  • 指包括远至菲律宾、婆罗州和爪哇的南亚和马来西亚岛生物地理区域,或者具有这一区域特点的。
    denoting or characteristic of the biogeographic region including southern Asia and the Malay Archipelago as far as the Philippines and Borneo and Java.
  • 属于或关于马来西亚、马来人、马来语、马来半岛、部分马来岛的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the N Malay Peninsula and parts of the W Malay Archipelago.
  • 还有潜水胜地冲绳岛,它位于日本岛的最南端,整个县处于亚热带气候区域。
    Meanwhile,Okinawa is the place to go for diving.At the southernmost end of the Japanese archipelago,the en tire prefecture lies in the subtropics.
  • 世界第三大岛屿;爪哇北面西太平洋中;大面积的覆盖着浓密的丛林;马来西亚岛的一部分。
    3rd largest island in the world; in the western Pacific north of Java; largely covered by dense jungle and rain forest; part of the Malay Archipelago.
  • 达马树脂从婆罗属和坡亚属的树中提取的一种坚硬的树脂,原产于东南亚和马来岛,用在假漆和天然漆中
    Any of various hard resins obtained from trees of the genera Shorea, Balanocarpus, and Hopea, native to southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago and used in varnishes and lacquers.
  • 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来
    The islands of the southern, western, and central Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia, New Zealand, and the Malay Archipelago.
  • 克奇坎美国阿拉斯加州东南部城市,位于亚历山大岛中的一个岛上。在19世纪90年代的淘金热中是矿工的供给点,现在是内部通道的一个主要港口和旅游中心。人口7,198
    A city of southeast Alaska on an island in the Alexander Archipelago. A supply point for miners during the gold rush of the1890's, it is now a major port and tourist center on the Inside Passage. Population,7, 198.
  • 阿维南玛岛波罗的海中的岛,位于瑞典和芬兰之间的波的尼亚湾的入口处。该岛12世纪时为瑞典的殖民地,1809年割让给俄国。第一次世界大战后成为芬兰的一部分
    An archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. Colonized in the12th century by Swedes, the islands were ceded to Russia in1809 and became part of Finland after World War I.
  • 美拉尼西亚西南太平洋之一海域,由澳大利亚东北部及赤道南部的岛屿组成。它包括所罗门岛、新赫希里底岛、新喀里多尼亚岛、俾斯麦岛及其他各种岛,有时也包括新几内亚
    A division of Oceania in the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising the islands northeast of Australia and south of the equator. It includes the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, the Bismarck Archipelago, various other island groups, and sometimes New Guinea.
  • 婆罗洲位于马来岛,太平洋西部的一座岛屿,在菲律宾的西南面,苏禄和爪哇海之间。是世界第三大岛,文莱王国在其西北海岸;岛的其他部分被印度尼西亚和马来西亚分占
    An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas southwest of the Philippines. It is the third-largest island in the world. The sultanate of Brunei is on the northwest coast; the rest of the island is divided between Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • 有问题的则按问题性质,协同众商量解决办法。
    As for the problems that have arisen, we should consult with the masses to work out solutions based on the merits of each case.
  • 如果把自己看作众的主人,看作高踞于“下等人”头上的贵族,那末,不管他们有多大的才能,也是众所不需要的,他们的工作是没有前途的。
    If he regards himself as their master, as an aristocrat who lords it over the "lower orders", then, no matter how talented he may be, he will not be needed by the masses and his work will have no future.
  • 派尤特族居住在南犹他州和内华达,亚利桑那的北部以及加利福尼亚东南的邻近地区的一
    A group occupying southern Utah and Nevada, northern Arizona, and adjacent areas of southeast California.
  • 阿勒山土耳其最东面一山,在伊朗边界附近,海拔约5,168米(16,945英尺),它是诺亚方舟的传统栖所
    A massif of extreme eastern Turkey near the Iranian border rising to about5, 168 m(16, 945 ft). It is the traditional resting place of Noah's ark.
