  • cóng gēn fēn chū hǎo duō zhī tiáo de xíng
    a figure that branches from a single root.
  • tōng guò tiáo 'ér shēng gēn
    To take root as a result of layering.
  • tiáo jiāng zhī tiáo mái zài zhōng shǐ shēng gēnér tóng shí yòu shì cún huó de zhí de fēn
    A stem that is covered with soil for rooting while still part of the living plant.
  • tiáo shǐ réng zhí xiāng lián jiē de shù zhīnèn tiáo huò jīng shēng gēn de guò chéng tōng guò jīng guò shū chǔlǐ de fēn fàng shī rùn de rǎng zhōng de fāng
    The process of rooting branches, twigs, or stems that are still attached to a parent plant, as by placing a specially treated part in moist soil.
  • jiǎo tòng gēn zhǒng bǎi fěn tiáo ér cài shǔ duō nián shēng cǎo běn zhí bié shì běi měi fěn tiáo ér càichǎn běi měi dōng cháng yòu bái xiǎo huā de zǒng zhuàng huā gēn jīng zuì chū yòng yào zhōng zhì liáo shàn tòng
    Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
  • kàn dào zhèng zài gěi méi guī xiū jiǎn zhī tiáo
    I found him pruning his roses.
  • pterostylis shǔ de rèn zhǒng lán huā shēng lián zuò cónghuā cháng yòu huò hóng tiáo wéně piàn bèi xiàng nèi wān chéng kuī zhuàng
    any of numerous orchids of the genus Pterostylis having leaves in a basal rosette and green flowers often striped purple or brown or red with the dorsal sepal incurved to form a hood.
  • zhōng měi zhōu de zhǒng shùchū chǎn dài yòu shēn tiáo wén de guì zhòng hóng
    Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood.
  • huáng tán shǔ de yìng cái shù de rèn zhǒngzhì zào guì zhòng jiā de cáishēn hóng huò dài tiáo wén hēi bān wén
    any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black.
  • zhàn zhēng de wēi xié shǐ jīng xiāo tiáo
    The threat of war has depressed business activity.
  • zhóu xiàn shēn huò zhuàndòng huò bèi shè xiǎng chéng zhuàndòng suǒ wéi rào de tiáo zhí xiàn
    A straight line about which a body or geometric object rotates or may be conceived to rotate.
  • chì dào píng miàn shàng de yóu liǎng tiáo xiāng chuí zhí de zhóu zhī chēng de zhōng tiáo zhóu píng xíng
    Having or constituting a support with two perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's rotational axis.
  • zhū shēn zhù suǒ kǎishàng zhào jīn niǔ kòu de hēi róng wài tàotóu dài jīn de yín kòu de jiān dǐng tóu kuīruò fēi liǎn shàng de yān zhī nóng zhē zhù miàn de bànruò fēi shǒu zhí zhuì mǎn jīn shǔ shì piànmáo mǎn jīn tiáo de jīn zhǐ bǎn yuán tǒng héng héng míng yǎn rén kàn biàn zhī dào dài biǎo ruò fēi liǎng zhǐ guāng jiǎo 'àn zhào fāng shì shì zhe cǎi dài me shēn wēi yán de zhuāng shùzhēn tóng bèi gōng jué jìn wèi jūn zhōng liè de gōng jiàn shǒuxiàng měi liǎo
    Jupiter was arrayed in a brigandine or shirt of mail of black velvet thickly studded with gilt nails, on his head was a helmet embellished with silver-gilt buttons, and but for the rouge and the great beard which covered respectively the upper and lower half of his face, but for the roll of gilded pasteboard in his hand studded with iron spikes and bristling with jagged strips of tinsel, which experienced eyes at once recognised as the dread thunder-bolt, and were it not for his flesh-coloured feet, sandalled and beribboned á la Grecque, you would have been very apt to mistake him for one of M. de Berry s company of Breton archers.
