  • 骑摩托车跳摇摆舞著的欧洲人葛顿.白求恩;
    And Continental's motorcycle-riding rock and roller, Gordon Bethune.
  • 不列颠在前罗马、罗马以及艾弗烈大帝统治(871-899年)前的早期盎格鲁-撒克逊人统治时期的大不列颠岛。字来源于布列塔尼亚,罗马人用它来指他们占领的那部分岛屿
    The island of Great Britain during pre-Roman, Roman, and early Anglo-Saxon times before the reign of Alfred the Great(871-899). The name is derived from Brittania, which the Romans used for the portion of the island that they occupied.
  • 她兴一演员有过一段罗曼史。
    She had a romance with an actor.
  • 叫米洛舍维克,是罗马尼亚目前最有气的女子体操运动员。
    Her name is Milosevic. She is Romania's best-known female gymnast.
  • 我们从罗马尼亚获得了对一孤儿的抚养权。
    We are taking an orphan from Romania; I'll take three salmon steaks.
  • 伊丽莎白罗马尼亚(1881-1916年)皇后和诗人,卡门·西尔瓦为其写作笔
    Queen of Romania(1881-1916) and poet who wrote under the pseudonym Carmen Sylva.
  • 你知道怎样以罗马字拼你的字吗?
    Do you know how to Romanize your name?
  • 亚当・史密斯是镇上有的鞋匠。
    Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in town.
  • 她幻想要当一演员。
    She has romantic ideas about being an actress.
  • 科策布,奥古斯特·弗雷德里希·费迪南德·冯1761-1819德国剧作家,以他对浪漫主义的嘲讽,二百多部生动的戏剧,和他与歌德的争吵而闻
    German dramatist noted for his ridicule of romanticism, his more than200 lively dramas, and his quarrels with Goethe.
  • 你知道莎士比亚笔下的朱丽叶在有的"凉台"那场戏中对罗密欧说什么吗?
    You know what Shakespeare's Juliet said to Romeo in their famous Belcony Scene, don't you?
  • 他们给婴儿取为罗纳。
    They named the baby Ronald.
  • 婴儿取叔父之被命为罗纳。
    The baby was named Ronald after his uncle.
  • 校长叫罗纳德·布罗克斯,是一个又高又胖的男人,天性快乐并富有同情心。
    The Headmaster's name was Mr. Ronald Broackes. He was a large rotund man with a very jovial nature and a compassionate disposition.
  • 1980年里根被提为共和党总统候选人。他选择前德克萨斯国会议员、联合国大使乔治·布什作为他的竞选搭档。
    Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush.
  • 这样做,会使布什先生成为第三个出卖库尔德人的美国总统。70年代尼克松应伊朗国王之坚请而出卖库尔德人以促进该地区的稳定。1988年里根亦然,尽管萨达姆用毒气毒杀1200哈拉布加的库尔德人,里根却仍然向萨达姆提供了更多的商品信贷以示奖赏。
    This will make Mr.Bush the third U.S. President to sell out the Kurds. Richard Nixon did it in the 70's, at the behest of the Shah of Iran for regional stability; Ronald Reagan did it in 1988, by rewarding Saddam Hussein with greater commodity credits despite the poison-gassing of 12,000 Kurds in Halabja.
  • 都布森,(亨利)奥斯丁1840-1921以轻松诗著的英国作家。其轻松诗用传统的法国诗体,如八行两韵等回旋体写成
    British writer known for his light verse in traditionally French forms such as the triolet and rondeau.
  • 美国的许多著大学和医学院,已经开设华文和针灸课程。
    Chinese language and acupuncture are now taught in many leading US universities and medical schools.
  • 分别能容纳5万观众,这类大跨度结构全部带顶式场馆的出现,设计思想考虑了观众、气候等多方面因素,较大程度地保障了体育竞赛的如期举行。
    The appearance of this large span and fully roofed structure has guaranteed the smooth undertakings of competitions on schedule to a large extend, since the audience, weather and other elements were taken into account in its designs.
  • 首先,主持人发出的问题包罗万象,包括一些比较轻松的问题例如娱乐,体育,烹饪和著的建筑物等。目的不止是考验参赛者的学识,也在测试他们对一般事物的认识。
    First, the nature and scope of the questions is diffused and aims at ferreting out one's versatility, not merely one's intellectual acumen, including especially the participant's familiarity with lighter topics like entertainment, sports, cuisine and famous landmarks.
  • 有些餐馆以男女侍者的粗鲁而闻,他们的无礼吸引了一屋子受虐狂食客。
    Some restaurants are famous for the surliness of their wait-ers and waitresses, using bad manners to attract masochistic munchers by the roomful.
  • 义上而不是真正地独立;没有人真正看到过鲨鱼;大陨星其实来自小行星带。
    to be nominally but not actually independent; no one actually saw the shark; large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt.
  • 1901年西奥多·罗斯福把这座建筑正式命为“白宫”。
    But in 1901 President Theodore Roosevelt made it official: The White House.
  • 她获得奥斯卡奖最隹女配角的提
    She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.
  • 她实现了当一演员的愿望。
    She realized her intention of becoming an actress.
  • 帕克斯夫人是一位美国黑人裁缝,在她下班回家的路上,由于未给一白人乘车者让座而被捕,帕克斯夫人已不是第一个因为这种“罪”而被捕的美国黑人了。
    Rosa Parks on December 1st, 1955. Mrs. Parks, and African-American seamstress on her way home from work, was arrested for not giving a white bus rider her seat.
  • 她决心要当一演员。
    She is dead set on becoming an actress.
  • 红玫瑰花是她的最爱,她的字也叫rose。
    Red roses were her favorites, her name was also Rose.
  • 女演员不适合演那个角色。
    The actress was unsuitable for the role.
  • 玫瑰之名/魔宫传奇
    Name of the Rose
  • 她是著女演员之一。
    She is one of the famous actress.
  • 艾伦特里夫人是一位知演员。
    Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress.