  • 北美的一种罗布麻属植物,产生一种粗质纤维,过去常被美洲本地人用来编制绳索;有于民间医药治关节疼痛或关节炎。
    Canadian dogbane yielding a tough fiber used as cordage by native Americans; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints.
  • 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为出院病人提供精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治服务。
    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals offer community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service to discharged patients.
  • 对于这位71岁的心理治学家来说,借助互联网寻找捐赠者还是头一遭,而且她认为这种做法也风险重重。
    For the 71-year-old psychotherapist, searching for a donor over the Internet is a new experience, and one she acknowledges is fraught with risk.
  • 左旋多巴左旋形式的多巴,用于治帕金森综合症
    The levorotatory form of dopa, used to treat Parkinson's disease.
  • 杰夫:事情的起因是一次边境检查。1998年7月9日,环法赛开始前3天,法国和比利时边境处,边防官员在参赛的费斯蒂纳队医人员威利·沃特车中发现大约400瓶药物,其中包括3种不同类型的违禁药品epo和少量类固醇。
    Jeff: On July 9, three days before the Tour de France began, a masseur for the Festina team, Willy Voet, was stopped at the Franco-Belgium border. His car was found to contain more than 400 doping products, including EPO and a small amount of steroid. The police of Lyons, where the headquarter of the team was located, immediately put Voet under formal investigation.
  • 冲洗治法使用冲洗液冲洗或治
    To cleanse or treat by means of a douche.
  • 这些病人由威尔逊医生治
    These patients are under the charge of Dr Wilson.
  • 由刘大夫给她治疗。
    She was attended by Dr.Liu.
  • 贺尔医师正在研究小儿麻痹症的新治法。
    Dr. Hall is studying a new treatment for polio.
  • 淋巴结发炎说明机体的废物处理机制受到阻塞。这时可以采用淋巴排毒按摩法。
    If your lymph glands are swollen, showing your waste disposal mechanism is blocked, lymphatic drainage massage will help.
  • 纳什对60年代所能提供的治反应很强烈,毕竟当时的治手段很落后,有时甚至会有生命危险。
    Nash responded dramatically to treatments available in the 1960s -- crude and sometimes dangerous as these were.
  • 折断并打开一片尖尖的叶子,把它那粘稠无色的凝胶挖出来就可以直接敷在皮肤上,用于治烧伤、湿疹、割伤、溃疡、牛皮癣、伤疤和太阳灼晒。
    Break off the spiky leaf and open it up, scoop out the sticky colourless gel to put directly on to the skin to heal burns, eczema, cuts, ulcers, psoriasis, scars and sunburn.
  • 用训练和其他物理法医治伤害或功能紊乱的临床医学家。
    a therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder.
  • "因为工人的工资被扣除了医保险,所以他们赚得的钱就少了。"
    Those workers earned less money because of deductions for medical insurance from their wages.
  • 在我们行进的道路上,给那些被人间欲望所断送的人留下我们的宽恕吧,也许一种神圣的希望可以拯救他们,就像那些老婆子在劝人接受她们的治方法时所说的:即使没有什么好处,也不会有什么坏处。
    Let us leave along our way the charity of our forgiveness for those whom earthly desires have brought low, who shall perhaps be saved by hope in heaven and, as wise old dames say when they prescribe remedies of their own making, if it dies no good then at least it can do no harm.
  • 他们来中国学习如何监测和预报地震;学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治方面是怎样取得如此巨大成就的。
    How you monitor and predict earthquakes, how you've made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer.
  • 全身治的药物;注重整体的生态学
    Holistic medicine; holistic ecology.
  • 这种药治头痛有很好的效。
    The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.
  • 有效申斥;洗液在治痱子方面很有效。
    an effective reprimand; a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat.
  • 等候治者的名单(如等待做手术的)
    A hospital waiting-list, eg for operations
  • 尽管它不能使你的口气清爽,但却是自古埃及时代就用来预防和治疾病的全能抗菌药。
    Although it doesn’t do much for breath freshness, garlic’s an all-round antibiotic used since Egyptian times to heal or prevent illness.
  • 老年人康复医疗
    rehabilitation for the elderly
  • 「长者健康中心」除了提供预防疾病和促进健康的服务外,还会为长者治疾病。
    In addition to services in disease prevention and health promotion, the elderly health centres also provide medical treatment for the elderly.
  • 他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医知识。
    Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.
  • 科学家还认为,克隆技术不仅可用于培育动物,而且有助于培育可用于治疾病的胚胎干细胞。
    Scientists also say cloning technology may be useful not to make animals,but to make embryonic stem cells that could be used to treat diseases.
  • 自从科学家们10年前开始临床试验基因法以来,他们就一致同意不对人类精子,卵子和胚胎的基因做改动。
    Ever since scientists started testing gene therapy in clinical trials more than a decade ago, they've agreed never to alter genes in human sperm, eggs, or embryos.
  • ”但是随着新的治方法的出现,这种态度正在转变。
    But that attitude is changing as new therapies emerge.
  • 如今,医机构遍布城乡,医卫生服务体系基本形成。
    But nowadays, medical institutions can be found everywhere, and a comprehensive medical and health service system has begun to emerge.
  • 在私人医院,若非急诊,则需先出具保险证明,然后才能接受治
    For non-emergencies, proof of insurance is a prerequisite for receiving care in a private hospital.
  • 于是,我们就在另一条道路上开始了另一类竞赛,长达4年之久的马拉松赛--从家到斯坦福大学医中心来回奔走,进行手术、放射性治、化和一些其他的紧急处理。
    So we began another race down another road:a four-year-long marathon to Stanford University Medical Center for surgeries,radiation,chemo and more than a few emergencies.
  • 为了对付紧急情况而采用程序(尤其指医紧急情况)。
    a procedure adopted to meet an emergency (especially a medical emergency).
  • 伦理的经验基础;经验主义的法则;源自经验的数据;对知之甚少的疾病的经验式法。
    an empirical basis for an ethical theory; empirical laws; empirical data; an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known.