  • 阿马尼亚克法国西南部加斯科尼的一个历史地区,原为伯爵领地,1607年归为法国皇家领土,该地区现在以葡萄酿酒业闻
    A historical region and former countship of southwest France in Gascony. Added to the French royal domain in1607, the area is now noted for its viniculture.
  • 在他的酒类收藏中有一些贵的陈年葡萄酒。
    He have some rare old vintage in his collection of wine.
  • 那位著的小提琴手只有服用兴奋剂后才能作出精湛的表演。
    The famous violinist could only give his best performance when he was hopped up.
  • 人们从四面八方赶来听这位著小提琴家的演奏。
    People came from far and near to hear the famous violinist.
  • 人们从四面八方赶来听这位著小提琴家的演奏。
    People come from far and near to hear the famous violinist.
  • 维瓦尔第,安东尼奥·卢希奥1675?-1741意大利作曲家和小提琴家。以他充满活力的协奏曲最有,尤其是一组小提琴协奏曲四个季节(1725年)
    Italian composer and violinist. He is best known for his lively concertos, particularly The Four Seasons(1725), a set of four violin concertos.
  • 在七月份,旅游协会接待了来自日本的140旅行代理商和99传媒代表;八月,则接待了一批为数共373人的英国旅行团经营商、传媒代表和贵宾,以及约100来自美国的代理商;
    In July, the HKTA hosted 140 travel agents and 99 mediaguests from Japan, while in August a group of 373 UK tour operators,media representatives and VIPs - as well as some 100 agents from the USA - visited Hong Kong.
  • 名声是德行之母。
    Fame is the mother of virtue.
  • 如果加上这位人是有权有势的,那么人们就难免又敬又畏,且捧且骂,甚至此人新学来的幽默话听起来也是既逗乐,又生疑。
    If the virtuoso is also powerful he is as much admired as feared,as much lionized as berated.Even his newly acquired humor was viewed with suspicion as well as amusement.
  •  按照这个学派的说法,一个养猪的是社会中具有生产能力的成员,一个教育家却反而不是生产者,供出售的风笛或口琴的制造者是生产者,而大作曲家或音乐家,却由于他表演的东西不能具体地摆在市场,就属于非生产性质。
    The man who breeds pigs is, according to this school, a productive member of the community, but he who educates men is a mere non-productive. The maker of bagpipes or jews-harps for sale is a productive, while the great composers and virtuosos are non-productive simply because that which they play cannot be brought into the market.
  • 对于在作用域里定义的字,作用域同时决定了它的“可见性”以及“存在时间”。
    This determines both the visibility and lifetime of the names defined within that scope.
  • 到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的字是怎么得来的。
    People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.
  • 年内,知识产权署继续推行中学探访计划,探访了68所学校合共26540学生。
    In 2001, the department continued its visit programme to secondary schools.Visits to 68 schools with a total of 26540 students were conducted.
  • 他很快地念出了访问过的地方的字。
    He read off the names of the places he had visited.
  • 在六月二十八日至七月二日期间,约有18000访港旅客利用上述两个中心和该会电话热线所提供的服务。
    From June 28 to July 2, almost 18000 visitors took advantage of these centres and visitor hotlines.
  • 门房送进一位来访者的片。
    The portor sent in a visitor's name.
  • 总共有二百参观者。
    In total, there were two hundred visitors.
  • “虫”这个词是比较生动的。
    The term is more vivid.
  • 秋季,乡村音乐协会授予希尔"最佳女歌手"的荣誉,而更倾向流行音乐的"美国音乐奖"又给了这位女歌手胜过任何其他艺人的诸多提
    That fall,the Country Music Association rewarded Hill with Best Female Vocalist honors,while the American Music Awards,a show more centered on pop music,accorded the singer a greater number of nominations than any other artist.
  •  1990年安妮特被约翰·威利斯的《银幕世界》(第42期)评为十二“1990年最有希望的新星”之一。
    (1990) Listed as one of twelve "Promising[4] New Actors of 1990" in John Willis' Screen World, Vol. 42.
  • "准备好,"他对杰基说,还是用的那个听着怪怪的字。
    "Get ready,"he said to Jacky,again using that strange-sounding name.
  • 世界著排球组织及赛事)。
    World Famous Volleyball Organizations and Tournaments.
  • 每队只有2,而传统排球有6
    Only two. For the traditional volleyball, there are six.
  • 选举人应开列全体被选人单,注明每人所得票数;
    And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each;
  • 但遇有这样的情形时,两院的表决均应以赞同或反对来定,而赞同和反对该法案的议员的姓,均应由两院分别记载於各该院的议事记录之内。
    But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively.
  • 没有将字记录在投票表上。
    not having your name entered on a voting list.
  • 你的选举办法是否容许在选票上加写候选人的字?
    Does your voting procedure provide for the writing in a candidates'names?
  • 请在这张餐券上签,好吗?
    Could you sign the voucher here, please?
  • 动物种类的科学称和通俗
    The technical and vulgar names for an animal species.
  • 米勒上尉患肺病而退役,他为此深感懊恼,因为他本想成为一职业军人。
    Captain Miller wad disappointed when he was invalided out of the army after a nasty attack of lung disease, as he had intended to become a professional soldier.
  • 这两个角色反映了史泰龙从一贫穷的后生到一最受欢迎的世界影星的个人经历与奋斗历程。
    Both characters are reflections of Stallone's personal experiences and the battles he waged during his transition from a poor kid to one of the world's most popular stars.
  • 与凯奇最著的沉默音乐相反,瓦格纳使舞台、剧院和整个世界充满了音乐。
    Where Cage's most famous musical idea was silence, Wagner fills the stage, the opera house, the whole world with music.