| - 通过改造中低产田、兴修水利、扩大灌溉面积、推广先进适用技术等工程和生物措施,可使每公顷产量提高1500公斤以上。
The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500 kg through the upgrading of medium- and low-yield land, beefing up water-control projects, enlarging irrigated areas and spreading the use of advanced agrotechnology. - 通过改造中低产田、兴修水利、扩大灌溉面积、推广先进适用农业技术,可使每公顷产量提高1500公斤以上。
The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500 kg through the upgrading of medium and low yield land, beefing up water-control projects, enlarging irrigated areas and spreading the use of advanced agrotechnology. - 在我们的工作人员中,曾经看见这样的情形:他们只讲扩大红军,扩充运输队,收土地税,推销公债,其他事情呢,不讲也不管,甚至一切都不管。
Here is the kind of thing we have found among some of our cadres. They talk only about expanding the Red Army, enlarging the transport corps, collecting the land tax and selling bonds, as for other matters, they neither discuss nor attend to them, and even ignore them altogether. - 此项研究的公开发表将不仅会扭转公众对这个问题的认识,它还将促使那些力劝近亲夫妻不要生育的医生摆脱偏见。
Publication of the study will do more than tweak public awareness; it will enlighten doctors who have urged cousin couples not to have children. - 当我走进房间时,很明显海伦正在告诉我妻子为什么我在公司迟迟不归。
When I walked into the room it was obvious that Helen had been enlightening my wife about why I was so often delayed at the office. - 阿拉伯和以色列之间的敌对预示着任何时候都可能爆发公开的战争。
E-between Arabs and Israelis threatened to break into an open war at any time. - 憎恶,敌意,仇恨强烈的敌意或公开的敌对;强烈的憎恨
Bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred. - 他们这种关系,别人既不知道真正的缘由,也不知道确切的动机,所以在巴黎引起了很大的轰动。因为公爵曾以他的万贯家财而著称,现在又以挥霍无度而闻名了。
This liaison, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one, gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known hitherto as an enormously wealthy man, now began to acquire a name for the prodigality. - 我保证有足够的地方放下这些办公桌。
I'm sure there is enough space for all these desks.; I'm sure there is space enough for all these desks. - 提供电话查询服务,为公务员解答使用中文的问题;
a telephone enquiry service on general usage of Chinese; - 如本公司能获得贵司有关英国产机器的询价则不胜感谢。
We shall be pleased to receive your enquiry for machinery make in britain. - 昨日收到贵公司的询价函,现报价如下:
We are in receipt of your enquiry of yesterday. And offer you the following: - 如确认下列电报实盘,此实盘是贵公司19年月日电报询购的答复。
We confirm having made by cable the following offer in response to your telegraphic enquiry of ____, 19_____: - 如贵方不经营此项业务,请将我方询盘转交有关公司。
If you do not deal in this line, please hand on our enquiry to the appropriate corporation. - 几年来,各级政府投入大量资金,建成了一批公共文化基础设施,改善和丰富了当地的文化生活,受益的边疆各族人民群众达1000多万人。
In the past few years, governments at various levels have also put large amounts of funds into the construction of many cultural infrastructure facilities, which have improved and enriched the cultural life of more than ten million ethnic minority people. - 除举办各项课程让市民大众参与外,香港外展训练学校也为伤残人士、缺乏社会照顾的人士、青少年罪犯、各大机构和组织的雇员,以及公务员开办各类特别课程。
In addition to open enrolment courses for the general public, HKOBS operates special programmes for the handicapped, socially-deprived people and juvenile delinquents as well as employees of major corporations, various organisations and the government. - 我们必须确保香港有一支高质素和积极进取的公务员队伍。
We must ensure a high quality and forward looking civil service. - 三个中最年幼的一个将从一个姑祖母那里获得一笔整整十万利弗的年金,第二个承继他叔父的公爵头衔,长子应承袭他祖先的世卿爵位。
The youngest of the three was to receive from a grand-aunt a good hundred thousand livres of income; the second was the heir by entail to the title of the Duke, his uncle; the eldest was to succeed to the peerage of his grandfather. - 我们商店与一家服装公司达成了每星期批发一百T恤衫的合同。
Our shop has entered into a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 T-shirts a week. - 我看到她走进办公室。
I noticed her enter the office. - 我们看到他进出公园。
We observed him enter the park. - 商业企业;公司
A business enterprise; a firm. - 到1954年,解放军驻新疆部队经过艰苦创业,共建成农场34个,牧场8个,拥有耕地77.2千公顷,收获的农牧产品解决了驻新疆部队的后勤供给,而且还兴建了一批现代工矿商贸企业,兴办了学校、医院等一批事业单位。
By 1954, after making arduous pioneering and enterprising efforts, 34 farms and eight pastures had been constructed, with a total cultivated area of 77,200 ha. The farming and stockbreeding products gathered not only provided for the logistic needs of the troops stationed in Xinjiang, but the PLA units had also set up a number of modern industrial, mining and commercial enterprises, as well as schools, hospitals and other institutions. - 表演艺术家公开的表演者或演奏者,尤指歌唱家或舞蹈演员
A public performer or entertainer, especially a singer or dancer. - 该公司直接与我们交涉,并说明你方不赞同他们的计划。请航空邮寄详细资料。
They approach us directly state you refuse entertaining their project airmail details. - 我家伙的公司是我们最重要的客户之一;我要好好招待他。
This guy's company is one of our most important clients; I'd better do a good job entertaining him. - 一九九七年,海洋公园庆祝二十周年纪念,在夏季推出寓教育于娱乐的"古国历险迷程"。
The educational and entertaining Discovery of the Ancient World opened in the summer of 1997 - the park's 20th anniversary year. - 一种公开的款待和表演。
a public entertainment or exhibition. - 供赌博及其他娱乐之用的公共娱乐场所。
a public building for gambling and entertainment. - 组织公共活动和娱乐的社团
An organization sponsoring public programs and entertainment. - 在一个公众场合娱乐的提供。
the entertainment offered at a public presentation. - 这位政治家深受公众的敬仰。
The stateman was enthroned in the hearts of the public.