  • 埃德骑自行车时猛摔一咬,断了腿骨。
    Loyd came a cropper on his bicycle and broke his leg.
  • 它们关于未来社会的积极的主张,例如消灭城乡对立,消灭家庭,消灭私人营利,消灭雇佣动,提倡社会和谐,把国家变成纯粹的生产管理机构,----所有这些主张都只是表明要消灭阶级对立,而这种阶级对立在当时刚刚开始发展,它们所知道的只是这种对立的早期的、不明显的、不确定的形式。
    The practical measures proposed in them -- -such as the abolition of the distinction between town and country, of the family, of the carrying on of industries for the account of private individuals, and of the wage system, the proclamation of social harmony, the conversion of the functions of the State into a mere superintendence of production, all these proposals, point solely to the disappearance of class antagonisms which were, at that time, only just cropping up, and which, in these publications, are recognised in their earliest, indistinct and undefined forms only.
  • 语克族人所用的苏语
    The Siouan language of the Crow.
  • 新罕布什尔大学家庭问题研究实验所的一位负责人、社会学家默里·斯特斯的一项新研究表明,每当孩子违反了纪律,许许多多的家长就忍不住要大发脾气。
    Moe's jaw slackened,and he looked at me.His grip tightened on the crowbar.“ Unh- unh,boy! Don't you be looking at Cassie when I'm talking to ya! You owe me some luck,and I'm planning on getting it.Get that hat off !” he ordered,but he gave Moe no time to react before he knocked the hat off himself.When it comes to discipline,too many parents let tempers flare out of control,says a new study by sociologist Murray A.Straus,codirector of the Family Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire.
  • 他们的辛勤动受到了表彰。
    Their hard labours were crowned with honours.
  • 伤心是否无用的。
    It's no use crying over spilt milk.
  • 即便是狩猎部落和捕鱼部落赖以为生的森林中和海洋中的野生动物,虽然对其所进行的动主要是捕捉,但在将其用作食物之前,还必须将其杀死、切成块和进行烹调,这些都需要一定程度的人类动。
    Even the wild animals of the forest and of the sea, from which the hunting and fishing tribes derive their sustenance -- though the labour of which they are the subject is chiefly that required for appropriating them --must yet, before they are used as food, be killed, divided into fragments, and subjected in almost all cases to some culinary process, which are operations requiring a certain degree of human labour.
  • 好多农业院校自己培育品种,自己种田,怎么不是动?
    Many agricultural colleges and schools cultivate new strains and do their own farming. Why shouldn't this be regarded as labour?
  • 在其他情况下,则除了伐木工人的动外,还应加上种树育林人的动。
    In other cases, we must add to the labour of the wood-cutter that of the planter and cultivator.
  • 李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他,他以李利所大的活力写出《爱的徒》,是一部主题和风格可以感染最有教养的观众的幻想作品。
    Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him, and with vigour unknown to Lyly he wrote Love's Labours Lost, a fantasy of which the subject and the style appealed to the cultured section of the public.
  • 原料生产方面的动,还应包括伐木工人的动,他们为建筑业、为木匠或其他手艺人伐木,准备木材。
    Under the head, production of materials, we must include the industry of the wood-cutter, when employed in cutting and preparing timber for building, or wood for the purposes of the carpenter's or any other art.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见捷克斯洛伐克总理什特加尔时谈话的一部分。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Premier Lubomir Strougal of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.)
  • 舞蹈起源于劳动。
    Dancing originates from labor.
  • 施特斯在1867年写下他的著名的《蓝色多瑙河》。
    In 1867 Strauss wrote his famous Blue Danube waltz.
  • 这也许表明,维也纳音乐家们最终认识到他们对施特斯的自以为是的理解该受到质疑的时间已经到来,就像我们对19世纪其他作曲家的理解得到启发一样,《蓝色多瑙河》的艺术风格也应被重新评价。
    Perhaps the musicians finally recognised the time had come to question their assumptions about Strauss,to subject The Blue Danube to the same stylisticre appraisal that has illuminated our understanding of other 19th? century composers.
