  • 氧是许多化合物的组成部
    Oxygen enters into many compound bodies.
  • 把化合物分解成元素
    Split up a compound into its elements
  • 指一种复叶;由他们自身的部组成。
    of a compound leaf; consisting of divisions that are themselves compound.
  • 我们来把这个化合物解成元素。
    Let's reduce this compound to its elements.
  • 与混合物混合的包括已成为混合物的东西或部已混合的
    Compounded or consisting of things or parts that are already compound.
  • 我们以从前的几个计划的一些部构成一个新的计划。
    We have compounded a new plan from parts of several former plans.
  • 长时期来耳濡目染的都是荒淫无耻的堕落生活,而且是从早年就开始了的堕落生活,加上这个女孩子长期来孱弱多病,抑制了她脑子里辨是非的才智,这种才智天主可能也曾赋予她,但是从来没有人想到过要去让它得到施展。
    The continual spectacle of debauchery, at so tender an age, compounded by her continuing ill- health, had extinguished in the girl the knowledge of good and evil which God had perhaps given her but which no one had ever thought to nurture.
  • 要重建我们的人文精神,首先大家要对人文精神有个共识,要充与深入了解它对一个人、一个民族、一个国家的成长的重要性。
    We need to have a common understanding of what humanity is before we can re-cultivate it. We need also to fully comprehend and appreciate its significance to the growth of a person, a people and a nation.
  • 我对生命永恒所具的神秘,对现存世界神奇结构的觉察和少许了解感到满足,包括我力图去理解的,自然本身显露出来的"理"中的一小部,尽管这部微不足道。
    I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world,together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion,be it ever so tiny,of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.
  • 对某组中散的元素的合理又容易理解的排列。
    logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements of a group.
  • 你能在五钟内把话讲完吗?
    Can you compress your speech into five minutes?
  • 绞,拧扭拧、压挤或压缩,尤指以此来挤出水。常与out连用
    To twist, squeeze, or compress, especially so as to extract liquid. Often used with out.
  • 有着过压扁的头及一直延伸到长长尾巴的细身体的鱼。
    fish with high compressed head and a body tapering off into a long tail.
  • 工业区大部集中在东北
    Most of industry-districts concentrate in northeast.
  • 使裂,使化使集中于两个相互冲突或相对的位置
    To cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions.
  • 通过蒸发使水消失的牛奶。
    milk concentrated by evaporation.
  • 我们大部兵力集结在桥边。
    Most of our forces have concentrated at the bridge.
  • 成包含浓缩部的要素或小部;化学术语。
    separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituents; in chemistry.
  • 341个城市空气中颗粒物浓度级比例
    Percentage of Particulate Concentration Grades in Urban Air in 341 Cities
  • 要继续克服权力过集中的弊端。
    Further efforts should be made to correct the over-concentration of power.
  • 把此网成8个令牌环段,并每个都接到dtr集中器的端口上,您就把网的能力提高了8倍,达到128m位/秒。
    You can gain an eightfold increase in capacity, to 128M bit/sec, by dividing the network into eight token-ring segments and connecting each one to a DTR concentrator port.
  • 这一点非常重要,因为它支持类的概念。
    This is important because it supports the concept of classification.
  • "说来也怪,构思这本书只用了五钟,但写这本书却花去了整整一年。"
    "Strange enough, the conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a whole year."
  • 那计划的构想倒是十宏伟,但终因准备不足而告吹。
    The plan, brilliant in its conception, fail because of inadequate preparation.
  • 构思这本书只用了五钟,但写这本书却花了一年。
    The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
  • 会话时的机智,套用接生婆的话,就是怀胎要快、娩要易。
    Wit in conversation be, in the midwives' phrase, a quick conception and an easy delivery.
  • 所修课程:大众传播史,88;中国传播史,92;媒体研究,90;舆论学,92;概念析,88;内容析,90;广告学,92;新媒体方法,94
    Courses completed: History of mass communication,88; China's communication history, 92; Media research, 90; Public opinion, 92; Conceptual analysis,88; Content analysis,90; Advertising,92; New media technology,94.
  • 概念上的讨论;精神裂症就是丧失了抽象能力或者做概念上的思考的能力。
    conceptual discussions; the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking.
  • 把事物析成具体的实在物,把概念实体化。
    construe as a real existent, of a conceptual entity.
  • 概念方案中标志割或等同的综合概念。
    a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme.
  • 所修课程:大众传播史,88;中国传播史,92;媒体研究,90;舆论学,92;概念析,88;内容析,90;广告学,92;新媒体方法,94
    Courses completed: History of mass communication, 88; China's communication history,92; Media research,90; Public opinion,92; Conceptual analysis, 88; Content analysis, 90; Advertising, 92; New media technology, 94.
  • 在计算机网络体系结构中,从概念的观点着眼,一组完整的服务程序、功能和协议,是层的结构组之一,可扩展到遵循网络体系结构的所有系统。
    In network architecture, a group of services, functions and protocols that is complete from a conceptual point of view, that is one out of a set of hierarchically arranged groups, and that extends across all systems that conform to the network architecture.