  • 提醒一下,我们在计算中包括乔丹牌产品、门票、新产品计划和开发、电视收益、耐克产品和作为司支持者乔丹的价值,所有一切总加起来,你得到什么?
    As a refresher: Our equation includes Jordan "brand" products; ticket, merchandising, and television revenues: Nike stuff; and Jordan's value as an endorser. Add it all up, and what do you get?
  • 研究复杂税务案件的断人)。在运动中referee和umpire都指执行规则并且解决争议点的执法人
    Umpires studying complex tax cases). In sports referee and umpire refer to officials who enforce the rules and settle points at issue.
  • 第九条 动植物检疫机关检疫人员必须忠于职守,秉执法。
    Article 9 Any quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ must be devoted to his or her duties and enforce the law impartially.
  • 检察机关严格监督安机关侦查活动中的执法情况。
    Procuratorial organs should strictly supervise law enforcement in the investigating activities of public security organs.
  • 检察机关加大执法监督力度,依法纠正有法不依、执法不严、司法不等问题。
    Procuratorial organs have intensified the supervision of law enforcement by redressing according to law the problems of failure to observe the law, weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice.
  • 加强对执法活动的监督,推进依法行政,维护司法正,提高执法水平,确保法律的严格实施。
    We should tighten supervision over law enforcement, promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law, safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented.
  • 廉政署继续加强与其他反贪污机构及海外执法机构的联络。
    The ICAC continues to enhance liaison with other anti-corruption organisations and overseas law enforcement agencies.
  • 工业司从事工业的
    A firm engaged in industry.
  • 司经营多年,信誉极好,经办的出口产品有以下几种:
    We are exporter of long-stand and high reputation, engaging in exportation of the following article:
  • 工商服务业推广处一直致力在务员队伍内,建立方便营商的文化和观念。
    The BSPU has continued its efforts to engender a 'helping business' culture and mindset among civil servants.
  • "这家司将提供发动机,用以换取人造橡胶。"
    This firm will supply engines in exchange for artificial rubber.
  • 这位工程师在机器制造方面经验极为丰富,因此是司里的宝贝。
    The engineer is very valuable to the company because of his vast experience in machine- building.
  • 我是摩托罗拉司的计算机工程师。
    Computer engineer at Motorola.
  • 喂,是总工程师办室吗?
    Hello. Is this chief engineer 's office?
  • 她在一家工程技术司工作
    She works for an engineering company.
  • 公路工程技术标准
    highway engineering standard specifications
  • 这件事违反了英国人的平竞争精神。
    It was revolting to the Englishman's idea of fair play.
  • 英国花花子指18和19世纪游历极广的,醉心于外国风俗的英国青年
    A well-traveled young Englishman of the18th and19th centuries who affected foreign customs.
  • 她借着同英国人结婚而成为英国民。
    She became a British citizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishman.
  • 离我们学校足足有六里远。
    It's a good six kilometres away from our university.
  • 但在开场合,必须注意培养这些同志的威信。
    However, on public occasions they should try to enhance the comrades' prestige.
  • 司已经找到通过文档会议增强业务的多种方法。
    Companies have already found a number of ways to enhance business through document conferencing.
  • 加强法制宣传和教育,增强民的法律意识和法制观念。
    strengthen legal promulgation and education to enhance the legal awareness and idea of the public;
  • 该署也同时布了一些标准更高的新服务目标。
    New enhanced performance targets were also publicised.
  • 共交通:共交通运营能力不断提高。
    Public transit: The capacity of public transit was enhanced unceasingly.
  • 香港开大学的持续及社区教育中心也为超过7800名学生开办合共100项短期课程,旨在提供职业训练及精修训练。
    The university's Centre for Continuing and Community Education also offered 100 short courses intended for vocational training and enhancement purposes to more than 7 800 students in 1998-99.
  • 食物环境卫生署一直提供有成效和高效率的众洁净服务,例如安排洁净人员清扫街道、收集废物、提供众浴室设备,以及改善厕设施。
    The FEHD has been providing effective and efficient public cleansing services, such as manual street-sweeping services, waste collection, provision of public bathhouses and enhancement of public toilets.
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的预算案中布对证券及期货市场推行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研究,并提交具体的改善建议。
    As part of the three-prong strategy announced in his budget speech in March for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the SAR's financial infrastructure.
  • 培训处继续为各级管理人员举办多种管理训练课程,包括在香港和海外举行的课程,例如共行政领袖课程和哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院开办的高层领导精修课程。
    Management training programmes continued to be organised for officers at different managerial levels. These included various management programmes conducted in Hong Kong and overseas, the Leadership in Public Sector Programme and the Leadership Enhancement and Development Programme conducted by the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.
  • "谜"伴随着专辑《元1990》(《谜1》)的发行诞生于1990年。专辑中的两首单曲在11个国家的排行榜上高居榜首,包括英国、美国及其诞生地德国。"谜"成为德国有史以来最受欢迎的乐队。
    ENIGMA arrived in 1990 with the release of MCMXC A.D.(ENIGMA 1),two singles of which topped the charts in 11 countries,including the UK,USA and their home country Germany where they became the fastest selling band in German history.
  • 总的来说,我觉得骑自行车比乘共汽车更愉快。
    On the whole, I find ride a bike more enjoyable than ride a bus.
  • 伯恩:同大发服装司做生意是我一生中最愉快的经历之一。
    Doing business with Dafa Garments is one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life.