  • 所谓空闲并不是可以挤在忙了一整天后的三更半夜的西。
    Leisure is not something sandwiched into the wee hours after an exhausting day.
  • 我想这些西能让我再支撑好几个星期了。
    I could go a couple more weeks."
  • 他母亲买的西太多了,背在身上都把她压弯了。
    His mother was weighted down with a heavy load of shopping.
  • 好奇怪,为什么这附件的西一直遗失?
    It's weird how things keep disappearing around here.
  • 〔14〕大小五井山区就是指介于江西西部的永新、宁冈、遂川和湖南部的酃县四县之间的井冈山,井冈山上有大井、小井、上井、中井、下井等地。
    [14] Five Wells designates the villages of Big Well, Small Well, Upper Well, Middle Well and Lower Well, in the Chingkang Mountains, which are situated between Yunghsin, Ningkang and Suichuan in western Kiangsi and Linghsien County in eastern Hunan.
  • 至于凯尔特层①,哪怕挖掘许多深井,也无法再找到什么残存的西了。
    As for the Celtic layer, no specimens were any longer to be found, even when sinking wells.
  • 美因河发源于德国部的一条河流,流程约449公里(310英里),总体向西流,在美因兹注入莱因河
    A river rising in eastern Germany and flowing about499 km(310 mi) generally westward to the Rhine River at Mainz.
  • 若由向西打去,则限于赣江,战局结束后无发展余地。
    But if we were to thrust westward, we would come up against the Kan River and have no room for expansion after the battle.
  • 吐谷浑源于鲜卑(中国古族名),四世纪初自辽(泛指辽河以地区)西迁,逐渐控制了今甘南(甘肃南部地区)、四川和青海地区的氐(中国古族名)、羌等民族,建立政权。
    The Tuyuhun, originating from the ancient Xianbei people, moved westward from Liaodong (the region east of the Liaohe River in northeast China) in the early fourth century, and set up their own regime after conquering the ancient Di and Qiang peoples in the region of southern Gansu, Sichuan and Qinghai.
  • (三)无论敌人采取何种处置,情况发生何种变化,西线之三野第七、第九两个兵团,除留必需兵力协同二野歼灭当面之敌外,主力应与线三野之第八、第十两兵团实行西对进,力求迅速会合。
    3) No matter which move the enemy makes and no matter what else happens, the main forces of the Seventh and Ninth Armies of the Third Field Army in the west, except for those troops required to co-operate with the Second Field Army in wiping out the enemy they confront, should march eastward quickly to join forces with the Eighth and Tenth Armies of the Third Field Army in the east that should march westward at the same time.
  • 湿的东西;潮湿
    Something that wets; moisture.
  • 科德美国马萨诸塞州南的钩状半岛,向向北伸入大西洋。直到19世纪末,渔业、捕鲸和船运业占有重要地位;现今其经济主要依赖于旅游业
    A hook-shaped peninsula of southeast Massachusetts extending east and north into the Atlantic Ocean. Fishing, whaling, and shipping were important here until the late1800's; the economy today is based largely on tourism.
  • 我在他的兜儿里找到手绢、线一类的西。
    In his pocket I found a handkerchief, string, and what have you.
  • 我的东西都是你的。
    Whatever I have is yours.
  • 你可以吃你喜欢的任何西。
    You can eat whatever you like.
  • 报告中没有任何实质性的西。
    There is no substance whatsoever in the report.
  • 卡尔只有用巧妙的手腕同欧人打交道才能维持他的生意。
    Karl only keeps his business going by wheeling and dealing with the East Europeans.
  • 克拉克斯堡美国西弗吉尼亚州的一座城市,位于惠灵的南偏。是美国内战时重要的联军供应基地。人口18,059
    A city of northern West Virginia south-southeast of Wheeling. It was an important Union supply base during the Civil War. Population,18, 059.
  • 我要买西总是付现金的。
    Whenever I buy something, I pay down.
  • 如果你想晚归,就得让你的房知道你在哪儿,免得他们担心。
    If you intend to be out late, keep your host and hostess informed of your whereabouts so they don't worry.
  • 卡德鲁斯手按着纸说:“想到用这西杀人比候在树林旁边暗杀还要牢靠,也太令人寒心了!
    "When one thinks," said Caderousse, letting his hand drop on the paper, "there is here wherewithal to kill a man more sure than if we waited at the corner of a wood to assassinate him!
  • 顺便告诉你,我最近胃口不好,所以想吃点开胃的西。
    By the way, I've been having a dull appetite recently. So I'd like something which whets the appetite.
  • 她读书时常常织西。
    She often knits while reading.
  • 与此同时,上述的和其它各种成就对英国的经济发展起到了巨大的作用。我们知道还有很多西要去学习,也有不少工作尚待完成。
    Whilst these and other achievements have dome much to improve the UK economy, we acknowledge that there are lessons to learn and a lot of work still to do.
  • 虽然他可能已经递上辞呈,但碍于第145节,辞职被视为无效。有鉴于此,读者在接受委任常驻董事一职时应三思,并考虑该公司及其股的背景、商誉和业绩。
    The 'reluctant' resident director would then be obliged to continue to discharge his statutory duties whilst remaining a director on record, notwithstanding that he may have tendered his resignation as a director, as such resignation would be deemed invalid by virtue of Section 145. In the light of this, one should accept the appointment of a director only after careful consideration, taking into account the background, reputation and track record of the relevant company and its shareholders.
  • 漩涡把水面上漂的西都吸进去了。
    The whirlpool sucked down everything flouting on the water.
  • 漩涡拖下或吞没的西,如漩涡
    Something, such as a whirlpool, that draws down or engulfs.
  • 于是在结束了上午的工作会议,布什的座机起飞开往中之后,他在圆桌会议上的座椅就马上被搬走了。
    As soon as he set off for the Middle East after a working morning session, his chair at the round-table talks was swiftly whisked away.
  • 勿以高价购买毫无价值的西(勿做得不偿失之事)。
    Do not pay too dear for your whistle.
  • 另外还需要其它的西,才能够保证低延时交付实时数据流,可以是视频、话音或支持应用共享或白板会议的数据流。
    Something more is needed that can guarantee low-delay delivery of real-time streams -- be it video, voice or a datastream supporting application sharing or a whited-board conference.
  • 鲱鱼一种小型白鱼(鲱鱼),产于五大湖区和加拿大部湖区
    A small whitefish(Coregonus hoyi) of the Great Lakes and the lakes of eastern Canada.
  • 一种北极出现的大气状况:雪和上面的云构成一致的白色,使西难以看清;发生在当从雪反射回的光等于穿过云的光。
    an arctic atmospheric condition with clouds over snow produce a uniform whiteness and objects are difficult to see; occurs when the light reflected off the snow equals the light coming through the clouds.