  • 我确信你符合当打字员的件。
    I am sure you is qualified as a typist.
  • 我确信你符合当打字员的件。
    I'm sure you're qualified as a typist.
  • 轮胎已经磨平了,你应该换一新的。
    There is no tread on the tyre - you should put on a new one.
  • 轮胎磨损得很厉害,不能再用了。
    This tyre is so wear that it is no longer usable.
  • 轮胎磨损得很厉害,不能再用了。
    This tyre is so worn that it is no longer usable.
  • 意大利中部的一河流;流经罗马,至第勒尼安海。
    a river of central Italy; flows through Rome to the Tyrrhenian Sea.
  • 凭借约英国参加了欧共体。
    Treaty whereby the UK joined the ec.
  • 布格河西欧的一河流,位于苏联乌克兰西南部,全长853公里(约530英里),主干向东南流入黑海
    A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising in the southwest Ukraine and flowing about853 km(530 mi) generally southeast to the Black Sea.
  • 工会领导人宣称他们斗争的最终目的是要增加工人工资和改善工作件。
    The union leaders declared that the ultimate aim of their struggle was to pay increase and improved working conditions for the workers.
  • 工资微薄而且工资件令人难以接受。
    the pay is unsatisfactory and the conditions are unacceptable.
  • 很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的款不能为我方接受。
    We regret to say that the terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.
  •  f.在第四规定的期间内提出商标注册的申请,即使原属国在该期间届满后才进行注册,其优先权利益也不受影响。
    F. The benefit of priority shall remain unaffected for applications for the registration of marks filed within the period fixed by Article 4, even if registration in the country of origin is effected after the expiration of such period.
  • 反之,原封不动地保持旧的生产方式,却是过去的一切工业阶级生存的首要件。
    Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes.
  • 线路或一种设备不能再提供更多的通话业务。
    A line or plant which is unavailable for more traffic.
  • 目前如无舱位,那么,如下一船有舱位就请订舱。
    IF SPACE UNAVIBL BKSPACE FIRST AVIBL BOAT-if space unavailable, book space( on) first available vessel.
  • 卡拉马诺女士在一次妇女权利会议上说:"男女平等是建立一个民主、无暴力社会的先决件,而目前(欧洲大会中)男女人数不平衡的现象十分令人担忧。
    "I find the unbalanced composition a very worrying symbol, as equality of women and men is a prerequisite for the building of a democratic and non-violent society," Karamanou told a women's rights conference.
  • 文章的作者挑出几他所钟爱的广告语,如:“难以置信-但千真成确!屏幕上绝无仅有的!一幅将永远留在你记忆中的画面!”
    The author of the article picks out a few pat tag lines such as "Unbelievable-but absolutely true! Nothing like it on any screen! A picture you will never forget!"
  • 如果有几个人坐在房间里,他便以那直立的腿为轴心,全身旋转一下,向房间中的人们全体表示敬意。
    In case there is company sitting around the room, he makes a graceful turn around the axis of his unbent leg while in that position, thus making a general greeting to the entire company.
  •  第二十八遗产分割时,应当保留胎儿的继承份额。
    Article 28 At the time of the partitioning of the estate, reservation shall be made for the share of an unborn child.
  • 《城市规划例》于一九三九年制定,其内容大致上一直维持不变。
    The Town Planning Ordinance was enacted in 1939 and has remained largely unchanged.
  • 在那一点上这法律本身就是不清楚的;他们行为的原因至今仍不清楚。
    the law itself was unclear on that point; the reason for their actions is unclear to this day.
  • 让我们把每个款都再仔细核对一遍,看看是否还有不清楚或遗漏的地方。
    Let's have another check on all the clause one by one to see whether there is still anything unclear or missing.
  • 无条件转移
    unconditional branch [transfer]
  • 件退出服务将强制ap退出服务。
    An unconditional remove forces the AP out of service.
  • [ucl]a=rcs号,和ucl=无件的。
    [UCL] A = the RCS number, and UCL = unconditional.
  • 不象ds1,不能使ds0无件退出服务。
    Unlike DS1s, you cannot do an unconditional remove on a DS0.
  • 在建立信任和培养无件的爱的方面,这种小事所起的作用可不小。
    They go a long way toward building trust and unconditional love.
  • 只有宽恕,才有信任,才有不讲件的爱。
    When you forgive, you open the channels for trust and unconditional love.
  • 件的rcs切换会使其他ap不再用到的呼叫掉线。
    An unconditional RCS switchover drops calls that cannot be served by the other AP.
  • 用户会收到一个消息表明ds0的无件恢复已经终止了该测试。
    You receive a message indicating that the test was terminated by a DS0 unconditional restore.
  • 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无件允许被告进行辩护。
    On the plaintiff 's application for summary judgment the master gave the defendant unconditional left to defend.
  • rmv:apa,[ucl]a=ap的逻辑号,和ucl=无件的。
    RMV:AP A,[UCL]A = the AP's logical number, and UCL = unconditional.