  • zhuànxiàng mǒu zhǐ dìng zhǐ de fēi biān chéng de tiáo jiàn zhuǎn shì yóu yìng jiàn dòng huó dezài zhuǎn chū zhǐ shàngjiàng shēng chéng
    An unprogrammed conditional jump to a specified address that is automatically activated by hardware, a recording being made of the location from which the jump occurred.
  • zài huán zhuàng jiāo chā kǒucóng sān tiáo chū shǐ chū
    At the roundabout, take the third exit.
  • wān tiáo huí zhé de yóu zhǐ tiáo dài zhùgàn dào de lín shí shǐ yòng de jìng
    A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.
  • tiáo jǐng yōu měi dàn shì huí zhé de xiànyòu zuò huǒ chē yòu zuò lún chuán de màn cháng zhé de chéng kāi jiāo tōng gāo fēng de zhuǎn wān jiǎo de xiàn
    a scenic but devious route; a long and circuitous journey by train and boat; a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic.
  • tiáo gǒu xiàng de rén měng guò
    The dog rounded on its attackers.
  • shǐ yòng shí xiān xuǎn gāi xiàng huó yòu biān de huá dòng tiáorán hòu yòng zuǒ jiàn tóu huò yòu jiàn tóu lái jìn xíng yīn liàng tiáozhěng
    Select it to activate the slider bar on the right, then use the leave and right arrows to adjust the volume.
  • shí tiáo zhí quán de xíng wéi
    Article 58 Ex Officio Action
  • dàn guǒ méi yòu liù tiáo fāng zhēnjiù néng bàn dào néng yáng xìngràng jiā lái bàn cái zhèng
    However, we cannot do this without these six principles, which are needed to rouse the departments to play a positive role in managing their own finances.
  • guǎn shì xiǎng wéi cháng sàn zēng tiān xiē xīng fèn huò shì shǐ huó yuè lái 'ér cān jiā fǎng shā chéngyòng xià miàn tiáo zhēn shí de shōu lái héng liàng xià duì shí jiān de tóu
    Whether you're trying to muster up some excitement for your daily walk or rouse yourself to attend a Spinning class, check out these seven real and measurable returns on your investment of time.
  • jiāng kāi tiáo xiàn
    I'll avoid that route.
  • shì tiáo jìn
    Is that the short route?
  • zhè tiáo xiàn jiào jìn
    This is a shorter route.
  • jiāng kāi tiáo xiàn
    I will not fly that route.
  • míng hàn zài zhè tiáo xiàn shàng
    Is the Birmingham on the route?
  • zhè tiáo xiàn hěn róng tàn
    This route is easy of exploration.
  • suí zhe tiān shuǐ wéi iii zhī xiàn gōng chéng zài jiǔ jiǔ nián sān yuè wán chéng hòuqīng tiě tǒng xiàn quán cháng 32 gōng gòng yòu 8 tiáo xiàn、 57 chē zhàn 119 jié chē dān huò shuāng liè chē xíng zǒu
    With the commissioning of the Tin Shui Wai Phase III extension in March 1995, the system route length is now 32 kilometres with eight routes, 57 stops and a fleet of 119 cars,either operating singly or in pairs.
  • zài zhuān yíng quán jiè mǎn qiánzhōng zài gǎng dǎo jīng yíng 83 tiáo shì xiànbìng fēn bié yíng liǎng tiáo jiǔ lián yíng 41 tiáo guò hǎi xiàn
    Before its franchise expired, CMB operated 83 routes on Hong Kong Island, 41 cross-harbour routes jointly with KMB and two cross-harbour routes on its own.
  • jié zhì jiǔ jiǔ nián xīn gòng jīng yíng 61 tiáo gǎng dǎo shì xiànyòu fēn bié jiǔ lián yíng 30 tiáo yíng liǎng tiáo guò hǎi xiàn
    At the end of 1998, NWFB operated 61 local routes and 32 cross-harbour routes, 30 of which were jointly operated with KMB.
  • jiǔ jiǔ nián jiǔ yuè chéng jiē bàn liǎo zhōng 11 tiáo xiàn
    On September 1, 1998, the company took over 11 routes from CMB.