  • 马里恩美国俄亥俄州中部城市,位于哥伦比亚市以北,美国前总统瓦伦·g·定的故乡和埋葬地,现为一个制造业中心。人口34,075
    A city of central Ohio north of Columbus. The home and burial place of President Warren G. Harding, it is a manufacturing center. Population,34, 075.
  • 如果你用A牌来对付,代就会被击落一张大牌。
    If you rise with your ace, hardy have to drop.
  • 迪靠叫卖水果谋生。
    Hardy picked up a livelihood by hawking fruit.
  • 只要再一册,我的代全集就齐全了。
    I need one volume to complete my set of Hardy.
  • 她环绕在那个男人身上的荒唐、浪漫的光圈-托马斯·代。
    the unreasonable nimbus of romance with which she had encircled that man- Thomas Hardy.
  • 是的,事实上,我相信我曾让你把它放在第先生的档案里了。
    Yes. In fact, I believe I asked you to put it in Mr. Hardy's file.
  • 圆润的声音;柔和的空气带来了即将降临的秋天的感觉——托马斯·代;柔和的太阳。
    a mellow sound; the mellow air brought in the feel of imminent autumn- Thomas Hardy; a mellowing sun.
  • 警方昨天说,小偷把九十一岁内科医生的诊所洗劫一空。在罪犯横行的莱姆区,诊所已所剩无几。
    Burglars ransacked the office of a91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
  • 约翰逊和其他一些人(包括来自华盛顿的艾林顿公爵)通常在莱姆的“租金舞会”上演奏。这些舞会向听众收费以支付房租。
    Johnson and others (including Duke Ellington from Washington) usually played at rent parties in Harlem, where the money collected from listeners was used to pay the host's rent.
  • 爵士音乐历史中这个时期的主要人物是新泽西州出生的钢琴家杰姆·约翰逊。他常在纽约城最大的黑人区莱姆演奏。
    The main figure in this period of jazz history was James P. Johnson, a pianist from New Jersey who played in Harlem, the largest Negro section of New York City.
  • 当克林顿不外出旅行时(约有一半时间),他通常呆在查帕阔,坐专车去勒姆的办公室上班,然后,总是在晚上回到住处。
    When he's not traveling (about half the time), Clinton stays in Chappaqua and rides 45 minutes to his Harlem office in a SUV driven by the Secret Service, always returning at night.
  • 克林顿在勒姆办公室的工作人员估计,他40%的演讲是收费的,这使克林顿的演讲年收入在1000万~1500万美元之间,足以抵消他在官司缠身时欠下的约500万美元的律师费。
    Clinton's Harlem staff estimates that 40 percent of his speeches are for pay, which would put Clinton's annual speaking income at somewhere between $ 10 million and $ 15 million, all but erasing his roughly $ 5million in legal bills.
  • 他还匆忙地在勒姆组织了一次活动宣布,因克林顿时代推广的"勤劳所得的税收优惠"政策,约500万上班族每年各有高达5000美元的收入不用申报上税。
    And he hastily arranged a Harlem event to broadcast word that roughly 5 million working people have as much as $5,000 a year in unclaimed money coming to them thanks to the Clinton-era expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
  • “他们一直在干这件事,这么久也没人管(即:没受惩罚),”一位莱姆区居民“瘦子”孔斯说。“他们对自己族人干这种事时,就是这样。现在他们对一个白人妇女干这事,好像天都塌下来了。”
    "They've been doing it and getting away with it for so long," said Walter "slimmo" Koonce, a Harlem resident. "This is when they do it to their own kind. Now they do it to a white lady and all hell breaks loose."
  • 克林顿是个幽默风趣的谈话高手,从他在勒姆第125街的办公室朝南可以看到中央公园。克林顿对他的老朋友弗农·乔丹说:“30年前我们相遇时,谁能想到你最终会在市中心拥有一间办公室,而我会在黑人区勒姆办公?"
    There's a wistful and amused lilt to his conversation. Peering south toward Central Park from his office on 125th Street, Clinton told his old friend Vernon Jordan:" Who would have guessed when we met 30 years ago that you'd end up with an office in midtown and I'd have one in Harlem?
  • 卡德摩斯娶了维纳斯的女儿耳摩尼亚为妻。
    Cadmus obtained in marriage Harmonia, the daughter of VENUS.
  • 耳摩尼亚眼看事情如此,只好祈求众神赐给她同样的归宿。于是他们两人都变成了蛇。
    Harmonia beheld it and prayed to the gods to let her share his fate. Both became serpents.
  • 不论是从父系或是从母系来说她都是神的后裔;她的母亲耳摩尼亚是马尔斯和性格开朗的维纳斯的女儿。
    She was descended, through both parents, from the gods; for her mother Harmonia was daughter to Mars and the laughter-loving Venus.
  • 底比斯城如今只能勾起卡德摩斯和耳摩尼亚的无限伤感。他们弃城出走,投奔了安奇里亚人。那里的人们热情地接待了他们,并拥戴卡德摩斯为王。
    Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes, now grown odious to them, and emigrated to the country of the Enchelians, who received them with honor and made Cadmus their king.
  • 劳雷尔和迪在他们大部分的电影生涯中合作亲密。
    Laurel and Harday were in double harness throughout most of their film careers.
  • 从你的读者来信专栏看,罗德·威尔逊好像是个批评不得的人。
    It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow.
  • 该是杀杀罗德的威风的时候了,他太骄傲自大了。
    It's time Harold was cut down to size. He's far too proud and conceited.
  • 后来,罗德爵士怎么也记不起当时为什么要讲实话。
    For the life of him later, Sir Harold could not remember why he told the truth.
  • 罗德在黑暗中摔了一跤,扭伤了脚脖子。
    Harold didn't keep his footing in the dark and sprained his ankle.
  • 奈顿夫人认为,伊莎贝尔嫁给罗德是糟塌自己。
    Mrs.Knighton thought Isabel had thrown herself away on Harold.
  •  一年后的1978年6月,洛德和我结婚了。
    A year later, in June 1978, Harold and I were married.
  • 罗德以18.75的相同得分并列第一名。
    Harold shared the first place with the identical score of 18. 75.
  • 奈顿夫人认为,伊莎贝尔嫁给罗德是糟塌了自己。
    Mrs.Knighton thought that Isabel had hurled herself away on Harold.
  • 罗德·夏皮罗是普林斯顿大学教授及前校长。
    Harold Shapiro is a professor and former president of Princeton University.
  • 罗德·扎肯正在奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学研究它们。
    Harold Zakon studies them at the University of Texas at Austin.
  • 我本来以为罗德告诉你那些事后,你决不会漠然置之的。
    I thought you'd never cool down after what Harold said to you.
  • 罗德自上次来这里之后发胖了。
    Harold has put on a lot of flesh since he was here last.