  • 骆驼能负重。
    The camel can bear a heavy load.
  • 骆驼出在一哩外的水吗?
    Can a camel smell water a mile off?
  • 骆驼的特点是够长时间走路而不喝水。
    The camel is characterized by the ability to go for long periods without water.
  • 当得不到新鲜食物和水时,骆驼以驼峰为养料的来源。
    When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off his hum.
  • 骆驼的特点是不喝水也活很长时间。
    A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.
  • 雄伟和细腻,严肃和诙谐,抒情和哲理,只要够使人们得到教育和启发,得到娱乐和美的享受,都应当在我们的文艺园地里占有自己的位置。
    All creative works -- whether epic or cameo, serious or humorous, lyrical or philosophical -- should have their place in our garden of literature and art, so long as they help to educate and enlighten the people while providing them with entertainment and aesthetic pleasure.
  • 我的照相机不用了。
    My camera has packed up.
  • 把你的照相机借给我吗?
    Could you lend me your camera?
  • 迈克尔·弗里兰在《卫报》上写道:“詹姆斯·卡梅隆可以为他是世界之王,但结果可只是一种新的地狱的君主,统治着大概是好莱坞历史上最糟时期的东西。”
    "James Cameron may think he is king of the world, but he could turn out to be a monarch of a new kind of hell, presiding over what could be the worst time in Hollywood history," Michael Freedland wrote in the Guardian.
  • 这种卫星在寻找伪装网下的坦克等目标时可很有用,因为红外线成像可以捕捉到坦克发动机散发的热量。
    Such satellites could be useful, for instance, in uncovering a tank hidden by a camouflage net, because infrared imaging would detect the heat coming from the engine.
  • 毛答:在这次战争爆发以前,中国共产党曾经再三向全国警告过,对日战争是不避免的,所有日本帝国主义者所谓“和平解决”的言论,日本外交家的漂亮词句,都不过是掩盖其战争准备的烟幕弹。
    Mao Tse-tung: Before the war broke out, the Chinese Communist Party warned the whole nation time and again that war with Japan was inevitable, and that all the Japanese imperialists' talk of a "peaceful settlement" and all the fine phrases of the Japanese diplomats were only so much camouflage to screen their preparations for war.
  • 人们在这儿露营?
    Be there any way we can camp there?
  • 这个运动需要一个有力的协调人。
    The campaign needs an effective co-ordinator.
  • 更重要的是,他是新一代人们的代言人,认为生命太短暂而不活得太渺小。
    More important, Joseph Campbell became the voice of a new generation that says life is too short to be small.
  • 我们去野营的计划大有实现的可
    Plans for our camping are shaping up very well.
  • 我要考虑考虑否和你去野营。
    I'll see if I can't go camping with you.
  • 我想找一个走着到学校的地方。
    I prefer a place within walking distance from campus.
  • 犬属的一种(可是普通的狼的后裔),它们在史前时期由人类驯养;出现许多品种。
    a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds.
  • 从飞机上投下的打开时够释放一串分裂炸弹的炸弹。
    a canister that is dropped from a plane and that opens to release a cluster of fragmentation bombs over a wide area.
  • 差异辨析:大麻对记忆技的影响。
    Spot the difference: What cannabis does to memory skills
  • 但《星期日人民报》记者了解到,这些貌似天真的十几岁甚至更小的孩子现在却成了名副其实的交易手,他们的“运气袋”里装的不是糖果而是强效的纯可卡因和大麻毒品。
    But Sunday People investigators discovered that the innocent looking kids and young teenagers are really hardened dealers whose "lucky bags" contain crack cocaine and cannabis.
  • 然而,这些司机中也有许多酒精测试阳性者,即使是仅仅涉及大麻的案例也不与受大麻影响的驾车者划等号,因为大麻在体内停留的时间很久。
    However, many of these drivers also test positive for alcohol, and even the cases involving just cannabis cannot be equated with people driving under the influence because the drug lingers so long in the body.
  • 在厨房员工罢工时,饭店只供应罐装的汤。
    When the kitchen staff bend on strike the hotel can only offer canned soup.
  • 这个透镜能放大20倍。
    This lens can magnify 20 diameter.
  • 这台打印机一分钟打印40页。
    This printer can print 40 pages in a minute.
  • 20能被4除。
    Twenty can be divided by four.
  • 我当服务员一晚上挣20英镑左右.
    I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter.
  • 我们的特殊装罐方法保存味道。
    Our special canning process seals the flavor in.
  • 一种在相对近的射程内高角度射击的大炮。
    a cannon that can be fired at a high elevation for relatively short ranges.
  • 她连生活必需品都不买,更不用说奢侈品。
    She cannot buy daily necessities, much less luxuries.
  • 没有空气人就不生存。
    Man cannot exist without air.
  • 一个人不犯了罪不受惩罚。
    One cannot commit crimes with impunity.