  • 什罗普羊一种大型、无角、黑脸的绵羊品种,在什罗普郡育并因其肉用及毛用价值而饲养
    A large, hornless, black-faced sheep of a breed developed in Shropshire and raised for meat and wool.
  • 服务范围包括园景设计和种植、植物植、园艺研究,以至树木的料理和保护。
    The services include landscape design and planting, plant production, horticultural research, tree maintenance and conservation.
  • 品种某一植物的园艺品种或变种,在栽条件下起源并只能在栽条件下存活
    A horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation.
  • 这些植物非常娇嫩,只能在温室里植。
    These plants are very delicate and can only grow in a hothouse.
  • 这是一只量程是安的安表。
    a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps.
  • 变叶木一种产于东半球的热带常绿灌木(变叶木属变叶木),因其有光泽的、色彩多样的叶子而被作为室内盆栽植物广泛
    An Old World tropical evergreen shrub(Codiaeum variegatum) widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy, multicolored foliage.
  • 珊瑚莓果任一种紫金牛属的常绿灌木中,如菱叶番樱桃,原产于亚洲东部,因其结有一簇簇红色浆果状果实并且持续很长时间不掉落而被作为室内盆栽植物栽
    Any of certain eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Ardisia, such as spiceberry, cultivated as a houseplant for its clusters of long-lasting, red, berrylike fruits.
  • 二、培育人才。
    B. Investing in Human Capital
  • 温室,暖房一种主要由玻璃构成的建筑,其内部的温度和湿度可控制以利于植物的保护和
    A structure, primarily of glass, in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for the cultivation or protection of plants.
  • 几种印度牛,特别美洲大型的抗热、抗扁虱的略带灰色的有肉峰牛,在墨西哥海湾通过与印度牛杂交育,现主要用于异种交配。
    any of several breeds of Indian cattle especially a large American heat- and tick-resistant grayish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding.
  • 胨各种从天然白蛋白酸或酶水解中得到的合成物,用做养细菌的营养养基
    Any of various compounds obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of natural protein and used as nutrients in culture media.
  • 金城美国伊利诺斯州中部一城市,是濒临伊利诺斯河的皮奥里亚市的城郊工业区。人口32,254
    A city of central Illinois, an industrial suburb of Peoria on the Illinois River. Population,32, 254.
  • 罗伯特·皮尔爵士就是靠早期的训练和重复,养了引人瞩目的能力,尽管只是中等之才,也使他成为为英国参议院如此增光的辉煌人物。
    It was by early discipline and repetition that Sir Robert Peel cultivated those remarkable, though still mediocre powers, which rendered him so illustrious an ornament of the British Senate.
  • 当年dsiay的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的中国传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 当年她的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Let me elaborate. Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 他小心地给那些树苗土,使它们能抗住即将来临的风暴。
    He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm.
  • 二、模范教师不但教华文,还负起养学生正确的人生观。
    2. The inspiring teachers not only impart knowledge, they also instil moral values in their students.
  • 亨利设想在国际协议的保护下,每个国家都建立一个由受过训的、愿意公平照顾各方受伤人员的志愿者团体。
    Henry saw every country creating a body of trained volunteers who would care impartially for the wounded of all sides, protected by international agreement.
  • 加快育一批辐射面广、带动力强的龙头企业。
    We will step up the development of a number of leading enterprises that can give strong impetus to agricultural production in a large area.
  • 你是怎样养儿女们懂礼貌、守规矩的呢?
    How do you implant good manners in your children?
  • 菌体养把微生物或传染性物质植入(养基)
    To implant microorganisms or infectious material into(a culture medium).
  • 吴总理当时强调,我们需要提倡创意思考和鼓励创新精神,更需要养人民勤学不断的态度。
    He had stressed then on our need to promote creative and critical thinking, encourage innovativeness and very importantly, foster the attitude of continuous learning.
  • 吴总理当时强调,我们需要提倡创意思考和鼓励创新精神,更需要养人民勤学不断的态度。
    He had stressed then on our need to promote creative and critical thinking, encourage innovativeness and very importantly, foster the mindset of continuous learning.
  • 同学们不应只为了应付考试而读书和学习。更重要的是,大家要养独立的思考能力,学习领导才能,扩阔视野,养判断能力,学会关怀别人,并且养其他个人特质。
    Students should study and learn not solely for the purpose of tackling examinations, but more importantly for the development of independent thinking, leadership skills, a broad outlook, a critical and yet sympathetic mind, and other personal qualities.
  • 提高力量或自律的训。
    training to improve strength or self-control.
  • 事实是,以1994年为例,中国各级财政拨款用于城市各类福利院儿童的养育费用为1.69亿元,其中40%左右直接用作收养的孤残儿童的生活费用,还有20%左右则是有关的设备维修、人员训和用以保证福利院正常工作的费用,工作人员的工资、奖金以及离退休人员的工资总共约占40%左右,根本不存在所谓的大部分资金被用作工作人员工资奖金的情况。
    In fact, the sum for bringing up children in urban welfare institutions of various kinds in China allocated by China's financial departments at different levels in 1994, for instance, totalled 169 million yuan, of which about 40 percent was used for the living expenses of the orphans and disabled children; about 20 percent was spent on equipment maintenance, staff training and daily operating expenses; finally, about 40 percent was used for staff salaries and bonuses and for retirement pensions. From the above figures it can be clearly seen that the claim that most of the funds were used for salaries and bonuses is inaccurate.
  • 有关根和莎士比亚孰优孰劣的问题,我觉得这样无端攀比既令人生厌又不合适。
    When it comes to weighing Bacon and Shakespeare against each other I find that comparisons are both odious and inapplicable.
  • 有些公司把提供训机会作为一种激励。
    Some companies offer training as an incentive.
  • 由成立至一九九九年十一月底,雇员再训局共为三十五万多人提供训。
    Since its inception, ERB has trained over 350 000 persons through its various training programmes by the end of November.
  • 阿亚里斯说:"我们的项目也会包括其他基因,我们觉得掌握一个基因育的器官并不能彻底解决器官移植面临的所有问题。
    "There will also be other genes we will incorporate into our program," Ayares says. "We don't think that one gene is going to produce an organ that's going to be the end-all for transplantation.
  • 除推行为新成立的科技公司开办的科技创业育计划外,该公司亦举办促进本地科技文化和促成商务合作伙伴关系的科技转移计划。
    It has developed the Technology-based Business Incubation Programme to nurture technology start-ups and the Technology Transfer Programme to foster technology culture and business-matchmaking.
  • 科技园公司通过辖下科技中心的创业育计划,育新成立的科技公司,在他们创业初期最关键的数年,提供廉价办公用地,以及行政管理、市场推广、财务和专业业务等方面的服务。
    Through the business incubation programme at its Tech Centre, the HKSTPC nurtures technology-based start-up companies by providing low-cost accommodation as well as management, marketing, financial and professional business services in the critical initial years of these companies.