  • 才我讲的要连带解决的那几个字,跟安排干部问题有关,也要很好考虑。
    The other problems I've mentioned -- laxity, conceit, extravagance and inertia -- all of which should be solved in connection with the problem of bloating, are also related to the cadre problem and therefore should be studied thoroughly.
  • 这种签证专门发给那些高级技术人员和其他一些专业人才。安基塔的h?4配偶签证与她丈夫的签证密不可分,婚姻的结束也就意味着她在美国居留权的终止。如果她返回印度,她必须留下自己八个月的孩子,因为根据美国和印度的法律,不经过丈夫同意就把儿子带出美国会被视为绑架。
    Because Ankita's visa,a spousal H- ,was inextricably tied to her husband's,the end of her marriage would also be the end of her right to stay in the U.S.If she returned to India,Ankita would have to leave her eight- month- old baby behind,since taking her son out of the country without her husband's consent could be considered kidnapping by both the U.S.and India.
  • 我们的新计划只是开始。
    Our new plan is still only in its infancy.
  • 尽管兰德韦伯对这种技术将来可以达到100%准确率的能力持乐观态度,但是她与其他研究人员很快就指出,与传统运算方法相比,他们研究的课题还处于起步的阶段,而且对于许多应用领域来说,硅材料制成的微芯片总是会略胜一筹。
    Although Landweber is optimistic about the ability of the technique to find the right answers with 100 percent accuracy in the future, she and other researchers are quick to point out that the field is in its infancy compared with conventional computing methods and that for many applications, siliconbased microchips will always be better.
  • 击出过内野的高飞球
    To hit(a ball) into the air just beyond the infield.
  • 接到一封母校的来信,通知我老校长先生将于下周退休。
    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster will be retiring next week.
  • 接到一封母校的来信,通知我老校长reginaldpage先生将于下周退休。
    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.
  • 接到母校的一封信,通知我说我的老校长雷金纳德·佩奇先生将于下星期退休。
    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head master, Mr Reginald Page, will is retiring next week.
  • 我让他闻了闻我才用过的嗅盐瓶。我们回到他家里时,看得出他还在哆嗦。
    I made him inhale from the smelling bottle which had helped me and, by the time we reached his apartment, only the trembling was still in evidence.
  • 他问。就在我才受到那样不礼貌的接待后,他还这样瞅着我,可真难以忍受。
    he asked, eyeing me in a manner that I could ill endure after this inhospitable treatment.
  • 他刚刚上任。
    He has just installed himself.
  • 他刚刚就任新职。
    He has just installed himself in his new office.
  • 旅游团的人聚到一起,他们就开始讲一些强烈攻击和侮辱中国的话。
    When the group first gathered together they started to spread very damaging and insulting stories about China.
  • 新征召的军人配备好个人装具。
    The new intake of soldiers has just been kitted out.
  • 你可以相信他,他是一个正不阿的人。
    You can trust him; he is a man of complete integrity.
  • 从麻醉药中恢复知觉,身体感觉不佳的那段时间非常可怕,在那时你不想见任何来访者,不管他的用心是如何善良。
    That dreadful period when you’re just coming out of an anesthetic and feeling like nothing on earth is not the time when you want a visitor, however well-intentioned.
  • 提出筹集基金的问题,他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了。
    When I bring up the question of fund, he quickly interject that it have been settled.
  • 有一个年轻人,诞生在一个动乱的时代,但是,恶劣的环境,反而把他磨练成为一个强勇猛,斗志坚强的战士。
    A young man born in the years of unrest emerged as a firm, intrepid warrior from all the adversities.
  • 意大利煎蛋卷,用切碎的蔬菜和肉做馅;烹制到底部变硬,然后反过来放进另一只平底锅里烤顶部。
    Italian omelet with diced vegetables and meats; cooked until bottom is set then inverted into another pan to cook the top.
  • 言语模仿症立即且不自觉地重复别人说过的词或短语,常为孤独症或某些精神分裂症的症状
    The immediate and involuntary repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others, often a symptom of autism or some types of schizophrenia.
  • 顽固的,愎自用的愚蠢地或无理地顽固的;任性的
    Foolishly or irrationally stubborn; headstrong.
  • 才说的话不切题。
    What you have just said is irrelevant to the subject.
  • 性情上易怒的和愎的;脾气乖戾的
    Irritable and perverse in disposition; ill-tempered.
  • 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿拉法特针对美国总统布什提出的中东和平计划起草了一封信,但这封信没有寄出,因为信件无法通过以军的哨卡送往拉姆安拉的邮局。
    Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Authority, drafted a letter in reply to President George W.Bush's latest Middle East peace initiative. But his letter was never mailed because he could not make it past Israeli checkpoints to reach the post office in Ramallah.
  • 这方面的责任主要在干部,包括才说的滥发奖金在内。
    The responsibility for this waste, including the issuing of excessive bonuses mentioned earlier, rests primarily with the cadres.
  • 大家都知道简尼特做新娘。
    It was well known that Janet was still a young bride.
  • 他的行李一装上车,吉普车就开走了。
    No sooner had his luggage been loaded than the jeep started off.
  • 孩子们舐掉了上面的乳脂,只剩下了果冻。
    The children have just licked the cream off the top and left the jelly.
  • 才是说詹纳斯先生要今天晚上才有空。
    I am just saying Mr. Jenny will not be free till these evening.
  • 才是说詹纳斯先生要今天晚上才有空。
    I was just saying Mr. Jenny will not be free till this evening.
  • 看,占旭正在挺举。
    Look, Zhan Xugang is doing a clean and jerk.
  • 要摸她的手,她一下子就把手缩了回去。
    She jerk her hand away when he tried to touch it.