  • 目前不供应,但一有货就向你报盘
    CANT SUPPLY NOW BUT WLLOFA SN AS AVIBL-cannot supply( at) present, but will offer( as) soon as available
  • 我们不在课堂里把全部预定的课文读完,你们得在有空的时候自己读一些。
    We cant't read all the set texts in class, you will have to do some in your own time.
  • 用你们的商标牌号,因这种商标别人已注册。
    CANT USE UR BRND AS ITS ALRDY REGD BY OTRS-cannot use your brand as it is already registered by others.
  • 终点之后的慢跑并非止步不前,因为活着便不如此。
    The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest, it cannot be while you still live.
  • 是不是广东省有代表性的东西都看到啊?
    Does it mean that we can see all of the typical articles of Canton?
  • 至欲完全占领粤汉铁路和西兰公路,将经历非常危险的战争,未必尽达其企图。
    As for attempting to occupy the entire length of the Canton-Hankow Railway and the Sian-Lanchow Highway, he will have to fight perilous battles and even so may not fully accomplish his design.
  • 在全国,即使敌占领广州、武汉、兰州之线及其附近的地区,但以外的地区是难于占领的,这就给了中国以进行持久战和争取最后胜利的总后方和中枢根据地。
    Taking China as a whole, even if the enemy manages to occupy the line connecting Canton, Wuhan and Lanchow and its adjacent areas, he can hardly seize the regions beyond, and this gives China a general rear and vital bases from which to carry on the protracted war to final victory.
  • 如果我告诉你我说广东话,但是我说出来的广东话却像江西话或是上海话,那么你就要笑话我。
    If I tell you I can speak Cantonese,but I speak Cantonese like people who speak Jiangxinese or Shanghainese,you're gonna laugh at me.
  • 我想尝一尝广东菜,你为我们推荐几道菜好吗?
    I think we shall try the Cantonese food. Can you recommend some dishes to us?
  • 政府的目标是培养一支中英兼擅,操广东话、普通话和英语的公务员队伍。
    It is the Government's policy on official languages to develop a Civil Service which is proficient in both written Chinese and English, and conversant in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.
  • 政府的目标,是培养中英兼擅,操广东话、普通话和英语的公务员。
    It is the Government's policy to develop and maintain a Civil Service that is proficient in both written Chinese and English and conversant in Cantonese, Putonghua and spoken English.
  • 我们会继续致力提高本港的语文教学水平,希望本港学生中英兼擅,讲流利的英语、普通话和粤语。
    We will continue the effort to upgrade the standard of language teaching in Hong Kong. Our aim is for our students to master written English and Chinese and to speak fluent English, Putonghua and Cantonese.
  • 凯蒂·索拉斯的丈夫蒂姆在世贸中心105层工作,凯蒂是多么希望他们的第6个孩子丹尼尔诞生时,蒂姆够陪在她身边啊,"那样他就知道,我多想谢谢他让我再次成了母亲"。
    Katy Soulas said she wishes her husband Tim, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center, was present at the birth of their sixth child, Daniel, so she could have thanked him for making her a mother.
  • 掀开它进入帐篷的一块帆布。
    a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent.
  • 大峡谷的宏伟不是笔墨所形容的。
    The grandeur of the Grand Canyon transcends description.
  • 高高的山上一个不可接近的小木屋;一条不达到的溪谷;那些不到达的星星。
    an unapproachable chalet high in the mountains; an unreachable canyon; the unreachable stars.
  • 少许,少量一只便帽所容纳的数量
    The amount that a cap can hold.
  • 一个帽子所容纳的量。
    the quantity that a cap will hold.
  • 浮力,不下陷力尤指车辆的轮胎表层使轮胎保持不陷入柔软表面如沙地、湿地或雪地的
    The capability, especially of a vehicle tread or tire, to remain on top of a soft surface, such as sand, wet ground, or snow.
  • 吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或
    The act or capability of attracting.
  • 她具备歌唱家的才, 值得培养。
    She has -ties as a singer, she's worth training.
  • 这男孩有很大的长距离赛跑的潜
    The boy has great capabilities in long-distance running.
  • 这个小女孩很有当歌手的才,应该加以训练。
    The little girl has great capability as a singer and should be trained.
  • 可脱毛的有脱毛去发力的
    Having the capability to remove hair.
  • 力的有可性的,有力的或有权力的
    Having possibility, capability, or power.
  • 生产力执行或生产…的力;
    Ability to perform or produce; capability.
  • 证明或逻辑上证明的力。
    capability of being demonstrated or logically proved.
  • ——可持续发展力增强。
    -- Our capability for sustainable development was enhanced.
  • 该署的监察力已进一步提高。
    The monitoring capability has been further upgraded.
  • 斯:这就要看你们的支付力了。
    it depends very much upon your payment capability.
  • 在智终端上实现的处理力。
    Processing capability as found in an intelligent terminal.
  • 一种具有分时操作力的计算机。
    A computer having the capability of time sharing operation.