  • 有些恶意的传家,故意混淆这两个不同的革命阶段,提倡所谓“一次革命论”,用以证明什么革命都包举在三民主义里面了,共产主义就失了存在的理由;
    Certain malicious propagandists, deliberately confusing these two distinct revolutionary stages, advocate the so-called theory of a single revolution in order to prove that the Three People's Principles apply to all kinds of revolutions and that communism therefore loses its raison d'être.
  • 誓入教誓加入某宗教组织或团体
    To take the vows of a religious order or congregation.
  • 国会遂对日本宣战。
    Congress declared war on Japan.
  • “虽然纳米前景看好,一些科学家认为纳米技术的定义太模糊,大部分有关它的传与目前科学的推测并不相符”,国会研究部门的报告指出。
    "While nanotechnology may hold great promise, some scientists contend that the field's definition is too vague and that much of its 'hype' may not match the reality of present scien tific speculation", noted a Congressional Research Service report last year.
  • 在那个案件中,法院对于依据不明确的宪法规范解释著作权法案表示不满意,而宁愿布,创新是宪法的必需,根据著作权条款,创新使那些缺乏创新的著作脱离国会的权力之外。
    In that case, the Court did not satisfy itself with interpreting the copyright statute in line with undefined constitutional norms, but rather declared that originality is a constitutional requirement, which leaves those works lacking originality necessarily beyond congressional power under the Copyright Clause.
  • 克兰德,普鲁登斯1803-1890美国教育家和改革家,他在1833年因在康涅狄格州布为黑人女孩开办学校的计划而被起诉
    American educator and reformer who in1833 was prosecuted for announcing her plan to open a school for Black girls in Connecticut.
  • 证词代替誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对誓的人做出
    A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.
  • 经双方同意,合营公司布解散。
    The partnership will be dissolved by mutual consent.
  • 这个设计目标是针对以下潜在问题的,当一个实体虚假地称其注册的businessentity数据是一个大公司的一个组成部分,那么将会对这个未同意该断言的大公司带来损失。
    The problematic scenario that was addressed was one where a party falsely claims that the businessEntity data that it registered were part of a large company, resulting in damages to the non-consenting company.
  • 因此,所谓主和派,就不得不进行其欺骗传,而第一就是反共。
    Consequently, the peace group has to resort to lying propaganda, and, above all, to anti-Communist propaganda.
  • 向自然资源保护论者讲需要保护自然界遗产的道理, 真是多此一举.
    Telling conservationists that we need to preserve the natural heritage really is preaching to the converted!
  • 询问管理部门的行动是否与其称的政策相符合
    Questioned the consistency of the administration's actions with its stated policy.
  • 去年7月,这个团体布了开发此标准的意图,去年12月7日,该团体向一个非营利的xml电子商务标准化联合体(即推进结构化信息标准组织)提交了dsml1.0规范草案。
    Last July, the group announced its intent to develop it, and on Dec.7, it turned over the DSML 1.0 specification draft to the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, a nonprofit consortium for XML e-commerce standardization.
  • 总统宣誓维护宪法。
    The President swore to uphold the constitution.
  • 宪法授予总统战权。
    The constitution vests the president with the power to declare war.
  • 职业安全健康局通过教育及训练、传推广、顾问服务、研究和资讯服务,致力推动香港职业安全健康的发展。
    The Occupational Safety and Health Council is dedicated to furthering the occupational safety and health development in Hong Kong by education and training, promotion, consultancy, research and information services.
  • 政府新闻处担任政府的公共关系顾问,负责政府的出版、传及新闻工作。
    The Information Services Department (ISD) serves as the government's public relations consultant, publisher, advertising agent and news agency.
  • 1949年召开的中国人民政治协商会议,通过了具有临时宪法性质的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》,选举产生了中央人民政府,告了中华人民共和国的诞生。
    The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which was inaugurated in 1949, adopted the Common Program of the CPPCC, which served as the country's provisional constitution, elected the Central People's Government, and declared the birth of the PRC.
  • 通常指统治者或政府不与别人商议而公开布的决定
    Decreebusually suggests the public announcement of a decision made by a ruler or government without consulting others
  • 这些活动还包括香港专业服务的推广项目,向内地传香港的会计、法律及商业顾问等服务。
    These activities also covered promotions for professional services such as accounting, legal and business consulting, sectors that are opening up in the Mainland.
  • 进行广告传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。
    It's vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.
  • 进行广告传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。
    It 's vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.
  • 这种肉已布不适宜人们食用.
    The meat was condemned as unfit for human consumption.
  • 正式布不适合使用或者消费。
    officially pronounced unfit for use or consumption.
  • 通过向全民进行广泛深入的传教育,为所有夫妇和个人提供生殖保舰避孕节育、优生优育等方面的指导和服务,以满足所有夫妇和个人合理安排家庭生育计划的需求。
    Through extensive and in-depth publicity and education all over the country, provided guidance and services to all couples and individuals in terms of reproductive health care, contraception and birth control, healthy child birth and rearing to help them in proper arrangement of family planning.
  • 通过向全民进行广泛深入的传教育,为所有夫妇和个人提供生殖保健、避孕节育、优生优育等方面的指导和服务,以满足所有夫妇和个人合理安排家庭生育计划的需求。
    and, through extensive and in-depth publicity and education all over the country, provided guidance and services to all couples and individuals in terms of reproductive health care, contraception and birth control, healthy child birth and rearing to help them in proper arrangement of family planning.
  • 你的行为违背了你称的道德准则。
    Your actions contradict your declared moral principles.
  • 驳斥,反对布为不真实;反对
    To declare untrue; contradict.
  •  第一百六十条香港特别行政区成立时,香港原有法律除由全国人民代表大会常务委员会布为同本法抵触者外,采用为香港特别行政区法律,如以后发现有的法律与本法抵触,可依照本法规定的程序修改或停止生效。
    Article 160 Upon the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the laws previously in force in Hong Kong shall be adopted as laws of the Region except for those which the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress declares to be in contravention of this Law. If any laws are later discovered to be in contravention of this Law, they shall be amended or cease to have force in accordance with the procedure as prescribed by this Law.
  • 由于他拒绝亲自出庭或派他的律师出庭, 被布为抗传。
    On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney, he was pronounced contumacious.
  • 由于他拒绝亲自出庭或派他的律师出庭,被布为抗传。
    On his refusal to appear in person or by his attorney, he was pronounced contumacious.
  • 她的病情终于告有了好转—不久就恢复健康了。
    At last she was pronounced upon the mend and then convalescent.