  • 他把她送上了一艘駛嚮紐的汽船。
    He put her aboard a steamer bind for new york.
  • 瑪麗和翰大聲吼叫,足以把死者吵醒。
    Mary and John were bellowing and shouting enough to wake the dead.
  • 樂隊在都柏林組織了一場亮相演出,很快各大唱片公司的代表都嚮這群懵懂的男孩兒發出了簽邀請。
    The band organized a showcase in Dublin and soon representatives of every major record label were offering the bewildered boys contracts.
  • 翰森先生,您想不想看看我們的展品室?
    Mr john, will you like to have a look at our showroom?
  • 乞力馬紮羅山上的雪形成於大11000多年前,不論在文壇上,還是在旅遊觀光業中,它都始終保持着一種獨特的魅力。然而,科學家卻告訴我們,在過去的一個世紀中,這座非洲最高山峰的"雪帽"已經"縮水"80%,再過二十年,乞力馬紮羅山上的雪景就要消失了。
    The snow cap of Mount Kilimanjaro, famed in literature and beloved by tourists, first formed some 11,000 years ago, but will be gone in two decades, according to researchers who say the ice fields on Africa's highest mountain shrank by 80 percent in the past century.
  • 劉易斯將他親手簽署的條撕毀。
    Lewis tore to shreds the treaty he had signed.
  • 但是她在傳記中說自己曾是“一個女權主義者,曾經是悍婦”,一個有控製欲的怪人。沒完沒了的嘮叨找岔,貶低丈夫,幾乎葬送她與44歲的丈夫翰的婚姻。
    But the writer, who bills herself in her biography as " a feminist and former shrew," says she nearly ruined her marriage to husband John, 44, by becoming a control freak, constantly nagging and demeaning him.
  • 她還出演過兩部重要的古典紐舞臺劇《馴悍記》和《我們的城市》,但發現由於其"熒屏女星"的名聲,戲劇方面的角色越來越難找了。
    Hunt also starred in two major classical New York theatre productions The Taming of the Shrew and Our Town?but found theatre work harder and harder to come by because of her reputation as a “ television” actress.
  • 精明的商人;精明的房客總是會閱讀租上的小字;他太精明了,永遠也不會與他們一起走上不歸之路。
    a smart businessman; an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease; he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow.
  • 如果這位美國服裝設計師想藉着將剋郡主列入他大張旗鼓的“服裝最劣”名人榜上而製造新聞的話,他在倫敦果然上了報。那裏一傢小報高喊:“神經病!”
    If this American designer hoped to get some ink by putting the Duchess of York on his blatant "worst-dressed list" of celebrities, he got it in London, where a tabloid shrieked:"What A Jerk!"
  • 民衆吼叫着。在這吼叫聲中,風車翰的嗓音蓋過一切,好似尼姆③嘈雜樂隊演奏中的短笛聲,刺透了喧囂。
    shouted the audience, the shrill voice of Joannes de Molendino sounding above all the rest, and piercing the general uproar like the fife in a charivari at Names.
  • 在今年的儀式中,我們會把曾為保徖香港而捐軀的一百一十五位獨立大隊成員的名錄,存放在紀念龕中,與原本載有九百名陣亡戰士姓名的名錄並列,以正式表揚東江縱隊港九獨立大隊在抗戰時期所作出的貢獻和英勇行為。
    As part of this year's ceremony, we will add a list containing the names of 115 members of the Hong Kong Independent Battalion of the Dongjiang Column who died in the defence of Hong Kong to the Roll of Honour kept in the Memorial Shrine.
  • 1998年《新共和》雜志刊登了一篇文章可能最能說明格林斯潘被神化了的形象。這篇人們議論得非常多的文章說,一傢紐的債券交易公司設了一個格林斯潘的神龕來供奉他的紀念物(兩支他曾經用過的大班筆,一張他曾經坐過的椅子),還在墻上寫滿了他的“教誨”。
    The strongest case for Greenspan's deified status was probably made in the much -- talked-about 1998 New Republic article that told of a New York bond?trading firm with a Greenspan shrine, complete with relics (two Bicpens he had used; a chair he had once sat in) and a wall covered with his “teachings”.
  • 瓦臘納西印度中部偏東北恆河上的一座城市,位於勒剋瑙城的東南部,它是印度最古老的城市之一,有大1500座宙宇、宮殿或聖殿並成為印度教朝聖聖地。人口708,647
    A city of northeast-central India on the Ganges River southeast of Lucknow. One of India's oldest cities, it is a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site with some1, 500 temples, palaces, and shrines. Population,708, 647.
  • 她想,“我一定又變小了,”她起來步到桌子邊,量一量自己,正像她猜測的那樣,她現在大衹有二英寸高了,而且還在迅速地縮下去,她很快發現是拿着的那把扇子在作怪,於是她趕緊扔掉扇子,總算快,要不就縮得沒有了。
    she thought. `I must be growing small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause of this was the fan she was holding, and she dropped it hastily, just in time to avoid shrinking away altogether.
