  • 有、发挥或者展示出精力。
    possessing or exerting or displaying energy.
  • 有、发挥或展示精力
    Possessing, exerting, or displaying energy.
  • 我们有足够的力量来击退任何进攻。
    We dispose of enough strength to hold off any attack.
  • 此外,英美两国有力量强大的印刷媒体、广播与电子媒体,协助它们向全世界输送英美文化。
    Moreover, they also have a powerful and effective print, broadcasting and electronic media, which are potent tools to help disseminate their culture.
  • 此外,英美两国还有强大而有效的印刷媒体、广播与电子媒体,有利的支持它们向全世界输送英美文化。
    Moreover, they also have a powerful and effective print, broadcasting and electronic media, which are potent tools to help disseminate their culture throughout the world.
  • 有一些使之更美丽或更有特点的东西。
    provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction.
  • 拥有独特刺耳的嗓音
    A voice with a distinctive metallic quality.
  • 属一群有共同祖先和明显特征的有机体,尤指属于同一物种的一群,通过人工选择来发展,通过有控制的繁殖来维持
    A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
  • 拥有辉煌过去的老人
    An elderly person with a distinguished past.
  • 中国的和平立场和行动表明,印度以其邻国有核武器来作为进行核试验的借口,是完全站不住脚的。
    China's stand and act for peace indicates that the excuse used by India that its nuclear tests were prompted by distrust for a nuclear weapon-possessing neighbor is totally groundless.
  • 这个城市所有的阿拉伯人,无论是伊斯兰教徒,还是基督教徒,听说犹太人哈卡姆挽救了一个有名望的家庭,使其避免了耻辱和分裂的悲剧,都一个传十个地说:“无愧于智者称号的一代人是有福的,有像他这样人的民族是幸福的”。
    And all the Arabs of the city, Muslims and Christians alike, who heard how Hakham of the Jews had saved an honored family from shame and disunion, whispered to one another, " Blessed is the generation that was worthy of a Dayan like that and happy is the nation that has the likes of him."
  • 奥瓦通纳明尼苏达州东南部一城市,位于明尼阿波利斯南部。它有多样化的工业。人口19,386
    A city of southeast Minnesota south of Minneapolis. It has diversified industries. Population,19, 386.
  • 但是生计不再是朝不保夕的了,因为较幸运的人除了用多余物品养活那些运气不好的人以外别无他用,而与他们联系在—起的人愈多,他们愈感到安全,有的力量也愈大。这样一来,他们就可摆脱所有劳动,而只进行监督管理,就可迫使部属在战时为他们打仗,在和平时期为他们干活。
    But subsistence has ceased to be precarious, since the more successful have no other use which they can make of their surplus than to feed the less fortunate, while every increase in the number of persons connected with them is an increase both of security and of power: and thus they are enabled to divest themselves of all labour except that of government and superintendence, and acquire dependents to fight for them in war and to serve them in peace.
  • 本港港口有大量设施,供载重量达15万吨的各类船舶以至钻油台,进行修理、进干船坞或上排。
    The port has extensive facilities for repairing, dry-docking and slipping all types of vessels of up to 150 000 dead-weight tonnes, including oil rigs.
  • 有文件或者有文件支持。
    furnished with or supported by documents.
  • 每天在此时市中心将会非常挤。
    Downtown will is very crowded at this time of day.
  • 有自己的企业的梦想
    A dream of owning their own business.
  • 米卢已经指导了四支国家队,使他们在世界杯决赛阶段进入第二轮,并且他还有一份可以引以为荣的世界杯个人简历--这说明了为什么他会被冠以“奇迹创造者”的绰号(这是美国足协前主席艾伦·罗滕伯格为他起的)。
    Milutinovic has steered four countries through to the second stage of the competition and boasts a World Cup c.v.-- that explains his nickname as " the miracle worker" , as Alan Rothenberg, the former president of the United States Soccer Federation, dubbed him.
  • 他名叫约翰,有公爵的爵位和勇敢的声誉。
    He bears the name of John, the title of duke, and a reputation of courage.
  • 鲍勃·霍普因为有人把一间房子丢在他所有的一块空地上大为光火。
    Bob Hope is seeing red over a building that's been dumped on a vacant lot he owns.
  • 地主有或出租土地、建筑物或居住单元的人
    A person who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
  • 女地主有供出租的土地或居住单元的女性
    A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.
  • 至此,vlan配置的很多复杂性将消失,网络管理人员将有能唯一响应业务连网动态变化的工具。
    At that point, many VLAN configuration complexities will disappear, and network managers will have a tool that's uniquely responsive to the dynamics of business networking.
  • 他们互相拥抱。
    They embraced each other.
  • 因为嫉妒而急切地想有某物。
    an envious eagerness to possess something.
  • 伯爵领地一位伯爵有的领土
    The territory of an earl.
  • 一位伯爵有的领土。
    the domain controlled by an earl or count or countess.
  • 西藏地方政府及藏族僧俗人民一致护,并在毛主席及中央人民政府的领导下,积极协助人民解放军进藏部队,巩固国防,驱逐帝国主义势力出西藏,保护祖国领土主权的统一”。
    The Tibetan local government as well as ecclesiastic and secular people unanimously support this agreement, and under the leadership of Chairman Mao and the central people's government, will actively assist the PLA troops entering Tibet in consolidating national defense, ousting imperialist influences from Tibet and safeguarding the unification of the territory and the sovereignty of the motherland."
  • 从教会到国民有的财产的移交。
    transfer of property from ecclesiastical to civil possession.
  • 不可转让的不动产(比如教会团体有的不动产)。
    real property held inalienably (as by an ecclesiastical corporation).
  • 《每日回声报》有读者逾一千万人
    The Daily Echo has a readership of over ten million
  • 现在,让我们来设想一下:这座长方形的宽阔大厅,在一月某一天,光线暗淡,入了一大群人,衣著五颜六色,吵吵闹闹,沿墙逛荡,绕着七根大柱转悠,这么一想,就大致可以对整个场面有个模糊的印象了。下面再更确切地说一说一些有趣的细节。
    Now let the reader picture to himself that immense, oblong Hall under the wan light of a January morning and invaded by a motley, noisy crowd, pouring along the walls and eddying round the pillars, and he will have some idea of the scene as a whole, the peculiarities of which we will presently endeavour to describe more in detail.