  • 为想见到她的红头发的儿子,她还为此烦恼多久呢?
    How long will she go on languishing for her red - haired boy?
  • 该旅游团在香港过元宵节。
    The party will be in Hong Kong for the Lantern Festival.
  • 这个大陆电缆,由上海、广州开始,在新加坡结束,跨越六个国家--中国、越南、老挝、泰国、马来西亚和新加坡。
    This continent cable start by Shanghai and Guangzhou, and finishes in Singapore, and will stride across six nations- China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
  • 把整个事情交给你。
    I'm going to drop the whole thing in your lap.
  • 那只猫很快地所有的牛奶舔光了。
    The cat quickly lapped up all the milk.
  • 公众继续相信政客的谎言多久呢?
    How long will the public go on lapping up the lies of politicians?
  • (指衣服)通过很好的衣服前胸的一个边缘搭接在另一个上来扣紧,通常是用两排扣来扣紧。
    (of clothing) fastened by lapping one edge of the front well over the other usually with a double row of buttons.
  • 3.无论上述第1款、第2款如何规定,成员均可保护期规定为布图设计创作完成起15年。
    3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, a Member may provide that protection shall lapse 15 years after the creation of the layout-design.
  • 为了解决这个问题,巴尼斯和哈比德有必要发明一个定时模拟装置用以解释这两个星系是如何到达现在的位置的——未来的五千万年也大致处于这个位置——预测从现在开始的几十亿年后会发生什么。
    To sort this out, Barnes and Hibbard needed to create a time-lapse simulation that would explain how the galaxies got to their current position -- which will appear roughly the same for the next 50 million years and predict what will happen to them billions of years from now.
  • 委员会会议移至大一些的会议厅举行。
    The committee adjourned to a larger hall.
  • 下个周末,这幢房子全归我们了,家里的其他人都外出,所以我们可玩个痛快。
    We shall have the house to ourselves nest week-end; the rest of the family are going away, so we'll have a lark.
  • 用激光焊接合金,那是可能的。
    It is possible that he will use laser to weld the alloys.
  • 降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。
    When Heaven is about to place a great burden on a man,it always tests his resolution first,exhausts his body and makes him suffer great hardships,frustrates his efforts to recover from mental lassitude.Then Heaven toughens his nature and makes good his deficiencies.
  • 这个协议为持久和平铺路。
    This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace.
  • 这个条约成为持久和平的开端。
    The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace.
  • 我希望你们建立起永久的友谊。
    I hope you will strike up a lasting friendship.
  • 最後我们访问雅典,然後从那儿乘飞机回国。
    Lastly, we're going to visit Athens, and fly home from there.
  • 侧廊用一排柱子教堂的中殿从侧面隔开的部分
    A part of a church divided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns.
  • 一旦达到地幔的上表面,被加热的流体在各个方向上横向扩展,直至达到储层的边缘,在这里流体向下偏转到流体层的底部,最后向热源退却。
    Upon reaching the surface, the heated liquid will spread laterally in all directions until it reaches the edges of the container, where it will be deflected downward to the bottom of the liquid layer, eventually to be drawn back towards the heat source.
  • 本公司无法保证价格维持在贵方所开的限价之内,请贵方在这方面稍事宽容。
    We can not guarantee to keep within the price limit set by you and must ask you for a little latitude in this respect.
  • 我们这样做,对于争取小资产阶级有很大的影响。
    This will be of tremendous importance in winning the latter over.
  • 带槽铅条一种细长、开槽的铅条,用于彩色玻璃或格式窗子的格子联成一体
    A slender, grooved lead bar used to hold together the panes in stained glass or latticework windows.
  • 如果我们总是不情愿把用来修路的钱交给警察,那是很可笑的。
    It would be laughable if we weren't always having to fork out money far the police which ought to be spent on roads.
  • 下星期,我们发射月球火箭。
    We will launch the moon rocket next week.
  • 例如,一家超标量体系的自助洗衣店,会采用很快就能洗三倍洗衣量的专门机器。
    A superscalar Laundromat, for example, would use a professional machine that could say and wash three loads at once.
  • 前几天在香港召开的第三届全球华人物理学大会上,诺贝尔奖得主杨振宁教授在他的发言中特别谈到了21世纪中华文化(或东方文化)在科学领域内起到什么作用时,认为这是一个极为复杂的问题。
    SPEAKING at the Third Joint Meeting of the Chinese Physics Societies held in Hong Kong recently, Nobel Laureate Prof Yang Chen-ning talked in particular about how Chinese culture — or Eastern cultures in general — would affect the development of science in the 21st century. To him, the issue will be an extremely complex one.
  • 如果你不想那个新来的小伙子在你前面被提升,你得象过去那样干。
    You'll have to look to your laurels if you don't want that new chap to be promoted before you are.
  • 小钱不知节省,大钱滥花。
    He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound.
  • 他说,对于这位一手他抚养大的女人用什么东西作为回报也不为过。这种细腻的方式可以用来弥补他不能陪伴母亲的遗憾。
    Nothing is too good for the woman who brought him up singlehandedly, he says, and it's a small way to try and made up for the time he is unable to lavish on her.
  • 侵犯宗教活动场所的合法权益承担法律责任。
    Anyone who encroaches on the lawful rights and interests of the sites for religious activities shall bear legal responsibilities.
  • 除去草坪上的蟋蟀草。
    I'll weed out crabgrass from a lawn.
  • 如果实在是休假期间还要工作,劳伦斯建议在休假前与公司约定你在某个固定的时段内解决公务,并严格遵守这个工作安排。
    If you can't tear yourself away completely, Lawrence recommends establishing a method and a time to check in before you go. Then firmly stick to that schedule.