  • 力内燃机或锅炉中向后的
    The backpressure in an internal-combustion engine or a boiler.
  • 机车正在放掉汽以减轻锅炉中的力。
    The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler.
  • 泄气阀,小龙头用来排空或降低力的一种小阀门或小龙头,如锅炉上的
    A small valve or faucet used to drain or reduce pressure, as from a boiler.
  • 能够增大力的在容器中的阀;当力达到危险水平时能自动打开。
    a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level.
  • 她参观了锅炉房,听人介绍什么是阀和高蒸汽,看到工程师们和那些全身心投入工作的人们在一起工作,并且第一次感受到你能够在其中做各种不同工作的这样一个协同作战的集体是怎么回事。
    She toured the boiler room and heard about valves and hard-pressure steam, saw engineers and divers work as a team, and for the first time noticed "the company idea -- all the fields you can go into."
  • 他们不但要有倒敌人的勇气,而且要有驾驭整个战争变化发展的能力。
    Our commanders should have not only the boldness to overwhelm the enemy but also the ability to remain masters of the situation throughout the changes and vicissitudes of the entire war.
  • 意在破坏或制敌人武器的炮击。
    bombardment intended to destroy or neutralize enemy weapons.
  • 反复轰炸制了敌人的炮火。
    The enemy 's guns were silenced by repeated bombing.
  • 解放从奴役、迫或束缚中解放出来;使…自由
    To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate.
  • 碎料板由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器成板状
    A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin.
  • 覆层在高温高下结合到另一金属上的金属外层
    A metal coating bonded onto another metal under high pressure and temperature.
  • 纤维板一种由木屑和植物纤维混合并紧成坚硬的板状物的建筑材料
    A building material composed of wood chips or plant fibers bonded together and compressed into rigid sheets.
  • 印用装订商的印器装饰(一本书的封面)
    To ornament(a book cover) with a bookbinder's tool.
  • 用于在一个表面上产生或印出符号、图形的任何设备,例如打印装置、打字机、笔、现金出纳机、薄记机,以及诸如用于信用卡和地址牌这样一类的施设备。
    Any device used to produce or impress marks or patterns on a surface, for example,a printing press, typewriter, pen, cash register, bookkeeping machine, or a pressure device such as that used with credit cards and address plates.
  • 用于在一个表面上产生或印出符号、图形的任何设备,例如打印装置、打字机、笔、现金出纳机、薄记机,以及诸如用于信用卡和地址牌这样一类的施设备。
    Any device used to produce or impress marks or patterns on a surface, for example, a printing press, typewriter, pen, cash register, bookkeeping machine, or a pressure device such as that used with credit cards and address plates.
  • 运动后会提高你的皮质醇含量,增加你的能量而不会让你感到有力。
    A workout gives your cortisol levels a boost, increasing energy without making you stressed.
  • 拉维·撒迪哈尼博士指出,适度饮酒能够使血管松弛,从而降低患高血的可能性。相反,过度饮酒会损伤血管,使高血发病风险大大提高。
    Thadhani noted that moderate amounts of alcohol may relax blood vessels, thus reducing the chance of developing high blood pressure, while high levels of alcohol may injure those vessels, boosting high blood pressure risk.
  • 那包东西很重,得他直不起腰。
    The heavy bundle bore him down.
  • 沉重的负担把他倒了。
    The heavy burden bore him down.
  • 盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析出硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定力下的表现方式的定律
    French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
  • 美国(在波斯尼亚无地面部队)将承受越来越大的力去履行它提供维持和平部队的诺言——尤其现在俄国已同意派兵。
    The United States, which has no ground troops in Bosnia, will be under increasing pressure to live up to its promise to contribute peacekeepers — particularly now that Russia has agreed to send soldiers.
  • 将软木塞压入瓶子
    Jammed the cork in the bottle.
  • 他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言。这样虽然容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害,但却能保持轻松愉快的心情,使自己不那么抑。
    Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.
  • 随后,我们见过dansez的创新小弹跳胸衣。这是艾伦·伯格曼见他女朋友双手着乳房跑,灵光闪现,制作出来的。
    Since then, we have seen the innovative Minimal Bounce bra by Dans?Ez, created by Alan Bergman, who was inspired by the sight of his girlfriend running with her hands clamped over her breasts.
  • 附面层压力起伏
    fluctuation of boundary layer pressure
  • 过分的忧虑把他垮了。
    He was bowed down with care.
  • 政府服从了军事的力。
    The government bowed to the military pressure.
  • 他认识到这样一种危险,即:如果迫于力,进行超出本公司自己所作的可行性研究范围内的业务扩大,结果会本末倒置,作茧自缚。
    The danger he realizes is that in bowing to pressure to widen the operation beyond the scope of his company's own feasibility study, “One could end up being a dog that is wagged by its own tail.”
  • 但是反对者主张,国会仅仅是屈服于强大的传媒公司的力,如迪斯尼,该公司设计的早期米老鼠的形象的著作权本该在1998年到期并进入公有领域。
    But opponents say Congress merely was bowing to pressure from powerful media groups like Disney, which was fighting to keep early versions of its Mickey Mouse character from entering the public domain in 1998, when its existing copyright was scheduled to expire.
  • 他们将塑料在高下塑成碗或桶的形状。
    They shape the plastic into bowls or buckets by moulding it under pressure.
  • 你可以把塑料放进模子里施加一定力把它做成碗或是桶。
    You can shape the plastic into bowls or buckets by moulding it under pressure.
  • 婚后布莱克太太住在那套小公寓里感到局促抑。
    After marriage Mrs Black felt boxed in living in that small flat.