  • 不过,这一次他不再是一个人,他和拉已开始约会了。
    But now he was not alone. James and Laura had started dating.
  • 妥协也许能打破资双方所处的僵局。
    A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management.
  • 然而,国人所顾虑的不是这类拥有高技能的科技人才,但是我国的动市场中,有不少“外来人才”的职位是本地人能够胜任的,这些人是否应该被称为“外来人才”,是值得商榷的。
    However, Singaporeans are not worried about those who are highly skilled in technology. In our labor market, there are many "foreign talent" whose jobs could be easily filled by locals. It is debatable whether these people are qualified to be called "foreign talent".
  • 她那本已虚弱的身体由于累过度和抽烟而变得更弱了
    Her already debilitated constitution is being further weakened by overwork and smoking.
  • 这些发现很具争议性,因为有一些医生对这个问题持怀疑态度,认为身体的不健康状态,例如过度肥胖和慢性疲综合症(亦称me-myalgicencephalomyelitis)并非真正意义上的疾病。
    The findings are controversial, with a number of doctors questioning whether debilitating conditions such as obesity and chronic fatigue syndrome -- also known as ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) -- are true illnesses.
  • 恶病质,差的体质慢性病患者发生的体重减轻,肌肉疲,食欲减退和普遍衰弱的症状
    Weight loss, wasting of muscle, loss of appetite, and general debility that can occur during a chronic disease.
  • 与此同时,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后、蔑视动群众的旧习俗,随着社会的进步与发展而被群众所摒弃,这既反映了藏族人民对现代文明、健康生活的追求,也是藏族文化在新时代不断进步的一种表现。
    As society progresses, some decayed, backward old customs despising laboring people that bear a strong tinge of the feudal serf system have been abandoned, which reflects the Tibetans' pursuit of modern civilization and a healthy life as well as the continuous development of Tibetan culture in the new era.
  • 工伤保险基金支付的待遇主要包括:工伤医疗期发生的医疗费用;工伤医疗期结束后根据动能力丧失程度确定的伤残补助金、抚恤金、伤残护理费等。
    Payment of industrial injury insurance funds covers mainly medical costs sustained during the treatment of the injury, and the injury or disability subsidies, pension for the disabled person or family of a deceased person, and injury or disability nursing charge, all of which are to be determined according to the degree of disability upon termination of the medical treatment.
  •  第十四条对继承人以外的依靠被继承人扶养的缺乏动能力又没有生活来源的人,或者继承人以外的对被继承人扶养较多的人,可以分给他们适当的遗产。
    Article 14 An appropriate share of the estate may be given to a person, other than a successor, who depended on the support of the decedent and who neither can work nor has a source of income, or to a person, other than a successor, who was largely responsible for supporting the decedent.
  • 解决资纠纷的法院。
    Court which decide in industrial dispute.
  • 1918年的费希尔法案无疑提高他们的社会地位和动薪水。
    the Fisher act of 1918 decisively raised their status and pay.
  •  农业生产经营组织和农业动者应当保养土地,合理使用化肥、农药,增加使用有机肥料,提高地力,防止土地的污染、破环和地力衰退。
    Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers shall keep good maintenance of their lands, make a rational use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increase their application of organic fertilizers so as to improve soil fertility and prevent the land from pollution, destruction and soil fertility declination.
  • 他毕生为国效劳。
    He dedicated all his life to the service of his country.
  •  改机关收押的罪犯,须是其判决已经发生法律效力的,如果发现法律文书不完备或判决尚未发生法律效力,改机关有权拒绝收押。
    Criminals are handed over to reform-through-labour institutions only after the court verdict legally goes into effect. The reform-through-labour institutions have the right to refuse to detain criminals when the related legal documents are found to be deficient or when the verdicts have not yet become legal.
  • 为了有助于解决这个问题,公共信息模型(cim)小组已经制定出一组定义,可以一永逸地打破专有管理信息的壁垒。
    To help solve that problem, CIM work groups have been hammering out a set of definitions, which could break down the proprietary management information barriers once and for all.
  • 脱水是疲的主要原因。
    Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue.
  • (意大利)国民劳动银行
    Banta National Del Lavern