  • 有七个单元或成的。
    having seven units or components.
  • 有六个单元或成的。
    having six units or components.
  • 用来抽取连接紧密的部的装置。
    an instrument for extracting tight-fitting components.
  • 合成的不同成组成的;混合的
    Made up of distinct components; compound.
  • 把事物解为组成成或要素。
    break down into components or essential features.
  • 通过将成装配或者连接在一起形成的。
    formed by fitting or joining components together.
  • 由三个单元、成或元素组成的。
    having three units or components or elements.
  • 将各个部装配起来。
    put together out of components or parts.
  • 把各种成完全的混合在一起的行为。
    the act of blending components together thoroughly.
  • 裂解被解成组成部裂,
    To become broken down into components; disintegrate.
  • 使解成组成部解成基本元素
    To separate into components or basic elements.
  • 理想的防御性策略应该包括多种组成部
    The ideal defensive sfrategy would have multiple components.
  • 复合命题中子句间的关系
    The relationship between the components of a conjunction.
  • 电子学中有关微粒物的支。
    the branch of electronics that deals with miniature components.
  • 组成全体的各部分
    the parts that compose the whole
  • 他们设法调解他们之间的
    They managed to compose their differences.
  • 目前回教百之九十属於正统派。
    The Sunni compose about 90 per cent of present-day Islam.
  • 构成组成或作为…通常的基本要素、成或特性
    To constitute or compose a usually basic element, part, or characteristic of.
  • 素,成组成某一物质的成中的一种,尤指具有特殊性质或效力的成
    One of the elements that compose a substance, especially one that gives some special quality or effect.
  • 一个由几个部组成的区域。
    an area composed of subdivided lots.
  • 复合的由多部组成的
    Composed of more than one part.
  • 他是一位谱写优美曲凋的歌曲作曲家,而不是把主题思想解为一个个片段,然后再把它们组合在一起的建筑师式的作曲家。
    He was a singer-composer who wrote lovely tunes, rather than an architect-composer who pulls themes to pieces and puts them together.
  • 这些社会最初大都是小城邦社会,建立在无人居住的地区或原先的居民已被赶走的地区,所获得的土地以相等或级的份额配给社会的各个氏族。
    These, at their origin, were mostly small town-communities, at the first plantation of which, in an unoccupied country, or in one from which the former inhabitants had been expelled, the land which was taken possession of was regularly divided, in equal or in graduated allotments, among the families composing the community.
  • 在微波系统中,来自各处的散的输入必须被汇集在一起,以形成一个综合的输入,然后由无线电发送和接收。
    In microwave system the separate input from various sources must be brought together to give a composite input which is then transmitted and received by radio.
  • 复合的由互相关联或交织的部构成的;复合的
    Consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite.
  • 元素,基本要素一个组合整体中的基本的、最主要的、不可再缩小的组成成
    A fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.
  • 申请文件中表示同一组成部的附图标记应当一致。
    Reference signs for the same composite part shall be used consistently throughout the application document.
  • 它的成分是什麽?
    What is its composition?
  • 配给我们的任务是在田里翻埋堆肥。
    We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields.
  • 把塑料布覆盖在肥堆上,并用木桩固定好,以加速肥料的解。
    A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition.
  • 子式所表示的化合物
    The compound so represented.
  • 析的混合物;原始数据。
    an unalyzed compound; unanalyzed data.