  • 政府擁有六條隧道,包括獅子山隧道、香港仔隧道、機場隧道、城門隧道、將軍澳隧道及長青隧道,均交由私營公司根據管理合經營及管理。
    The government owns six of the road tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 獅子山、香港仔、機場、城門、將軍澳及長青6條港府擁有的隧道,已交由私營公司根據管理合經營管理。
    The six government-owned tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 合理和節利用土地尤其是耕地資源,加強城市環境基礎設施建設,規劃産業結構和佈局,避免走先污染後治理的老路。加強流域污染防治,保證居民飲水安全。
    Land, the arable land in particular should be used reasonably and economically. Strong measures will be taken to strengthen the building of the urban environmental infrastructure, regulate industrial structure and lay-out, shun the unpromising way of "first pollution, last treatment", strengthen the prevention and control of the pollution in major river valleys to ensure the security of the drinking water of the inhabitants.
  • 美國,大衹有1/4的婦女每日鈣的攝取量達到專傢建議的標準,即1000至1300毫剋,相當於3.5杯脫脂牛奶中的所含的鈣。他們不敢食用奶製品是因為想減肥。
    Only about one out of every four American women gets the recommended daily calcium intake -- 1,000 to 1,300 mg, the equivalent of about three and a half cups of skim milk -- often because they're shunning dairy products in an attempt to lose weight.
  • 他趕上九點鐘飛往紐的班機。
    He caught the nine-o'clock shuttle to New York.
  • 慈悲一點吧!讓我撕毀這張藉吧。──不能撕?那麽安東尼奧你做好準備;夏洛剋拿起你的刀子。
    Be merciful! Let me destroy this paper.- No? Then, Antonio, be ready; and Shylock, take your knife.
  • 慈悲一點吧!讓我撕毀這張藉吧。──不能撕?那麽安東尼奧你做好準備;夏洛剋拿起你的刀子。
    Be merciful! Let me Let me destroy this paper.- No? Then, Antonio, be ready; and Shylock, take your knife.
  • 訂明如果3個月不還,就要在安東尼奧身體的任何地方割下一磅肉。
    Accordjng to the contract thev signed,if Antonio failed to repay the monev in three months,Shylock would have the right to cut one pound of flesh from any part of Antonio.
  • 雅納河一條流經蘇聯西伯利亞中部和北部的河流,長1,207公裏(750英裏),嚮北流入拉普帕夫海
    A river, about1, 207 km(750 mi) long, of central and northern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing northward to the Laptev Sea.
  • 葉尼塞河蘇聯西伯利亞中部一河流,流程4,023公裏(2,500英裏),嚮西而且大致嚮北流經一長海灣葉尼塞灣流入喀拉海
    A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about4, 023 km(2, 500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary.
  • 鄂畢河原蘇聯西西伯利亞的一條河流,流長3700公裏(2300英裏),嚮北流至大西洋的一個海灣鄂畢灣
    A river, about3, 700 km(2, 300 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing generally northward to the Gulf of Ob, an arm of the Arctic Ocean.
  • 勒拿河前蘇聯西伯利亞東部的一條河流,發源於貝加爾湖附近,嚮東北和北部流入拉普捷夫海,流程4,296公裏(2,670英裏)。其三角洲寬402公裏(250英裏)
    A river of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. rising near Lake Baikal and flowing about4, 296 km(2, 670 mi) northeast and north to the Laptev Sea. Its delta is some402 km(250 mi) wide.
  • 史蒂文斯最近拍攝的一部獲奬影片反映了他設法尋找生身父親和大200名同父異母兄弟姐妹的經歷。他正參與遊說加拿大政府讓人工授精孩子瞭解關於捐精者更多情況的活動。
    Stevens, who recently made an award-winning film about trying to track down his biological father -- and perhaps 200 half-siblings -- is part of a lobby pushing the Canadian government to give DI offspring more details about donors.
  • 石頭上雕刻的神秘符號;神秘的作品;他的大部分發音完全都是神秘的——翰·鞏特爾。
    cabalistic symbols engraved in stone; cryptic writings; thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements- John Gunther.
  • 美國廣播公司,經過多次試圖輓救它4000萬元投資而無功後,决定在第一年結束後罷手,並以和解的方式來結束兩年的合
    After many attempts to save its $40 million investment…ABC decided to call it quite at the end of the first year and make a settlement on the two-year contract.
  • 讓我來自我介紹一下,我叫翰·史密斯,是abc電腦公司的技術員。
    Let me make a self- introduction first. My name is John Smith, a technician from the ABC computer company.
  • “哥倫比亞廣播公司早晨新聞”女主播丹尼爾斯,上周已决定跟隨她的以前助手索耶(九月已離紐)的腳步辭職。
    Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the "CBS Early Morning News," was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September.