  • 杰夫:为此,1969年国际羽毛球联合会修改了比赛规则,由个区的优胜队和上后冠军队及本后举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series.Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • 你把我大衣上那个撕破的子缝起来了吗?
    Have you sewn up the tear in my coat?
  • 下一步就是用户友好的建立和管理过程开始替代较旧的、面向技术的接,这些接都是集中化模式的产物。
    Next, user friendly set-up and administrative procedures began to replace the older, technically oriented interfaces that grew out of the centralized model.
  • 亚兹德伊朗一城市,位于德黑兰东南偏南,从公元前5世纪起,便是纺织及地毯编织中心。人193,000
    A city of central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. Dating from the fifth century b.c., it is a textile and carpet-weaving center. Population,193, 000.
  • 哈马丹伊朗西部城市,位于德黑兰的西南偏西。它是一座古城,公元前330年被亚历山大大帝征服,后来被塞琉西地国王、罗马、拜占庭以及阿拉伯(公元645年以后)统治。人234,000
    A city of western Iran west-southwest of Tehran. An ancient city, it was captured by Alexander the Great in330 b.c. and later ruled by Seleucid kings, Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs(after a.d.645). Population,234, 000.
  • 这就要求用新型的电路交换网关,它们具有局域网接和与公用网和用户交换机电话中继线连接的特点。
    This requires new kinds of circuit-switching gateways that feature LAN interfaces and telephony trunk connections to public networks and PBXs.
  • 在马来西亚港城市槟榔屿,传统基金会的志愿者已经保住了几座古庙和其他建筑,并且引发了公众对保护传统的关注。
    In Penang, volunteers at the Penang Heritage Trust have saved some old temples and other buildings and sparked public interest in conservation.
  • 我想做一名临时语翻译。
    I'd like to be a temporary interpreter.
  • 某些政府因恐伊朗获胜,当伊拉克使用化学武器时,因循迁就,并找寻错综复杂的外交藉而不予理会。这不但蔑视道德,也有违战略原则。
    Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way, as they did when Iraq used chemical weapons because they feared Iran would win, are not only flouting morality. They are also flouting strategic sense.
  • 当菜肴看来那么美味可,而我们的胃又这么好的时候,不去尝尝盛宴的味道,可就太不近情了。
    It simply doesn't make sense not to taste the feast when the food looks so tempting and we have such an appetite.
  • 他的伤口仍然疼痛。
    His wound is still tender.
  • 中央情报局;人调查局;行政管理和预算局。
    the Central Intelligence Agency; the Census Bureau; Office of Management and Budget; Tennessee Valley Authority.
  • 布里斯托尔田纳西州和弗吉尼亚州边境上,田纳西州的金斯波特东北偏东的两座城市。尽管政治上独立,两个社区在经济上是统一体,沿州界共用一条主街。人23,421(田纳西)和18,426(弗吉尼亚)
    Two cities on the Tennessee-Virginia line east-northeast of Kingsport, Tennessee. The communities, though politically independent, are an economic unit and share a main thoroughfare along the state boundary. Population,23, 421(Tennessee) and18, 426(Virginia).
  • 哥伦比亚美国田纳西州中西部一城市,位于纳什维尔西南部,初建于1807年。人28,583
    A city of west-central Tennessee south-southwest of Nashville. It was first settled in1807. Population,28, 583.
  • 克利夫兰美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人30,354
    A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population,30, 354.
  • 查塔努加美国田纳西州东南部城市,位于佐治亚州边界及纳什维尔东南部。田纳西河入,在南北战争中具有战略性的地方并于最终于1863年被联邦军队攻占。人152,466
    A city of southeast Tennessee on the Georgia border southeast of Nashville. A port of entry on the Tennessee River, it was strategically important during the Civil War and was finally taken by Union forces in November1863. Population,152, 466.
  • 塔拉瓦岛是基里巴斯的首都,有近6万人,此岛最大宽度尚不足100码。
    Kiribati's capital island of Tarawa,which is seldom more than tens of yards wide at its widest,is home to around 60,000 people.
  • 鲁珀特王子港加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚西部一城市,位于阿拉斯加边界附近的太平洋沿岸,是铁路和公路的终点和终年不冻港,也是制造加工和造船中心。人16,197
    A city of western British Columbia, Canada, on the Pacific Ocean near the Alaska border. A railroad and highway terminus and ice-free port, it is a processing and shipping center. Population,16, 197.
  • 奥克兰美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座城市,在旧金山对面金山湾附近。西班牙殖民者于1820年1月在此始建定居点,是一港和铁路终点,通过桥梁、隧道和高速运输系统与旧金山地区其他社区相连。人372,242
    A city of western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco. Founded on a site settled by Spanish colonists in1820, it is a port and rail terminus connected with other communities in the Bay Area by bridge, tunnel, and rapid transit. Population,372, 242.
  • 瓦尔迪兹阿拉斯加南部毗邻威廉王子海湾的某水湾的城市。在第二次世界大战期间曾是军事基地,是源自普拉德霍湾的运油管道的南端终点。1989年由于泄露在该港造成大面积环境污染。人4,608
    A city of southern Alaska on an inlet of Prince William Sound. A military base during World War II, it is the southern terminus of the oil pipeline from Prudhoe Bay. An oil spill in the waters of the sound caused extensive environmental damage in1989. Population,4, 068.
  • 我口渴得要命。
    I have a terrible thirst.
  • 那是一个下午的晚些时候,在一所靠近我家的正在修建的房子里,尚未完工的木地板上有一个个巨大可怕的洞,那些张着大的黑洞在我看来是通向不祥之处的。
    It was in the late afternoon in a house under construction near ours.The unfinished wood floor had large,terrifying holes whose yawning darkness I knew led to nowhere good.
  • 奥林匹亚美国华盛顿州首府,在华盛顿州的西部,普吉特海峡的南端。1845年开始有人在此居住,1853年成为地区首府。人33,840
    The capital of Washington, in the western part of the state on the southern end of Puget Sound. Settled in1845, it became the territorial capital in1853. Population, 33,840.
  • 麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人191,262
    The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.
  • 山西纺织品进出公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进纺织品事宜。从1990年到1993年增加了25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽谈。
    Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company. Handled import of textiles from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan. Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993. Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.
  • 中国纺织品进出总公司。
    China national textile import & export corporation.
  • 这蛋糕松软可口。
    The cake has a nice light texture.
  • 伊顿英国中部偏西南一城镇,临近泰晤士河与温莎相对,此城镇内的伊顿学院,是英格兰最大和最有名望的公立寄宿学校,1440年由亨利四世创建。人3,523
    An urban district of southeast-central England on the Thames River opposite Windsor. Its college, the largest and most famous of England's public schools, was founded by Henry VI in1440. Population,3, 523.
  • 还有,啊!那恶臭!我简直无法在这里向你描述,怕因此毁了你感恩节晚餐的胃
    And oh! The smell! I can't even describe that to you here because it would ruin your Thanksgiving dinner.
  • 智者在心中,愚人心在中。
    Wise men have their mouth in their heart, fool their heart in their mouth.
  • 他们的出额赶不上进额。
    Their exports fell short of their imports.
  • 士兵们的贴身袋里装着休假证
    The soldiers had their furloughs in their breast pockets.