  • 纵帆前缘纵帆的前面部
    The forward side of a fore-and-aft sail.
  • 请提醒老板们,经理们,不要对那些能使一天的气氛轻松起来的小事过紧张。
    Please reassure the owners and managers not to get so uptight about something that makes the day a little pleasant.
  • 第四,为继续开拓国外市场和吸引外资,进一步保持国际收支的良好状态,中国政府批提高了纺织品、煤炭、水泥、钢材和部机电产品的出口退税率,并调整了进口设备税收政策,降低了关税税率,对国家鼓励发展的外商投资项目和国内投资项目,在规定范围内免征关税和进口环节增值税。
    Fourth, to boost China's exports, attract more foreign investment and maintain a sound balance-of-payments position, the Chinese government has in succession raised the export tax rebates for textiles, coal, cement, steel and some machinery and electronic products. At the same time, the Chinese government adjusted the tax policies regarding equipment imports by reducing or exempting tariff and VAT for those foreign and domestic invested projects encouraged by the national policies.
  • 库希特语族亚非语族的一个支,使用于索马里、埃塞俄比亚以及肯尼亚北部地区,包括有贝贾语、奥罗英语和索马里语
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken in Somalia, Ethiopia, and northern Kenya and including Beja, Orono, and Somali.
  • 乍得语非洲中西部所讲的亚非语系的一个支,包括最著名的豪萨语支
    A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.
  • 由于红军中游民成占了很大的数量和全国特别是南方各省有广大游民群众的存在,就在红军中产生了流寇主义的政治思想。
    The political ideology of roving rebel bands has emerged in the Red Army because the proportion of vagabond elements is large and because there are great masses of vagabonds in China, especially in the southern provinces.
  • 含—闪语族的一个主要语系支。
    a major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family.
  • 依地语和卢森堡语是德语的支。南非荷南语源于荷兰语。
    Yiddish and Luxem-bourgian are offshoots of German, and Afrikaans is based on Dutch.
  • 一种非洲的乔木,被认为在表征健康的区域布。
    African tree supposed to mark healthful regions.
  • 叛乱首领们依法别严惩。
    The severe punishment was meted out to the leaders in the rebellion.
  • 经过几个月的战斗,叛乱子被镇压下去了。
    After months of fighting the rebels were subdued.
  • 通过封官拉拢叛乱
    Co-opt rebels by giving them positions of authority.
  • 4.没收一切流亡子和叛乱子的财产。
    4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  • 除非反叛子立即投降,否则政府将宣布他们为不法之徒。
    The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately.
  • 把这些叛乱子镇压下去只是迟早的事。
    It's simply a matter of time before the rebels are crushed.
  • 反叛子共同策划打算推翻政府。
    The rebels put heads together to plan the overthrow of the government.
  • 巴厘岛旅游局局长格德·皮坦那却仍然很乐观。他相信在悲剧发生的6个月之后,巴厘岛的旅游业会重新崛起。他还说,媒体对爆炸案的大规模报道已经成为对巴厘岛十有益的免费广告。
    Gde Pitana, head of the Bali Tourism Authority, is optimistic Bali will rebound six months after the tragedy, arguing massive media coverage of the incident had been a boon in terms of free advertising for the island.
  • 虽然由于今年欧洲经济迟缓影响汽车销售,令peugeot汽车集团遭受打击,但很多析家仍然推荐该股票。他们预期一旦欧洲经济开始复苏,peugeot有限公司的销售与利润明年将有相当的回升。
    Although the Peugeot automobile group has taken a beating this year as Europe's economic slowdown has cut into car sales, many analysts are recommending its stock. They expect the sales and profits of Peugeot S.A. to rebound nicely next year, once Europe's economy starts to recover.
  • 例如,伊拉克重建了塔利克国家设施的关键部
    For example, Iraq has rebuilt key portions of the Tariq (ph) state establishment.
  • 汉诺威德国西北部、不莱梅东南部的一个城市。1241年获得自治地许可证,于1386年成为汉萨同盟的一部。在第二次世界大战期间汉诺威受重创,但得到了广泛的重建。人口514,010
    A city of northwest Germany southeast of Bremen. Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386. Hanover was badly damaged during World War II but has been extensively rebuilt. Population,514, 010.
  • 中国政府两批共派遣800名赴柬维和官兵,在18个月内完成了机场、公路、桥梁等多项工程建设和维修任务,其中修复和扩建机场4个,修复公路4条共640公里,新架设或修复桥梁47座,并完成了其他大量的勤务工程,为保障联柬维和部队行动的顺利实施作出了贡献。
    A total of 800 men were sent in two batches, who, in 18 months, repaired or extended four airports, repaired four highways totaling 640 kilometers, built or rebuilt 47 bridges and completed many other service projects, making useful contributions to the successful operations of the United Nations peace-keeping forces in Cambodia.
  • 这些豪华公馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住公馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住公馆宽大的石框方形格子窗、堆满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这一切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在一起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  • 代表大会常任制的最大好处,是使代表大会可以成为党的充有效的最高决策机关和最高监督机关,它的效果,是几年开会一次和每次重新选举代表的原有制度所难达到的。
    The greatest merit of a system of fixed terms for the congresses is that it will make the congresses the Party's highest policy-making and supervisory organs operating with an effectiveness which is hardly possible under the present system whereby congresses are held once in a number of years, with deputies elected afresh each time.
  • 她觉得自己也没有充的理由可以反驳他,虽然心里是不服。
    She did not feel she had any sound reason to rebut him, although she still did not find it acceptable.
  • 听了不正确的议论也不争辩,甚至听了反革命子的话也不报告,泰然处之,行若无事。
    To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened.
  • 因此,我们必须一方面继续坚定地肃清“四人帮”的流毒,帮助一部还在中毒的同志觉悟过来,并且对极少数人所散布的诽谤党中央的反动言论给予痛击;
    Therefore, it is not enough for us to keep on resolutely eliminating the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four, helping those comrades who have been misled by it to come to their senses, and rebutting the reactionary statements of those who slander the Central Committee.
  • 这位领导使工党的反叛子服从了命令。
    The leader kept the recalcitrant members of the Labour Party in line.
  • 当杜克大学的统计学教授瓦伦·约翰逊提出重新计算平均以给那些评严格的课程更大的量时,遭到了学生和教职员双方的激烈攻击。
    Valen Johnson, a Duke University statistics professor, came under heavy fire from both students and faculty when he proposed recalculating the grade point average to give rigorously graded courses greater weight.
  • 三个部呈示,展开和再现的乐曲形式;奏鸣曲或交响乐的第一乐章的特点。
    a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony.
  • 十分害怕
    To be very afraid.
  • 这些结构被认为是水气回收的器官,用于从温暖、潮湿的空气中吸收水
    These structures are believed to function as moisture-recovery organs, recapturing water from warm and moist exhaled air.
  • 那些面向技术的团体,如internet学会(isoc)和internet配号码机构(iana),都在试图把自己重建成internet合法框架结构的看管者。
    These technically oriented groups, such as the Internet Society (ISOC) and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), are trying to recast themselves as suitable caretakers of the Internet's legal framework.