  • 一个以前住在今天的北达科它、南达科它、内布拉斯加州、堪萨斯州、阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、俄克拉荷马州和得克萨斯州的平原印第安体。
    a group of Plains Indians formerly living in what is now North and South Dakota and Nebraska and Kansas and Arkansas and Louisiana and Oklahoma and Texas.
  • 然而,当时的阿肯色州管教部主任artlockhart在1984年曾为美国管教协会出版的关于监狱血浆中心的情况简报撰稿,稿中写道监狱囚犯是艾滋病高危人,对于从他们身上采血如何“保证质量”的关注也在不断上升。
    However, Art Lockhart, then director of the Arkansas Department of Correction contributed in 1984 to an information bulletin about prison plasma centres published by the American Correctional Association, in which prison populations were said to be at high risk, and concerns were raised about "quality control" in taking blood from them.
  • 人群遇到一列警察。
    The crowd were met by an array of policemen.
  • 大公司已开始采用san,将大型的磁盘存储阵列连到局域网上的集服务器。
    Large corporations are beginning to use SANs -- storage area networks -- to connect large disk storage arrays to the clustered servers on the local network.
  • 在过去,你不得不把emc公司或存储技术公司的磁盘阵列接到ibm大型机上,以获得必要的速度若需要快速i/o,而存在多年的光纤通道在集的服务器和磁盘阵列之间提供了获得快速i/o的简易、成本有效的方法。
    In the past, if you needed fast I/O, you had to hook up a disk array from EMC or Storage Technology to an IBM mainframe to achieve the necessary speeds.Fibre Channel, which has been around for many years, provides an easy and cost-effective way to get fast I/O between clustered servers and disk arrays.
  • 不能在地主面前去打击或批评众团体及其干部,以致增高地主气焰。
    We cannot criticize or attack mass organizations or their cadres in front of the landlords, lest we inflate their arrogance.
  • 西印度岛白花植物,其根产食用淀粉。
    white-flowered West Indian plant whose root yields arrowroot starch.
  • 泽米任一种泽米属常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度岛,生有复叶,开有雌雄异体的球状花朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉
    Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies, having compound leaves, unisexual cones, and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot.
  • 亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗咬死
    A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs.
  • 脱罗央小行星的运动
    motion of Trojan group asteroid
  • 阿蒙特·巴桥内以惊人的10分钟优势技压雄获得自行车公路赛冠军,这是最令法国人骄傲的时刻,这种绝对优势在奥运史上是前无古人、后无来者。
    France proudest moment came in the cycling competition when Armand Balnchonnet won the road race by an astonishing 10 minutes-the most lopsided breakaway in Olympic history, before or after.
  • 农夫一整夜都在寻找他羊中迷失了的3只羊。
    The farmer spent all night looking for three of his sheep that had gone astray.
  • 革命党是众的向导,在革命中未有革命党领错了路而革命不失败的。
    A revolutionary party is the guide of the masses, and no revolution ever succeeds when the revolutionary party leads them astray.
  • 火奴鲁鲁西北部1300英里的夏威夷岛的一座环礁。
    an atoll in the Hawaiian Islands some 1300 mile northwest of Honolulu; site of an important United States naval base.
  • 拜里基基里巴斯的行政中心,位于太平洋中西部的吉尔伯特岛北部的塔拉瓦环礁上。人口1,956
    The administrative center of Kiribati, on Tarawa atoll in the northern Gilbert Islands of the west-central Pacific Ocean. Population,1, 956.
  • 马歇尔岛西部的一个环礁,二战中是日本的空军和海军基地。
    an atoll in the western Marshall Islands that was used as a Japanese air and naval base during World War II.
  • 夸贾林环礁太平洋西部马绍尔岛中的环礁。在二战期间,它被日本用作空军和海军基地
    An atoll in the Marshall Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. It was used as a Japanese air and naval base during World War II.
  • 艾尼威多克美国在太平洋中西部马歇尔岛的拉里克环岛中的一个环礁小岛,是美国1948-1954年间原子弹试验基地
    An atoll in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands in the west-central Pacific Ocean. It was the site of U.S. atomic tests from1948 to1954.