  • 在他们的影响下,我的眼界豁开朗,忧虑消失了,未知变成了可知。
    Under their influence, the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable.
  • 他知道实情,却保持沉默。
    Though knowing the truth, he remained silent.
  • 没想到你居认识他!
    Fancy your knowing him!
  • 他假装全然不知。
    He pretend not knowing it at all.
  • 试想他竟对那件事一无所知!
    To think of his not knowing anything about it!
  • 也许你实在不应该责备葛市长,他显最近没照照镜子,尤其他不应该说里根总统是一个窝囊废。我想他自己一定是窝囊废才知道谁是窝囊废。
    Maybe you can't really blame him, but Mayor Koch obviously hasn't looked at himself in the mirror lately, especially when he says President Reagan is a wimp. I guess it takes one to know one.
  • 双折卷板,外包牛皮纸,后装木箱。
    Each piece is to be doubled folded, rolled on cardboard, wrapped in kraft paper and then packed in wooden cases.
  • 快去,不实验室就要关门了。
    Cut off now or the lab will close.
  • 而,在实验室中,科学家们开始了解到原因何在。
    In the lab, however, scientists are beginning to find out why.
  • 但是大自并没有赐予她一个双胞胎姊妹。现在克隆实验室准备一试身手。
    But nature didn't provide her with a twin, and now the cloning lab will try.
  • 在落实政策时,还要注意这样的情况:有些人虽没有戴帽子,但是批评或者斗争过他们,伤了感情;
    In implementing the policies, we should also pay attention to other cases. For example, although some people were not officially labelled, they were criticized or attacked and suffered great mental distress.
  • 1995年,中国有关部门发布了有机(天)食品标志管理办法,完全不使用化肥和农药的有机(天)食品已在中国问世。
    In 1995 a government department published the Procedures on the Administration of Organic (Natural) Food Labelling. Organic (natural) food unpolluted by chemical fertilizers and farm chemicals has now appeared in China.
  • 行李员:请把货签系在行李上,后我把行李放到磅秤上。
    Put these labels on your luggage, please And then I'll put then on the scales.
  • 当时一位名叫neillomax的民俗学家正在研究记录美国南部地区的风土人情,他偶录下了卡特和他的狱友顶着炎炎烈日在密西西比河畔劳作时哼唱的他们自己创作的歌曲。
    A folklorist who was documenting life in the South, made a recording of Carter leading his fellow inmates in song while they labored under the blazing Mississippi sun.
  • 在这种情况下,广大劳动群众当毫无人权可言。
    Under such circumstances, the human rights of the majority of laboring people were out of the question.
  • 而这需要多么长期和艰苦的练习呀!
    yet what a long and laborious practice it requires!
  • 那条受伤的狗吃力地喘着气,后慢慢地闭上了眼睛。
    The wounded dog laboured , and then slowly closed its eyes.
  • 但是国会显觉得有必要知道在美国武器实验室与中国武器实验室之间在搞什么名堂,有必要弄清楚克林顿政权与中国的“接触”(“engagement”)及“开放”政策到底已经造成了多大的危害。
    But Congress apparently felt the need to find out what had been going on between the US weapons Labs and the PRC weapons labs, and to determine how much damage might already have been done by the Administration's PRC "Engagement" and "Openness" policles.
  • 尽管中国过去和现在的“间谍”对我们国家安全的威胁显要比公众现时所感受到的小得多,在急于“修补”这些试验室的“安全松弛”氛围时,政府和国会极有可能使我们的武器试验室又一次忽略了有效地解决对美国国家安全的首要威胁:即俄罗斯核武器材料、核武器技术和核技术人员的扩散。
    And though the threat, past and present, of PRC "espionage" to our National Security is almost certainly considerably less than the public no doubt believes at this point, in making haste to "fix" the climate of "lax security" at the Labs, the Administration and Congress may well prevent our weapons labs from turning once again to effectively address the Number One Threat to US National Security: the potential proliferation of Russian nuclear weapons materials, nuclear weapons technologies, and nuclear technologists.
  • 两个吵架的男孩之一突动手把另一个打倒在地。
    One of the two quarreling boys suddenly laced into the other , knocking him down.
  • 缺乏自发性;不自
    lacking spontaneity; not natural.
  • 后,他没有空谈,而是很快地安排议程。这种简洁精练的方式是其他人很少采用的。
    Then he lays out the agenda quickly and without gassing on and on, a laconic style that few others in the room practice.
  • 墓彩绘宴乐图漆案
    Lacquer Table Painted with a Banquet Scene from the Tomb of Zhu Ran
  • 是乡下少年,他的见解却完全城镇化。
    Althouth a country lad, he was thoroughly townish in outlook.
  • 好,既你们都过得愉快,也没有时差反应了,现在该谈谈生意了吧。
    Well, since you both have had a good time and no longer suffer from the jet-lag, maybe it's time to take business now.
  • 在高科技方面,我们要开步走,不就赶不上,越到后来越赶不上,而且要花更多的钱,所以从现在起就要开始搞。
    Now is the time for us to promote the development of advanced science and technology; otherwise, we'll be lagging far behind and will have to spend much more money to close the gap.
  • 罗布林卡受到叛乱分子控制,同达赖喇嘛的联系十分困难,中央代理代表谭冠三仍设法通过爱国人士先后于3月10日、11日和15日给达赖喇嘛三封信。
    Although Norbu Lingka was controlled by the rebels and it was hard to make contact with the Dalai Lama, acting representative of the central government Tan Guansan managed to send three letters to the Dalai Lama on March 10, 11 and 15 through patriots.
  • 新拉马克主义以拉马克主义为基础的理论,认为环境影响的结果会通过大自的选择遗留和传递下来
    The theory, based on Lamarckism, that response to environmental influence can be inherited and transmitted through the action of natural selection.
  • 你有没有看过德克的网页?实在够差的,可是他居自以为很酷。
    Did you see Dirk's Web page? It's so lame, but he thinks it's cool.
  • 事情既已经发生了,我实在无法装出那种悲哀的样子。
    it has happened, and I really cannot pretend to lament it.
  • 他当为她的死而悲伤。
    He naturally lamented her death.
  • 我实在是不喜欢我的新车。它虽省油,但远没有我以前那辆丰田车舒适。
    I don’t really like my new car. It’s very economical on fuel but it isn’t nearly as comfortable as my late lamented Toyota.