  • 小矿车,柳箩矿井中用的车、盆或筐
    A truck, tub, or basket used in a mine.
  • 客房马上就去,我会把坐厕、洗面盆、浴缸都清理干净,再放几新毛巾。
    Right away. I'll place some fresh towels in there, and I'll clean the toilet bowl, wash basin and tub.
  • 减肥行业每年可以挣几十亿美元;然而在美国腹地,夫妇们又把过多的蛋黄酱抹在他们的巨无霸汉堡包上,再来上一大袋薯
    the weight-loss industry generates bil- lions of dollars per year, yet back in the heartland Mr. and Mrs. America are dolloping extra mayon- naise on their Big Macs and tucking into a large order of fries.
  • 一艘拖轮牵引着那船的船头将它转了个弯。
    A tug pulled the bow of the ship round.
  • 放射状的属于或关于沿任何一直径可以均分为二的花的,如玫瑰或郁金香的花
    Of or relating to a flower that can be divided into equal halves along any diameter, such as the flowers of the rose or tulip.
  • 当合并出价成为头新闻时,股票价格必定会暴跌。
    Share prices are bound to tumble when the take-over bid hits the headlines.
  • 我在这船上生活了差不多一年,初次尝到了海上生活的艰辛。
    I had spent nearly a year in this ship, and got the first rough and tumble of a sea-life.
  • 我听到了一老牛同样在叫。
    I have heard an old cow tuned up in like manner.
  • 铁路提供两项服务,即机场快线及东涌线。
    It comprises two services-the Airport Express Line and the Tung Chung Line.
  • 另一则为连接中环与东涌、提供市内服务的东涌线,中途站设于九龙、大角咀(奥运站)、荔景及青衣。
    and the Tung Chung Line domestic service will link Central to Tung Chung,with stops at Kowloon, Tai Kok Tsui (Olympic Station), Lai King and Tsing Yi.
  • 中国在建立和完善知识产权制度的过程中,得到了世界知识产权组织和国际知识产权界的积极帮助,中国也将一如既往地积极参加有关国际组织的活动,履行知识产权领域各项国际约和协定中应尽的义务。
    China itself has received active assistance from the World Intellectual Property Organization and from others working in the field in establishing and fine-tuning its intellectual property rights protection system. The nation will, as in the past, actively join in the activities of relevant international organizations and fulfil the obligations described in the international intellectual property treaties and agreements.
  • 隧道正在那里开凿是吗?
    Is a tunnel being digged there?
  • 列车驶进了另一隧道。
    The train plunged into another tunnel.
  • 工人们在挖一隧道。
    The workers were driving a tunnel.
  • 埋在宪法里的真正定时炸弹,是给予土耳其族(少数)对希腊族(多数)立法是提议否决权的那些款。
    The real time bombs in the constitution were the clauses that gave the Turkish (minority) the right to veto the … legislative proposals of the Greek (majority).(Maclean's)
  • 《华尔街日报》报道了经济/工业生产上的萧
    "Wall Street" reports a turndown/downture in the economy/industrial production.
  • 第一横马路是西街。
    The first turning is West Street.
  • 您横过这马路;当你走到路的尽头时,向左拐;然后,在第一个转弯处向右拐。
    Take the opposite side of the road; and when you get to the end of it, turn on the left; and then take the first turning to the right.
  • 这次国民会议制订的《中华民国训政时期约法》总纲第一规定:西藏是中华民国的领土。
    Article I of the General Outline of the Constitution for the Political Tutelage Period of the Republic of China, formulated during the assembly, stipulated that Tibet belonged to the territories of the Republic of China.
  • 报告者就当今的失业和20世纪20年代的萧情况进行了比较。
    The speaker drew a parallel between unemployment today and the depression of the nineteen twenties.
  • 他看到的是一个黑女人——大概20来岁——她身材苗,羞羞答答。
    He saw a dark woman—in her twenties, perhaps--who was slender and shy.
  • 鸟飞下来停在一细树枝上。
    The bird alighted on a twig.
  • ,枝(如柳树等)植物的柔韧的枝或嫩,用于编篮子或家具
    A flexible plant branch or twig, as of a willow, used in weaving baskets or furniture.
  • 柳条很软。
    Willow twigs are pliable.
  • 从…上除去细枝或枝
    To remove twigs or branches from.
  • 常绿树枝用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝
    Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.
  • 把枝缠在长手柄上的扫帚。
    a broom made of twigs tied together on a long handle.
  • 河流蜿蜒穿过山谷。
    The river twines through the valley.
  • 小路盘绕在小山上。
    The path twisted up the hill.
  • 这就是我们党的两政策:一方面,团结一切进步势力,团结一切忠心抗日的人,这是一政策;一方面,反对一切丧尽天良的坏蛋,反对那些投降派和反共顽固派,这是又一政策。
    The policy of our Party is twofold: on the one hand to unite all the progressive forces and all people loyal to the cause of resisting Japan, and on the other to oppose all the heartless scoundrels, the capitulators and the anti-Communist die-hards.
  • 空铅,铅块比抬升的印刷平面要更低的金属,用于填空格和空行
    A piece of type metal lower than the raised typeface, used for filling spaces and blank lines.
  • 我确信你符合当打字员的件。
    I am sure you are qualified as a typist.