 赋予股东投票权和代理人权利的司股票。
    shares in a corporation that entitle the shareholder to voting and proxy rights.
  • 该轮船司的船票容许持票人在伦敦和巴黎滞留。
    Tickets of the Navigation Co. entitle the holder to break the journey at London and Paris.
  • 津贴,救济金,保险费按照工资协议、保险单或共救助计划提供的费用或权利
    A payment made or an entitlement available in accordance with a wage agreement, an insurance policy, or a public assistance program.
  • 终审法院确认临时立法会的合法性,但关于享有居留权的判决却引起众关注,因为判决可能导致大批内地人士来港,对香港造成沉重压力。
    The Court of Final Appeal upheld the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislative Council. However, there was public concern that the parts of the judgments in relation to the entitlement to right of abode would result in large numbers of people coming to Hong Kong and exerting a great strain on its resources.
  • 终审法院确认临时立法会的合法性,但关于享有居留权的判决却引起众关注,因为判决可能导致大批内地人士来港,对香港造成沉重压力。
    The Court of Final Appeal upheld the validity of the Provisional Legislative Council. However, there was public concern that the parts of the judgments in relation to the entitlement to right of abode would result in large numbers of people coming to Hong Kong and exerting a great strain on its resources.
  • 这就是新加坡人的“精神”,难怪我国被认为是世界上唯一能够实施拥车证投标制和全面实施路电子收费的国家,许多国家政府并不是没有想到类似的制度,也不是不想那么做,而是在考虑人民可能的反应、抗拒和政治代价之后都不敢轻举妄动。
    This is the Singaporean "spirit". It is no wonder that Singapore has been considered the only country in the world where the Certificate of Entitlement for vehicles and Electronic Road Pricing systems could be implemented. It is not that the governments of many countries have not thought of these systems, nor is it that they do not wish to implement them. What makes them hesitant in implementing these policies are the people's possible reaction, their resistance and the political costs involved.
  • 股份有限司是一种与所有者脱离的、独立的法律实体。
    A corporation is a separate and legal entity apart from its owners.
  • 文件套,文夹用来装纸的开口信封或文件夹
    An open envelope or folder for filing papers.
  • 作为一个新加坡民,我经历过早期动荡不安的年代。现在我们却享有令人羡慕的经济成就和高水平生活。而这一切只是在一代人的时间里完成。想到这点,我心里充满自豪和感激。
    As a Singaporean and having lived through the earlier traumatic times, our present enviable economic success and high standards of living, all achieved within one generation, fill me with pride and gratitude.
  • 虽然我们拥有令人羡慕的种族和睦关系,可惜,除了在工作地点以外,不同族群的人,较少在共场所自然交往。
    While we enjoy an enviable reputation for good racial relations, there is, unfortunately, not much spontaneous social interaction among the races outside of the work environment, despite that more public avenues now exist for them to do so.
  • 但暂且不谈这些蹊跷之处(虽说这些蹊跷并非不值得在适当的场合思量思量),笔者在此只想探讨一下哪些人好嫉妒他人,哪些人会遭受嫉妒,以及众的嫉妒和私人间的嫉妒有何不同。
    But leaving these curiosities (though not unworthy to be thought on, in fit place), we will handle, what persons are apt to envy others; what persons are most subject to be envied themselves; and what is the difference between public and private envy.
  • 初步发展蓝图获得广大市民支持,其中把填海面积减少至约133顷和设置各种环保设施的建议更深受各界欢迎。
    The PLP in general has gained wide support from the public. In particular, the further reduction in the total reclamation area to some 133 hectares and the adoption of environmentally friendly measures have been welcomed by the public.
  • 全年新增供水日综合生产能力870万立方米,人工煤气日生产能力104万立方米,天然气储气能力757万立方米,城市道路长度5400里,城市污水日处理能力714万立方米,城市生活垃圾无害化日处理能力20262吨/日。
    The newly increased capacity of the comprehensive production of daily water supply is 8.7 million m3. The daily capacity of artificial coal gas production is 1.04 million m3. The storage capacity of natural gas is 7.57 m3. The urban road length is 5400 km. The daily capacity of urban sewage treatment is 7.14 m3. The environmentally sound treatment of the urban domestic garbage is 20262 t/d.
  • 如果我们想要在裁决上有更大的斟酌权,以确保在裁决事情时有更大的灵活性与应变能力,我相信,在加强务员对他作为众利益维护者和众需求服务员的角色的认识上,还必须做得更多。
    If we are to envisage more discretion in decision making in order to induce greater flexibility and responsiveness indecision-making, I believe more needs to be done to strengthen the civil servants' understanding of his role as protector of public interest and servant of public need.
  • 如果我们想要在裁决上有更大的斟酌权,以确保在裁决事情时有更大的灵活性与应变能力,我相信,在加强务员对他作为众利益维护者和众需求服务员的角色的认识上,还必须做得更多。
    If we are to envisage more discretion in decision making in order to induce greater flexibility and responsiveness in decision-making, I believe more needs to be done to strengthen the civil servants' understanding of his role as protector of public interest and servant of public need.
  • 他们考虑来自外部的感染司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中。
    They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults.
  • 特命全权公使
    an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
  • 元前101年,西汉王朝在天山南部的轮台、渠犁等地驻兵数百人进行屯田,并设“使者校尉”地方官员统领之,后“使者校尉”改称“护鄯善以西使者”。
    In 101 B.C., the Western Han Dynasty stationed hundreds of garrison troops in Luntai and Quli, south of the Tianshan Mountains, and appointed a local “envoy commander” to command them. The title “envoy commander” was later changed to “envoy for protecting the region west of Shanshan (Qarqan).
  • 元前138年,为击退匈奴对汉朝边境地区的劫掠,汉朝派遣张骞出使西域。
    In 138 B.C., the imperial court of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions as an envoy in an attempt to forge alliances which would stop raids by the Xiongnu on the dynasty’s borders.
  • 现在且来谈谈众的嫉妒。
    Now, to speak of public envy.
  • 中国政府以对国际社会高度负责的态度,认真履行有关国际禁毒约的义务,对易制毒化学品和麻黄素实行严格的管制。
    The Chinese government takes seriously its responsibility to the international community to strictly control these chemicals and ephedrine, in earnest compliance with its duties under international anti-drug conventions.
  • 90年代中期,她成功地与史诗唱片司签了约。
    In the mid 90's,she was signed successfully by Epic Records.
  • 这部史诗的主人被描绘成白发苍苍的老人。
    The hero of the epic poem was described as being hoary with age.
  • 元前70年-元前19年)罗马诗人;宏伟诗歌《埃涅伊德》的作者。
    (70-19 BC) a Roman poet; author of the epic poem `Aeneid'.
  • 他年轻时是个花花子。
    In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean.
  • 伊壁鸠鲁古希腊哲学家,于元前306年在雅典创立了其颇具影响力的伊壁鸠鲁学派
    Greek philosopher who founded his influential school of Epicureanism in Athens c.306.