  • 他是使这个国家经济成长的无英雄。
    He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth.
  • 这些理由是根本不能成立的,也绝对不能得出台湾可以“中华民国”的义自立为一个国家和海峡两岸已经分裂为两个国家的结论。
    These arguments are absolutely untenable, and can never lead to the conclusion that Taiwan may declare itself a state under the name of the "Republic of China," or that the two sides of the Straits have been divided into two states.
  • 一个没有名字的故事
    An untitled story.
  • 迪克的夫人收到了一封说她丈夫不忠的匿信。
    Dick's wife received a poison-pen letter telling her that her husband was untrue.
  • 一个实验中未意识到自己在被实验的一实验对象
    An unwitting subject in an experiment.
  • 出卖节操的人为不值得的目的出卖自己的能力、才能或望的人
    One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.
  • 字段通常是一样的,但因为软件更新(su),分配给相应字段的号可能会改变。
    The field names are always the same, but because of Software Updates (SUs), the numbers assigned to the fields may change.
  • 我在总公司输出一封信到他们的终端机,然后由他们的数据库输进——地址单。
    I uploaded a letter too their terminal in the head office, and then downloaded a list of addresses from their database.
  • 对公众而言,莱拉最重大的一场比赛是去年夏天在纽约州北部迎战杰基·弗雷泽·雷德,她是阿里70年代最知的对手乔·弗雷泽的女儿。
    For the public, her biggest test took place last summer in upstate New Yorkwhen she took on Jacqui Frazier-Lyde, the daughter of Joe Frazier, her father's most celebrated opponent during the 1970s.
  • 我闭上眼睛,不想看到地毯上任何一片纸片地那面朝上。
    I closed my eyes and didn't want to see any place names that may have landed upwards.
  • 他渴望当一电影明星。
    He has an urge to become a cinema star.
  • 厄休拉简直太幸运了,共有两百个申请这个课程的一个空额,因此他们只好把全部字都一起放在帽子里——结果正好摸到了她的字。
    Ursula has the luck of the devil. There were two hundred applicants for one place on the course so they put all the names in hat-and hers was the one that was chosen.
  • 夏季,罗纳尔多作为巴西队的一候补队员加盟克巴美洲队,在乌拉圭进行比赛。
    In the summer, Ronaldo was called-up as a substitute for Brazil in the Copa America in Uruguay.
  • Mr.用在男性姓名前。
    Mr. is used before the names of men.
  • 他是该队的一强手。
    He's a useful member of the team.
  • cookies是一些驻留在用户的因特网浏览器存储器中的代码,告诉网站此人是谁——这就是网站能够叫出用户的字打招呼的方法。
    Cookies are bits of code that sit in a user's Internet browser memory and tell Web sites who the person is -- that's how a Web site is able to greet users by name.
  • 招待员坚持给我们换位。
    The usher insisted on reseating us.
  • 就在一起爆炸事件摧毁了当时正停靠在亚丁港的美国寇尔号船身的六个星期后,一项消息来源周日表示,也门调查人员正准备要对至少两涉入这起显然是由恐怖份子所为的爆炸案的嫌犯提出告诉。
    Yemeni investigators are ready to charge at least two people in the apparent terrorist attack on the USS Cole, a source said Sunday, six weeks after an explosion tore through the warship as it sat in Aden's harbor.
  • 盗用...的名义
    usurp the name of ...
  • 盗用。。。的名义
    Usurp the name of...
  •  第十八条发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当写明发明或者实用新型的称,该称应当与请求书中的称一致。
    Rule l8 The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request.
  •  (二)各级别前四的运动员因伤病等原因,不能参加世界杯赛时,其空缺额由国际武联技委会指派。
    3.2 If, due to injury or illness, etc, competitors of the top four place of each category are unable to participate, the vacancy will be appointed by the IWUF Technical Committee.
  • 条文进一步规定,不论法令的其他条文,组织章程及条规或任何常驻董事与公司签署的合约如何,常驻董事都不可辞职,除非公司里还有至少两董事,而其中一是常驻董事。
    It further provides that notwithstanding any other provision in the Act, the company's memorandum and articles of association or in any other agreement between the resident director and the company, the resident director shall not resign or vacate his office unless there are remaining in the company least two directors, one of whom shall be a resident director.
  • 条文进一步规定,不论法令的其他条文,组织章程及条规或任何常驻董事与公司签署的合约如何,常驻董事都不可辞职,除非公司里还有至少两董事,而其中一是常驻董事。
    It further provides that notwithstanding any other provision in the Act, the company's memorandum and articles of association or in any other agreement between the resident director and the company, the resident director shall not resign or vacate his office unless there are remaining in the company at least two directors, one of whom shall be a resident director.
  • 上诉庭推翻(地方法院)原判后,把这个案件重新发回地方法院,不过要由另一法官裁决将对微软采取什么样的惩罚。
    By vacating the ruling, the appeals court sent the case back to the lower court but ordered that a different judge handle the decision on how to punish Microsoft.
  • 谁在乱点我的名字?
    Who's that takes my name in vain?
  • 他们想查出那陌生人的姓,却徒劳无功。
    They vainly tried to find out the stranger's name.
  • 我们想查出那个陌生人的姓和职业,但是徒劳。
    We vainly tried to find out the stranger 's name and occupation.
  • 保证,担保能认可或使具有法律效力的某事物,如签或收据
    Something, such as a signature or voucher, that endorses or validates.
  • 共有155获有效提的候选人参选,竞逐立法会60个议席。
    A total of 155 validly nominated candidates contested the 60 Legislative Council seats.
  • 这幅绘画非常名贵。
    This painting is very valuable.
  • 那个窃贼抢劫了这年轻女子的所有贵重物品。
    The thief delivered the young lady of all her valuables.