  • 他眼光狭窄,竟能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。
    He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes.
  • 他眼光狭窄,竟能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。
    He is so narrow-minded he can see through a keyhole with two eyes.
  • 他眼光狭窄,竟能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。
    He is so narrow - minded he can see through a keyhole with two eyes.
  • 而,在break和continue这两个关键字的身上,我们仍能看出一些goto的影子。
    However, it does have something that looks a bit like a jump tied in with the break and continue keywords.
  • 夏粮产量达到1131亿公斤,虽由于自灾害的影响比大丰收的1997年减产较多,但还是一个较好的收成。
    The output of summer grain reached 113.1 billion kg, a fairly good harvest despite reductions caused by various natural disasters.
  • 公元840年,回鹘汗国因自灾害侵袭、统治集团内讧及黠戛斯(中国古族名)的进攻等原因而崩溃,其部众大部分向西迁徙。
    The Uighur Khanate collapsed in 840 because of natural disasters, internal strife and attacks by the ancient Jiegasi tribe. Consequently, most of the Uighur migrated westward.
  • "突,一个小孩使劲地踢球,球朝一条正在通过的小船飞去。"
    "Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a passing boat."
  • 那些虫子仍很活跃。
    The worms are still alive and kicking.
  • 尽管乔治上了年纪,但他仍精力充沛。
    Despite his great age, George is still alive and kicking.
  • 警察仍在寻找绑架案的有力证据。
    Police are still looking for a smoking gun in the kidnapping case.
  • 腰花、牛排和洋葱在酒中翻炒,拿面皮包住,后烤制。
    steak with sauteed kidneys and onions cooked in wine and stock then covered with pastry and baked.
  • 这个被定罪了的杀手漠听着宣读他的判决。
    the convicted killer listened unblinkingly to the reading of his sentence.
  • 某人自或人工产出时不足500克的胎儿。
    a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelled from the mother's body.
  • 全程为40公里的赛程要选手们先在体育场跑道上跑5圈,后离开体育场,踏上尘土飞扬、凹凸不平的土路,上上下下越过了7个山包。
    The 40 kilometer course started with five laps around the stadium track.The runners then left the stadium and embarked on a dusty,unpaved course that took them up-and-down over seven different hills.
  • 气透过一条长780公里的海底高压管道,直接由海南岛附近的崖城13-1气田输入。
    It is imported from the Yacheng 13-1 gas field off Hainan Island in Southern China via a 780-kilometre high-pressure submarine pipeline.
  • 他们两人同姓,但他们没有亲属关系。
    Although their surnames are identical, they are not of kin.
  • 回家的路上,阿金把牛奶倒进口袋里,后把罐子扔在路边。
    On his way home, Ah Kin poured the milk into his pocket and threw the empty pot to the side of the road.
  • 她对最小的孩子比对其他的孩子好得多,这当使其他孩子妒忌。
    She was much kinder to the youngest child than she was to the others, which, of course, made the others jealous.
  • 美国最初级的教育是为6岁以下儿童而设的幼儿园,后是小学。
    American lower education is divided into kinder- garten, for the under-6 set, then grade school until age 12.
  • 他做国王的身分为人诟病,但他仍大权在握。
    Though his kingship is challenge, he continue to rule de facto.
  • 他们虽只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。
    Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.
  • 说真的,在自界亦大类此;我们看见有时侄子象伯父或叔父或某位近亲而不甚象自己底父亲,这是血气使
    And, to say truth, in nature it is much a like matter, in so much,that we see a nephew sometimes resembleth an uncle, or a kinsman, more then his own parent;
  • 不久何先生就会在他的十尺长四尺宽的木屋的侧门前面装一个铁门。他说那样他就可以高枕无忧了。话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。
    Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin.
  • 不久何先生就会在他的十尺长四尺宽的木屋的侧门前面装一个铁门。他说那样他就可以高枕无忧了。话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。
    Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his 10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin.
  • 他突然亮出刀来。
    He whipped out a knife.
  • 小女孩皱了一下眉头,后作出正确的回答。
    The little girl knit her brows for a moment and then gave the correct answer.
  • 响起一阵敲门声。
    Suddenly strikes a sound of knocking.
  • 敲窗户的声音使我猛一惊。
    The knocking at the window startled me.
  • 为了不撞倒那个男孩,汽车突转向。
    The car swerved to avoid knocking the boy down.
  • 后你知道将会怎样吗?
    You know what will happen then,you know.
  • 不仅知其,还知所以
    To know truly is to know by cause.
  • 学然后知不足。
    The more a man know, the less he know he know.