  • 在决赛中,联队以2比0击改了最终铜牌得主加拿大队,结束了加拿大在这个项目中长久的霸主地位。
    In the final, the Soviet team beat the eventual bronze medal winner Canada, 2-0, thus effectively ending Canada's longstanding dominance in this event.
  • 杜勒斯说俄在称霸美世界的驱使下过分扩张其势力。
    Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination.
  • 自从妻子死后,唐纳德决定搬往格兰离他女儿近些的地方。
    After Donald's wife died, he decided to pull up roots and go to live near his daughter in Scotland.
  • “东吴小筑”,以水筑景,水阁、画舫、游廊、小瀑布动静结合,如诗如画,再现富有诗情画意的州古典园林的清雅风范;
    The Dong wu Garden is designed as a framed landscape with water, like a poem and a picture, all the pillars on water, pleasure-boats, winding bridges, and water fall, setting off each other, making people understand the rich traditional culture and the beauty of Suzhou gardening art;
  • 他的妹妹,15岁的珊是通过另一位捐精者孕育的。她最近写了一篇非常感人的文章,表示她对那个"给了我生命和父母巨大欢乐"的男子很感兴趣。
    His sister, Susannah, 15, conceived through another sperm donor, recently wrote touchingly of her interest in the man who " gave me life and my parents great joy".
  • 珊在这儿我们就感到踏实了。孩子们非常喜欢她。
    With Susan here we feel as safe as houses. The children dote on her.
  • 在1982年联合国第二届裁军特别大会上,中国进一步提出具体主张:美两国应停止试验、改进和生产核武器,并率先大幅度削减其各种类型的核武器和运载工具。
    In 1982 at the Second Special Session on Disarmament of the United Nations, China went a step further by putting forth a concrete proposal: The United States and the Soviet Union should stotesting, improving and producing nuclear weapons and should take the lead in drastically reducing their stockpiles of all types of nuclear weapons and means of delivery.
  • 市场萧条越来越严重,买方空空,不可能有早日复迹象。
    Dullness deepens totally buyer 's early recovery is impossible
  • 必利尔美国一城市,位于威斯康星州的西北部,临必利尔湖,隔湖是明尼达的德卢斯。该市在19世纪80年代发现铁矿后发展起来。人口27,134
    A city of northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior opposite Duluth, Minnesota. The city grew after the discovery of iron ore nearby in the1880's. Population,27, 134.
  • 希冰美国明尼达州东北部一个城市,位于德卢斯西北方的梅萨比岭,1917年该市的采矿业达到顶峰,当时市镇向南移了3。2公里(2英里)以便开采一个巨型露天铁矿。人口18,046
    A city of northeast Minnesota in the Mesabi Range northwest of Duluth. Its mining industry was at its peak in1917, when the town was moved3.2 km(2 mi) south to make room for a huge open-pit iron mine. Population,18, 046.
  • 木一种美洲热带产豆科多刺乔木(墨水树),芯材为黑色,可用于制备染料
    A spiny tropical American tree(Haematoxylon campechianum) in the pea family, having dark heartwood from which a dyestuff is obtained.
  • 甲肝、伤寒、疟疾、痢疾甚至瘟疫是折磨军的主要疾病。
    Hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria, dysentery and even plague were the primary diseases that afflicted the Soviets.
  • 爱滋病是地球村反面乌托邦式的先驱-珊·桑塔格。
    AIDS is one of the dystopian harbingers of the global villages- Susan Sontag.
  • 尽管珊嫁给了一位伯爵,但她仍不失平易近人的美德,还是经常前来聊天和喝茶。
    Although she married an earl, Susan never lost the common touch and still calls round occasionally for a chat and a cup of tea.
  • (1568)新教徒支持的格兰玛莉王后被她的异父兄弟詹姆士·斯图尔特勋爵,默里伯爵领导下的天主教力量击败了。
    (1568) Catholic forces supporting Mary Queen of Scots were routed by Protestants under her half-brother Lord James Stuart, Earl of Murray.
  • 珊终年努力,以期取得好成绩。
    Susan exerted herself all year to earn good marks.
  • 6.为了纾解民困,以及为经济复提供必要条件,特区政府经过周详分析,考虑到整个经济和社会环境后,决定利用储备推出多项措施。
    6. The Government, after a thorough analysis of the overall economic and social situation, has used our reserves to put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic and social stability.
  • 内布拉斯加州的一条河流,东流成为密里河的一条支流。
    a river in Nebraska that flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River.
  • 堪萨斯州东北的一条河流;东流成为密里河的一条支流。
    a river in northeastern Kansas; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River.
  • 奈厄布拉勒河流程约692公里(430英里),发源于东怀俄明,总体向东流注入内布拉斯加州东北的密里河
    A river, about692 km(430 mi) long, rising in eastern Wyoming and flowing generally eastward to the Missouri River in northeast Nebraska.
  • 联为了防止德国法西斯的东侵,于九月十七日进兵波兰东部。
    On the same day, the Soviet Union dispatched its troops to eastern Poland in order to check the eastward drive of the German fascist troops.
  • 特威德河格兰东南部的一条河,流约156公里(97英里),形成格兰与英格兰边界的一个部分。它向东流注入北海,富产大马哈鱼
    A river,156 km(97 mi) long, of southeast Scotland forming part of the Scottish-English border. It flows eastward to the North Sea and has rich salmon fisheries.
  • 先生是讲究饮食的人。
    Mr Su is a dainty eater.
  • 克雷流通于厄瓜多尔的一种基本货币
    A basic unit of currency in Ecuador.
  • 艾登夫人曾问起过联的导弹,它们是什么样的,能飞多远。
    Mrs. Eden had asked him about the Soviet missiles, what kinds there were and what range they had.
  • 访问期间,英国首相安东尼·艾登邀请联领导人到他的乡间住宅度周未。
    During the visit, the Soviet leaders were invited by the British Prime Minister Another Eden to spend a weekend at his country house.
  • 他在格兰呆了一个星期,游览了爱丁堡和格拉斯哥的博物馆。
    He spent a week in Scotland, visiting museums in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
  • 它同其他绵羊一起被圈养在格兰爱丁堡附近的罗斯林研究所室内。
    She's been housed indoors with other sheep at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh,Scotland.
  • 格兰皇家博物馆正举行一个名为"中贸易"的展览,以格兰与中国之间的贸易为主题,而演艺学院在爱丁堡的表演,是这项活动的其中一个节目。
    The Edinburgh performance was part of the 'Precious Cargo' exhibition on Scottish-Chinese trade at the Royal Museum of Scotland.
  • 据说,威廉的首选学校是格兰的爱丁堡大学而不是牛津或剑桥,原因之一或许就是担心惹人注目。
    Fear of publicity may be one reason why William's first choice for university is reported to be Edinburgh in Scotland rather than Oxford or Cambridge.
  • 斯特林格兰中部一个自治市,位于爱丁堡西北偏西,福斯河沿岸。它是一个中世纪的城堡,也是格兰的詹姆士二世的出生地。人口38,400
    A borough of central Scotland on the Forth River west-northwest of Edinburgh. Its medieval castle was the birthplace of James II of Scotland. Population,38, 400.
  • 阿加西湖更新世冰川湖,湖区覆盖现在的美国明尼达州西北部,北达科他州东北部,曼尼托巴的南部和安大略的西南部
    American educator who helped organize the predecessor of Radcliffe College(1879) and served as Radcliffe's first president(1894-1899).