  •  中国大力开展强化计划免疫,有计划、大规模地儿童少年补碘,并进一步治理地方病,控制环境污染,对地甲病、克汀病、大骨节病流行地区,采取补碘、改土净水等措施。
    China has expended great eorts in strengthening the immunization program and in planned, large-scale replenishment of iodine for children. In order to further control endemic diseases and curb environmental pollution, it has taken effective measures such as replenishing iodine, improving soil and purifying water in regions where goiter, cretinism and Kaschin-Beck disease are rampant.
  • 不错,这一时期的征调工作,已有其相当的成绩,前线军队一般地得到了相当的补充,但这决不能成为一种根据,认为我们还可以继续那些不好的征调方式。它纵然可以供一时的补充,但绝不能满足长期抗战的需要。
    It is true that our recent recruitment efforts have been quite successful and our troops at the front have generally been kept replenished.This does not, however, mean that we can continue those undesirable methods of recruitment, since they can help supplement the army only for a short period of time and they can never serve the needs of a protracted war of resistance.
  • 政权的责任是服从于党的政治路线和政策的领导,扶植群众运动和照顾基本群众利益,巩固统一战线,爱护军队和解决军队的供、补充。
    It is the duty of the government to follow the Party's leadership by adhering to its political line and policies, support mass movements, take into consideration the interests of the main sections of the masses, consolidate the united front, and take good care of the army and guarantee its supplies and replenishment.
  • 坚持科技兴后勤,不断提高后勤保障手段的现代化水平,研制并为部队装备了一批野战、机动、高效的后勤补、生活保障、医疗救护、快速抢修装备,海上补、空中加油和第二炮兵机动保障等技术性强的专用后勤装备也有了长足发展。
    And by reliance on science and technology, logistical support has been invigorated, so as to continuously raise the level of the modernization in logistical support. Marked progress has been made in the research and development of highly technical and specialized logistical equipment to provide the armed forces with flexible and effective field facilities for logistical supply, sustainment support, medical aid and emergency repair, surface replenishment, air refueling and maneuverability support for the Second Artillery Force.
  • 他打开手提包,递我两张照片,一张正是我手里拿着的儿子照片的复制品,背面有我的笔迹:“谢谢你,罗西。”
    He opened the handbag and passed me two photographs. One was a replica of the picture I held in my hand. I turned it over and read in my own handwriting: “Thank you, Rosie.”
  • 威尼托意大利东北部的一个地区,临亚得里亚海。它从15世纪初以来一直受威尼斯的统治,在1797年转让奥地利并于1806年授了意大利
    A region of northeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Dominated by Venice since the early15th century, it passed to Austria in1797 and was awarded to Italy in1866.
  • 他未给我答覆。
    He vouchsafed no reply.
  • 她一个不恭敬的答复。
    He gave her an irreverent reply.
  • 追踪报道一篇文章或报导,用来先前报道过的新闻提供进一步的信息
    An article or a report giving further information on a previously reported item of news.
  • 我开始期待和她在大桥上会面,心情非常迫切。一天晚上,我将儿子的一张照片了她,和我钱夹里那张一模一样。
    I came to rely on these encounters to a remarkable degree and one evening gave her a small picture of Adrian, a duplicate of one I carried in my wallet.
  • 我们做了一个报告。
    He did us a report.
  • 我把报告传真给他。
    I fax him a report.
  • 据报导,他软禁起来了。
    He was reported under house arrest.
  • 将机密情报透露记者
    Leaked classified information to a reporter.
  • 记者上午版发稿的截止时间是(前一天的)下午八点。
    The reporter's deadline be 8 p.m. for the morning edition.
  • ”因此许多航空安全报告系统曾经报告:飞行员在提出更高或更低高度的请求后会执行并不是予他们的指令,这就没什么好惊讶的。
    It is not surprising that there have been many Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) reports of pilots accepting clearances not intended for them after requesting higher or lower altitudes.
  • 其中377人选择为船只补后继续航程。
    Of these, 377 elected to have their vessels repositioned and continued their journey.
  • …饰以波状或弯曲线条
    To adorn or decorate with wavy or winding lines.
  • 上个月,我寄你们由专家组写的一份报告。报告列出了如何加强联合国在和平和安全这个关键问题上的作用的详细建议。这个关键问题是,人民特别希望其国家,也特别希望联合国将他们从“战争的深渊”中解救出来。
    Last month I sent you a Repot, produced by a Pane1 of experts, which makes detailed suggestions for strengthening the United Nations in the crucial area of peace and security -- the area where people look especially to the State, and where the world's peoples look to the United Nations to save them "from the scourge of war".
  • 歪曲…一个不正确或误导性的叙述
    To give an incorrect or misleading representation of.
  •  (2)本联盟国家并承诺规定措施,准许不违反其本国法律而存在的联合会和社团,代表有利害关系的工业家、生产者或商人,在被请求予保护的国家法律允许该国的联合会和社团提出控诉的范围内,为了制止第九条、第十条和第十条之二所述的行为,向法院或行政机关提出控诉。第十—条〔发明、实用新型、外观设计、商标:在某些国际展览会中的临时保护〕
    They undertake, further, to provide measures to permit federations and associations representing interested industrialists, producers, or merchants, provided that the existence of such federations and associations is not contrary to the laws of their countries, to take action in the courts or before the administrative authorities, with a view to the repression of the acts referred to in Articles 9, 10, and 10bis, in so far as the law of the country in which protection is claimed allows such action by federations and associations of that country.Article 11
  • 领养家庭琳达送来了一大束鲜花,上面有一个卡片写着“这束鲜花是你在阿肯色州的家送你的”。
    The adoptive family sent Linda a big bouquet of flowers with a card "from your Arkansas family".
  • 由法院发出的将亲生父母权转让收养父母的命令
    Ordered by a court which legally transfers the rights of the natural parents to the adoptive parents
  • 他回答说:“如果你们是替这家店干活的并且保证不把它们卖掉,我就送你们。”
    To which he replied, "You can have them if you work for this store and do not resell them."
  • 我嫂子那个领养家庭打了电话,问他们想不想见见我。
    My sister-in-law telephoned the adoptive family and asked if they were interested in meeting me.
  • 买大量商品再卖其它商人而不是消费者的人。
    someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers.
  • 采取这个政策会他们解除一个巨大的负担。
    The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.
  • 他们把他们的孩子交领养服务中心。
    They resigned their child to an adoption agency.
  • 亨:是的,请我留一本。
    Yes please reserve one for me.
  • 给老师留几个坐位。
    Reserve several seats for the teachers.
  • 我给您订个座位吗?
    Shall I reserve you a seat?
  • 这些座位是留老年人的。
    These seats are reserved for old people.