  • 你休想把你的责任到我身上。
    Don't try and land me with your responsibilities!
  • 靠朋友荐,则会带有朋友的个人偏好;销售商可能会根据市场和销售的趋势来向你荐音乐;而网上的音乐搜索引擎有不能搜索跨流派或介于两流派间的音乐,例如肃穆的爵士乐,摇滚吉他歌曲等等。
    Recommendations by friends can often be skewed by personal preferences. Music retailers, on the other hand, may make recommendations based on marketing and sales trends. And online music search engines often can't find matches across genres - awesome jazz and rock guitar songs, for example.
  • (以滑雪棒)进加速使用滑雪杖来保持或增加速度
    To use ski poles to maintain or gain speed.
  • 用两个船桨动的亚洲人使用的小船。
    an Asian skiff usually propelled by two oars.
  • 史密斯先生负责产品的销售与广。
    Mr Smith takes care of marketing and publicity.
  • 妮弗·洛佩兹在一次全国性的女演员选拔中脱颖而出,平生头一遭被到了聚光灯下。那是为导演格雷戈里·纳瓦的电影《塞莱娜》挑选演员,这是部关于一位被害的泰迦诺歌唱家的传记片。其票房成绩不俗。
    Jennifer Lopez was first thrust into the spotlight when she won out in a nationwide search for an actress to play the lead role in Selena,director Gregory Nava's biopic about the slain Tejano singer.
  • 面对邻国海港的竞争压力,港务集团最近出了一系列的新措施,希望这项称为“与时并进”的政策可以加强海港的竞争能力。
    Confronted with immense pressure from neighbouring competitors, PSA has announced the slew of measures under its “stay relevant” policy to sharpen its competitive edge.
  • 王平:项目还真是不少,夏季项目有射箭、射击、游泳、击剑、排球、卧、摔跤、60米和1000米轮椅赛跑:冬季项目有速度滑雪、障碍滑雪、雪橇、长距离滑雪等。
    Wang Ping: The events are quite a lot. The summer events in-dude archery, shooting, swimming, fencing, volleyball, lying on back and push, wrestling, 60 meters and 1000 meters running on wheel-chairs; the winter events include speed skiing, slalom, sleigh and long distance skiing.
  • 荐一道蔬菜馅饼,它是这家餐馆的名菜。
    I can recommend the vegetable pie - it's the specialty of the house.
  • 《考克斯报告》诬称,中国通过商业发射“获缺了美国的制导技术并进了中国导弹的发展。
    The Cox Report slanders China by saying it had "acquired" US missile guidance technology through commercial launches to promote the development of its own missiles.
  • 每当这时候,我或姐妹们就用小孩子玩的雪橇穿过纽约市布鲁克林大街把他到地铁入口处。
    At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance.
  • 车在结了冰的路上拐弯时滑进了沟里。把抽屈进原处。
    Slide the drawer into its place.
  • 这五斗柜的抽屉容易进和拉出。
    The bureau drawers slide in and out easily.
  • 我由于一位朋友荐而买了这本书。
    I bought this magazine on the recommendation of a friend.
  • 这张书桌的抽屉拉出进都很容易。
    The drawers of this desk slide in and out easily.
  • 能在微小基础上进行理的。
    able to be inferred on slight grounds.
  • 我们十分赞赏你方在销我方拖鞋时所作的努力。
    We appreciate your effort in pushing the sale of our slippers.
  • 作为你方代理我们将不遗余力地在我们的市场上销你们的拖鞋。
    As your agent we shall spare no effort to promote the sale of your slippers on our market.
  • 政府搭台,部门动,企业唱戏
    "Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show."
  • 政府根据全面的斜坡安全策略,在二零零零年四月展开为期十年、预算达90亿元的防止山泥倾泻计划。这个新行的计划旨在有系统地巩固不符合标准的政府斜坡并对私人斜坡进行安全筛选。
    As part of the Government's comprehensive Slope Safety Strategy, a new 10-year Landslip Preventive Measures (LPM) Programme, with a budget of about $9 billion, was launched in April 2000 to systematically upgrade substandard government slopes and carry out safety screening of private slopes.
  • 然后你在入口处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币口,就能动转门进去了。
    Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
  • 你在入口处转门那儿把辅币塞进投币孔里,就能动转门进去了。
    You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.
  • 将辅币置入旋转栅门的狭槽内,然后开旋转栅门进去。
    You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in.
  • 产科内诊用手指急子宫,通过其反弹来检测胎儿的存在和位置
    The use of a finger to push sharply against the uterus and detect the presence or position of a fetus by its return impact.
  • 懒散的轻率的理;轻率的言辞;欠考虑的观点是偏见的支撑。
    slovenly inconsiderate reasoning; unconsidered words; prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions.
  • 过去的改变慢、行动慢、要好好考虑的决策方式,必须因应科技的进步、资讯传播的速度而改变,但是走的方向还是要实实在在,这才是我们要广的新价值观。
    Given the ever-changing technologies and fast-flowing information, we should do away with the slow changes, sluggish actions and time-consuming decision-making in the old days. Yet we must maintain a steady orientation for our growth. This is the new value we need.
  • 除了凭着对过去的经验加以类之外,我们对今后的事一无所知。(美国总统 林肯 . A .)
    We know nothing of what will happen in future , but by the analogy of past experience. (Abraham Lincoln , American president)
  • 不知为什麽这个销员的圆滑使他恼怒。
    Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman.
  • 洛杉矶不断地出电影和电视节目,纽约使股市和公司总部正常运转,但双方都可以指着对方自鸣得意地说:“看,我们不像东海岸那些人那样累得半死。”
    Los Angeles continues to produce films and television, and New York keeps the stock market and corporate headquarters going, but both have the smug satisfaction of pointing to the other and saying, "See?
  • 现在的口号是节流。削减预算的提案不久就会宣布。在此以前奥尔巴尼[市府与议会]的每个人都应扬弃互相卸责任,而应咬紧牙关。
    The watchword is lower sppending. Proposed budget cuts will be announced shortly. Until then, everybody in Albany should swear off buckpassing and bite the budget bullet.
  • 似是而非的理;这个似是而非的论来自模糊的因果关系-埃塞尔艾伯特。
    specious reasoning; the spurious inferences from obsolescent notions of causality- Ethel Albert.
  • 结果他们成功地为bbc出了一张电视音乐专辑。
    The result was a successful album of TV music for the BBC.