  • 修理东西令人快乐。
    Tinkering is so enjoyable.
  • 平庸,没有文化养一种自以为是的无知和因循守旧的态度,尤指对艺术和文学价值
    An attitude of smug ignorance and conventionalism, especially toward artistic and cultural values.
  • 由于好几辆公共汽车现在同时需要理,该新创办的公共汽车线路便遇到意想不到的困难。
    The new bus service has hit a snag because several buses now need to be repaired at the same time.
  • 友谊就像陶器,破了可以补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。(美国幽默作家 比林斯 .J.)
    Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. (Josh Billings. American humorist)
  • 亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者
    Greek patriarch of Alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism.
  • 一种代数编译语言,由密执安算法翻译语言(mad)改而成,是一种高速的编译语言,在表达式方面具有很广的一般性。
    An algebraic compiler adapted from the MAD(Michigan Algorithmic Decoder) language. It is a high-speed compiler that allows a wide latitude of generality in expressions.
  • 饰或说明一种代数方程,其中所有的变量只有一阶的,即方程中的变量都无乘方。
    The order in an algebraic equation in which all of the variables are present in the first degree only, i.e., an equation in which none of the variables are raised to powers.
  • 数字签名——使用一个加密的单向哈希(hash)算法,即使只有一个字符被改过都可能在接收端检测到。
    Digital Signatures – using an encrypted oneway hash algorithm, it is possible to detect at the receiving end even if a single character has been changed.
  • 詹姆斯声称自己很懂电视,比我懂得多。他向我要了一把螺丝刀,理了大约半个小时,然后说:“好了,你现在可以开机了。”我一打开,蓝光一闪,机子就烧了。简直是瞎子领瞎子!这小子什么也不懂。
    James claimed to know a good deal about television sets, which was more than I did. He asked me for a screwdriver, tinkered about for half an hour, then said, "Right. Now you can switch on." I did. There was a blue flash and the set caught alight. Talk about the blind leading the blind! The fellow hadn't a clue.
  • 正汽车上的轮胎准线
    Correct the wheel alignment on a car.
  • 阿伦是对所提议的旁路计划的主要反对者,他是既得利益者,因为那会把他汽车理厂的大部分生意夺走。
    Allen is the chief objector to the proposed by-pass, but he has a vested interest because it would take most of the trade from his garage.
  • 古希腊神普罗米斯为解救饥寒交迫的人类,瞒着宙斯到阿波罗太阳神偷取火种,带到人间,火到人间就再也收不回去。宙斯只好规定,在燃起圣火之前,必须向他祭祀。
    In order to help humans alleviate cold and hunger and coldness, he managed to steal a flame from the sun god Apollo without telling Jupiter.
  • 第五十条 中央财政应当安排资金,用于国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的堤坝遭受特大洪涝灾害时的抗洪抢险和水毁防洪工程复。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当在本级财政预算中安排资金,用于本行政区域内遭受特大洪涝灾害地区的抗洪抢险和水毁防洪工程复。
    Article 50 The Central finance should allocate funds for flood fighting and emergency operations when embankments and dams of major rivers and lakes designated by the state suffer catastrophic floods and waterlogging and for renovation of flood control works destroyed by floodwater. People's governments of provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should allocate funds from financial budgets at their level for flood fighting and emergency operations In areas afflicted by catastrophic floods and waterlogging within their administrative regions and for renovation of flood control works destroyed by floodwater.
  • 各级地方政府也拿出相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维
    Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches.
  • 参加中学学位分配办法的小学,所有学生均可在毕小六课程后获分配免费中一学位。
    At the end of Primary 6, all pupils in schools participating in the Government's Secondary School Places Allocation System are provided free Secondary 1 places.
  • 所有在参加中学学位分配办法小学就读的学生,均可在毕小六课程后获分配免费中一学额。
    At the end of Primary 6, all pupils in schools participating in the Government's Secondary School Places Allocation System are provided with free Secondary 1 places.
  • 为了维布达拉宫,国家一次就拔款4000多万元。
    For the renovation of the Potala Palace alone, the central government allotted a lump sum of more than 40 million yuan.
  • 参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。”改为:“农村中的家庭联产承包为主的责任制和生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。
    Working people who are members of rural economic collectives have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately-owned livestock," shall be amended as: "Rural household-based contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, and other forms of cooperative economy such as producers', supply and marketing, credit and consumers' cooperatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people.
  • 你方第4413号信用证,请速改,允许转船与分批装运。
    Lc4413 plsamend atonce allow transshipment partshipmt.
  • 这台车床非马上检不可。
    The overhauling of the lathe allows of no delay.
  • 饰或说明中央处理器的一种状态,在此状态下允许产生一定类型的中断。
    Unit that allows the occurrence of certain types of interruptions.
  • 对存储器中的数据可进行改或更新的工作方式。
    A program condition that allows changing or updating data in storage.
  • 在沃顿学习了两年后,巴菲特转学到其父母的母校--林肯的内布拉斯加大学,在那儿完了大学最后一年的课程。
    After two years at Wharton, Buffett transferred to his parents'alma mater, the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, for his final year of college.
  • αβ搜索技术中,使用α剪和β剪对不必要的求值结点加以剪的一种处理方法。
    In alpha beta search, a procedure of eliminating unnecessary evaluation of nodes which uses alpha cutoff and beta cutoff.
  • 斯科山澳大利亚的最高峰,位于该国东南部、澳大利亚阿尔卑斯山脉中。它高达海拔2,231。4米(7,316英尺)
    The highest mountain of Australia, in the southeast part of the country in the Australian Alps. It rises to2, 231.4 m(7, 316 ft).
  • 接着,诺亚为天主了一座祭坛。
    Then Noah built an altar to the Lord.
  • 迪涅的那些有钱的女忏悔者和虔诚的妇女,多次凑了些钱,要为主教的经堂一座美观的新祭坛,他每次把钱收下,却都送给了穷人。
    His wealthy penitents and the sainted women of D---- had more than once assessed themselves to raise the money for a new altar for Monseigneur's oratory; on each occasion he had taken the money and had given it to the poor.
  • 我得改图表。我出了点儿错。
    I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake.
  • 这些衣服太大,得改。
    These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
  • 修改合同
    To alter the contract
  • 变更在形式或特征上改变,
    To change in form or character; alter.
  • 一种用于改计数器或寄存器内容的值。
    A value used to alter a counter or register.