  • 当我们讨论管制工作负荷的时候,我们指的是为管理当时的状况所需要付出的脑力劳动,环境的要求可以看作客观的工作负荷,而脑力劳动是管制员所感受到的工作负荷。
    When we look at workload, we are trying to get at the effort, particularly the mental effort, needed to manage the demands of the situation. Situational demands may be thought of as objective workload, while mental effort is the controller's perceived workload.
  •              第六章 附
  • 信用的6c原则。
    Six Cs of Credit
  • 根据国际比赛规,靶边规格是什么?
    According to international rules,what are the sizes of the target faces?
  • 根据国际比赛规,靶边规格是什么?
    According to international rules, what are the sizes of the target faces?
  • 在软件产品评价技术中,产品或服务满足规定需求或隐含需求的特征和特性的总和。注:在有合同的环境中,需求是在合同中规定的;而在其它环境中,应对隐含需求进行验证和定义。
    In software product evaluation, the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Note: In a contractual environment, needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should be identified and defined.
  • 靠朋友推荐,会带有朋友的个人偏好;销售商可能会根据市场和销售的趋势来向你推荐音乐;而网上的音乐搜索引擎有不能搜索跨流派或介于两流派间的音乐,例如肃穆的爵士乐,摇滚吉他歌曲等等。
    Recommendations by friends can often be skewed by personal preferences. Music retailers, on the other hand, may make recommendations based on marketing and sales trends. And online music search engines often can't find matches across genres - awesome jazz and rock guitar songs, for example.
  • 该药本身并无害处, 但与酒类同服有危险.
    The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
  • 前一个家长将他的积蓄存储生息,叫他的儿子从事于普通力作,而后一个将积蓄用来培养他的儿子,把其中两个教育成为有技术、有知识的地主,使其余三个各随着他们自己的兴趣学习一种行业;
    The one puts out his savings at interest, and keeps his sons at common hard work, while the other employs his savings in educating two of his sons as skilful and intelligent landowners,and in enabling the other three to learn a trade after their respective tastes;
  • 别的事情搞差一点,这件事情搞好了,我们见马克思还可以交得了帐,否是交不了帐的。
    Even if it means we have to skimp on some of our other work, so long as we do this job well, we'll have something to say for ourselves when we go to meet Marx.Otherwise, we'll have nothing to say.
  • 根据预定的一组程序设计条件,确定各种指令的跳转,如果不使用条件转移,将以通常顺序进入下一指令。
    The skipping of various instructions as developed by a predetermined set of programming conditions. If a conditional jump is not used, the next instructions would follow in the normal proper sequence.
  • 两姐妹生下来头骨就相连,而脸朝向相反的方向。
    The girls were born attached at the top of the skull and faced opposite directions.
  • 为表示他的坚决的主张起见,他也许会排斥那些摩天大楼和美丽的汽车公路,虽我至今还没有看见什么人在排斥一个精美的照相机。
    Probably as a gesture, he will condemn the tall skyscrapers and the beautiful motor highways, although I haven't yet found one that condemns a good camera.
  • 一整天没半条鱼上钩;这广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西
    Fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales.
  • “荷兰寡妇”是俚语,意为娼妓。
    and "Dutch widow" was slang for harlot.
  • 有不规的边缘而且是精美地剪裁的。
    having edges irregularly and finely slashed.
  • 不规地削砍而且好像撕开成锯齿状的。
    irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn.
  • 在职民主党参议员道格拉斯亲奴隶制,而林肯持反奴隶制立场。
    Douglas,a pro? slavery Democrat,was the incumbent.Lincoln was anti? slavery.
  • 伍迪·艾伦在他1973年拍摄的电影《沉睡者》中对类似假设的处理要诙谐得多。在这部电影中,一个未来的独裁者被炸弹炸死,只留下一个鼻子。他的追随者希望用这个鼻子克隆出一个新的领袖。
    Woody Allen dealt with a similar premise a lot more playfully in his 1973 film Sleeper, in which a futuristic tyrant is killed by a bomb blast, leaving nothing behind but his nose -- a nose that his followers hope to clone into a new leader.
  • 如果在指定条件下没有找到匹配项,返回包含0个businessinfo的businesslist结构。
    In the event that no matches were located for the specified criteria, a businessList structure with zero businessInfo structures is returned.
  • 因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原
    proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own particular advantages for mutual benefit and development
  • 学而优则仕
    (a Confucian slogan for education) a good scholar can become an official; he who excels in study can follow an official career
  • 强者影响他人,而弱者受影响。
    Strong personalities react on others, while weaker personalities are reacted on.
  • 欲速则不达。
    More hasty,less speed.
  • 然而,在课堂上,聪明的孩子却是英雄,差些的孩子努力使自己像他们一样。
    But within the classroom bright children were the heroes and the slower ones worked hard to be like them.
  • 既来之,则安之。
    Take things as they come.
  • 不进则退。
    Not to advance is to go back.
  • 不鸣已,一鸣惊人。
    It never rains but it pours.
  • 那些新房子很漂亮,但仍然存在贫民窟是问题的另一方面。
    The new houses are fine but the slums that still exist are the other side of the coin.
  • 逆水行舟,不进退。
    He who does not advance loses ground.
  • 兼听则明。
    Hear all parties.
  • 但基督瘫软的身体具有一种奇迹般的真实感。
    The slumped physicality of this Christ, however, is almost miraculous.