  • 产于美国草原地区的雪貂;几乎绝。
    ferret of prairie regions of United States; nearly extinct.
  • 狂暴的显示毁性的;残忍的
    Disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce.
  • 不像血红细胞,血液替代品能进行巴式菌、过滤和化学净化使之无菌。
    Unlike red blood cells, blood substitutes can be pasteurized, filtered and chemical-cleansed to make them sterile.
  • 把火扑灭
    Beat out the fire
  • 扑灭火灾
    Stamp out a fire
  • 不要让火灭掉。
    Keep the fire in.
  • 扑灭一场大火
    Put out a fire.
  • 把火踩灭。
    Stamp out the fire.
  • 炉火颤动欲灭。
    The fire flickers low.
  • 不发火发火失败,用于火器
    To fail to discharge. Used of a firearm.
  • 至于新的五号火轮,已于十月建成,将于一九九八年提供防护屯门第38区内河船货运码头的新服务。
    The new Fireboat No.5 was completed in October to provide a new service to protect the River Trade Terminal in Tuen Mun Area 38 in 1998.
  • 这些受潮的爆竹嘶嘶地响过之后就掉了。
    The damp firecrackers fizzled out.
  • 消防队员不久即扑了那场火。
    The fireman soon put the fire out.
  • 救火员停下一两分钟匆匆喝一杯冷水,又返身投入火的战斗中去了。
    The fireman paused for a couple minutes, gulped down a cup of cold water and returned to the job of fighting the fire.
  • 消防队员很快把火扑了。
    Firemen soon put the fire out.
  • 在消防队员到之前,火已被扑
    The fire was put out before the firemen arrived.
  • 消防队员们冒着生命危险扑了大火。
    The firemen risked life and limb to put out a blaze.
  • 消防队员冒着生命危险扑这场大火。
    The firemen risked life and limb to put out the blaze.
  • 消防队员终于扑了加利福尼亚洲的一场森林大火。
    At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in Califorina.
  • 消防队员花了近两个小时才把大火扑
    It took the firemen nearly two hours to put the blaze out.
  • 消防队员消防队中火的成员
    A member of a fire department who fights fires.
  • 山火和清理海上油污;
    to combat forest fires and oil pollution at sea;
  • 一种手操作的循环泵;用来火。
    a hand-operated reciprocating pump; used in fighting fires.
  • 救火艇,救火船为扑沿水滨区和船上大火而装备起来的船
    A boat equipped to fight fires along waterfronts and on ships.
  • 努力熄火灾的消防队成员。
    a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires.
  • 一种绝了的、像鱼一样脊椎动物。
    an extinct fishlike vertebrate.
  • 绝的有甲脊椎动物,外形与鱼相似;其分类尚不明确。
    extinct group of armored fishlike vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear.
  • 已经绝的长有很重披甲的鱼形无颚动物;古生代的生物。
    extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body; of the Paleozoic.
  • 现已绝的无颚有甲鱼类或鱼状脊椎动物;其分类尚不明确。
    extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fishlike vertebrate; taxonomy is not clear.
  • 烛火摇曳着,随即熄了。
    The candle flame flickered and went out.
  • 火焰熄灭了。
    The flame go out.
  • 火焰熄灭了。
    The flame goes out.