  • 厂家写了一封投诉信。
    She write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer.
  • 你应该地里施些粪肥。
    You should put some manure on your land.
  • 他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交出版社。
    He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.
  • 这是毛主席亲自交代我的。
    Chairman Mao himself gave me that power.
  • 给…绘图
    To make a map of.
  • 我把地图给比尔看。
    I showed the map to Bill.
  • 我给您画一张地图。
    I write a map for you.
  • 是否可我一份城市地图?
    May I have a city map?
  • 我张地铁地图好吗?
    May I have a subway map?
  • 给水体做地图
    The mapping of bodies of water.
  • 经销处在新产品设计广告。
    The agency is mapping out an advertising campaign for the new product.
  • 测绘、气象、水、航空等技术部队为西部地区提供了大地勘测、气象预报、水源探测、飞播造林、人工降水服务。
    Technical troops specializing in mapping, meteorology, water supply and avia-tion have provided such services as geographic survey, weather forecast, water source exploration, aerial sowing and artificial pre-cipitation in the western region.
  • 他吵吵嚷嚷地走进屋,大声叫妻子他沏咖啡,“老婆,快点!”他一边大叫,一边用拳头不断地猛击桌子。
    He entered noisily and called to his wife to make him coffee." And hurry up ya mara (woman)!" he shouted, pounding his fist on the table.
  • 空荡荡的大房子人经冰冷的感觉。
    The big empty house felt as cold as marble.
  • 他们贵重的礼物使我们感到必须送一份更贵重的他们。
    Their expensive gift placed us under an obligation to send a mare expensive one to them.
  • 玛格丽特把这些幅照片所有的朋友看。
    Margaret showed the pictures to all her friends.
  • 阿伦森说,她母亲和姐姐“没有协力她帮助,而是让她独自处理这一切”。
    Her mother and sister " didn't rally around Margaret," Aronson says." They left her to it.
  • 我的朋友把我介绍她,玛格丽特对我微微点了点头,接着就说:
    My friend introduced me. Marguerite inclined her head slightly and said:
  • “她把玛格丽特留在她那儿的日记交您了吗?”
    'Did she hand over the papers which Marguerite had left for you?'
  • 送这本书玛格丽特的人要见我干什么呢?
    What could the person who had given the book to Marguerite want with me?
  • “请原谅我的好奇,”这时我说,“把这本书送玛格丽特·戈蒂埃的就是您吗?”
    'Forgive my curiosity, ' I said next, 'but it was you, then, who gave it to Marguerite Gautier?'
  • 我们到了警长那儿,阿尔芒把玛格丽特姐姐的委托书交了他。
    We went to see the superintendent of police, and Armand handed over Marguerite's sister's letter of attorney.
  • 法国裁判玛丽瑞尼·勒·龚聂把关键的一票投了俄国的艾里娜·伯雷斯娜亚和安东·司哈茹利茨,而不是加拿大的吉米·萨勒和大卫·佩乐缇业,这引起了冬奥会滑冰历史上最大的争议。
    French judge Marie-Reine Le Gougne sparked one of the biggest controversies in Olympic skating history when she cast a crucial vote in favor of Russians Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze over Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier.
  • 两个男孩因吸大麻烟并将大麻供其他孩子而被语法学校开除。
    Two boys were from the Grammar School for smoking marijuana and offering it to others.
  • 玛丽那男朋友打电话时,她小弟弟在偷听。
    When Marina talked to her boyfriend on the telephone, her little brother listended in.
  • 我后悔干涉了我女儿的婚姻问题,现在我所做的一切将我带来无穷的烦恼。
    I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems; all it's done is to bring trouble about my ears.
  • 玛乔丽嫁一个满可以当她的祖父的老头时,大家都认为这无异于《美人与兽》的重演——太不般配了。
    When Marjorie married a man old enough to be her grandfather, everyone behaved as if it were beauty and the beast all over again.
  • 每一个所教的人留下了印象。
    He leaves his mark on everyone he teaches.
  • 老师了我的故事以好的评分。
    The teacher gave me a good mark for my story.
  • 作业打了个满分10分。
    He marked the work 10 out of 10.
  • 小事一桩,交我了。
    marketing this product will be no picnic.
  • 两次婚姻不幸她留下了极坏的印象.
    Two unhappy marriages have left their mark on her.