  • 双击我的电脑,然后双击驱图标。
    Double-click My Computer, then double-click the floppy drive icon.
  • 有些是独立的客户端件,但很多为显示而采用浏览器。
    Some are stand-alone clients, but many use a browser for display.
  • 这种布料摸起来很柔
    This cloth feels soft.
  • 在局域网中,可用光纤或同轴电缆连结多台计算机,且每台计算机的硬盘上必须装有专门的通信件。
    LANS use fiber optics or coaxial cable to connect computers, and each computer must have special communications software installed oil its hard disk.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。网络的拓扑结构可以是环形的、星形的或总线形的。在局域网中,可用光纤或同轴电缆连结多台计算机,且每台计算机的硬盘上必须装有专门的通信件。允许具有不同平台的计算机共存于同一局域网中,且能进行数据交换的件早已开发出来了。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus. The topology of the network may be ring, star or bus. LANs use fiber optics or coaxial cable to connect computers, and each computer must have special communications software installed oil its hard disk. Software has been developed that allows computers with different platforms to coexist and exchange data on the same LAN.
  • 用于修饰或说明不作为基本操作系统的组成部分所提供的件。某些高级语言(如fortran语言或cobol语言)就属于分算的件,并且必须另行购买
    Pertaining to software that is not supplied as part of the basic operating system. The high-level languages, such as FORTRAN or COBOL, are unbundled software, and must be purchased under a separate license.
  • 最爱挑剔的人,最激烈的批评者,往往会在一个怀有忍耐、同情的静听者面前化下来!这位静听者,必须要有过人的沉着,他必须当着寻衅者像一条大毒蛇张开嘴巴的时候--静听。
    The chronic kicker, even the most violent critic, will frequently soften and be subdued in the presence of a patient, sympathetic listener - a listener who will he silent while the irate fault-finder dilates like a king cobra and spews the poison out of his system.
  • 蛛丝状的,具有蛛丝状毛的由细、、缠绕在一起的类似蛛网或蜘蛛结的网的毛发纤维质覆盖或组成的
    Covered with or consisting of thin, soft, entangled hairs or fibers resembling those of a cobweb or spider's web.
  • 下面是一份可口可乐饮料寄售合同。
    Here is a contract of coca-cola soft drink on consignment.
  • 下面是一份可口可乐饮料寄售合同。
    Here is a contract of Coca - Cola soft drink on consignment.
  • 可口可乐一直是世界饮料工业每一部门的先驱者。
    Coca-Cola has been the world leader in every department of the soft drink industry.
  • 件开发公司发现ldap更容易实现,因为它采用简单的文本串用于编码,而不是较复杂的格式化。
    Developers find LDAP easier to implement because it uses simple text strings for coding rather than more complicated formatting.
  • 件无设计缺陷和编码缺陷的程序,即无故障。
    The extent to which software is free from design defects and from coding defects; that is, fault free.
  • 更新的技术,如先进的音频编码(aac)、微公司的windowsaudio4.0以及at&t公司的a2b等都在开发之中,aac许诺以更小的文件提供更好的声音质量。
    Newer technologies such as Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Audio 4.0 and AT&T Corp's a2b are being developed.AAC promises even better sound quality with smaller files.
  • 允许具有不同平台的计算机共存于同一局域网中,且能进行数据交换的件早已开发出来了。
    Software has been developed that allows computers with different platforms to coexist and exchange data on the same LAN.
  • 穿过盘卷用于增加其感应系数的磁性材料(如铁)。
    a rod of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil.
  • 不管是碰了运气、还是有意设计,1999年的台式机和笔记本机中重要的硬件部件和件部件都将有重大的变化,使1999年成为it经理们考虑部署新系统的重要一年。
    Whether by luck or design, significant changes to key hardware and software components on desktops and notebooks will coincide in 1999, making it an important year for IT managers to consider deploying new systems.
  • 金属模子一种用于镌刻的金属件,可将设计好的图案压印到较的金属上,例如压制货币
    An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.
  • 两家跨国公司在开发新件方面相互合作。
    The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software.
  • 虽然与功能齐全的白板应用件相比,im服务的白板功能还很原始,但它们通过给予用户一个中央区来表达想法而增加了协作性。
    Although the whiteboards of IM services are primitive compared to full-fledged whiteboard applications, they aid collaboration by giving users a central place to present ideas.
  • 另一个不太引人注意的网站个人化的手段是协作过滤件,它驻留在网站中,跟踪用户动向。
    A less obvious means of Web personalization is collaborative-filtering software that resides on a Web site and tracks users' movements.
  • 由于这些智力合作,当与其商业上最接近的竞争对手微公司的ole比较时,opendoc已轻而易举地成为更灵活、更强大、更能扩充并具有远见的对象模型。
    As a result of all this collaborative brain power, OpenDoc has become easily the more flexible, powerful, extensible, and forward-looking object model when compared with its closest business competitor, Microsoft Corp.'s OLE.
  • 一个体动物贝壳的收藏者和研究人员。
    a collector and student of mollusc shells.
  • 硝化纤维素一种柔的或类似棉物的聚合体,由经硫酸和硝酸处理过的纤维素获得,用于炸药、胶棉、塑料以及固体燃料的生产中
    A pulpy or cottonlike polymer derived from cellulose treated with sulfuric and nitric acids and used in the manufacture of explosives, collodion, plastics, and solid monopropellants.
  • 一种灰色金属元素,质,易延展,用于合金中,见于铌铁矿,以前称作钶。
    a soft gray ductile metallic element used in alloys; occurs in niobite; formerly called columbium.
  • 生长在北美洲东南部到中西部地区的柱状湿地树,出产浅色、柔、易于加工的木材。
    columnar swamp tree of southeastern to midwestern North America yielding pale soft easily worked wood.
  • activex体系结构均使用微公司的组件对象模型(com)和分布式组件对象模型(dcom)标准:com允许不同的应用程序实现本地相互交谈,而dcom提供在网络上的(应用程序间)通信。
    The ActiveX architecture uses Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) and Distributed COM (DCOM) standards: COM allows different applications to talk to each other locally, and DCOM provides communications over a network.
  • 虽然这些组件与corba有关,但你会看到在微的com中也有类似的功能。
    Although these components are related to CORBA, you'll find similar features in Microsoft's COM.
  • 在另一个阵营,微公司开发并支持com及其分布式组件的模型dcom。
    In the other camp, Microsoft has developed and championed COM and DCOM, its model for distributed components.
  • 她会宽恕的, 她已经心了。
    She'll relent; she's -ming.
  • 一种舒服的装垫的扶手椅。
    a comfortable upholstered armchair.
  • 你不能将你们的床叫“舒”床,因为该商标已注册。
    You cannot call your bed ' Soften Comfy ' - it is a registered trademark.