  • 瞬息间,贵族变贫民,富翁成乞丐,荷兰陷入片萧条。
    Soon the nobles became poor and the rich became paupers. Cries of distress resounded everywhere in Holland.
  • 马上整个教堂乒乒乓乓响成片。每个人都对他邻近的人动起手来。
    Presently the whole chapel resounded with rappings and counter-rappings: every man's hand was against his neighbour;
  • 我们很快又将小册子出了个自由版,红、白、蓝三色装饰得漂漂亮亮,并以句响亮的“主救吾王”作为结束语。
    We speedily produced a liberal edition of the pamphlet, tricked out prettily in red, white and blue, and ending with a resounding "God Save the King".
  • 他唯的生路就是逃跑。
    Flight was his only resource.
  • 阅读是种很好的消遣。
    Reading is a great resource.
  • 为使用同资源而产生的无法解决的争用状态。
    Unresolved contention for the use of a resource.
  • 这一点我很敬佩她。
    I admire her for that.
  • 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的大负担
    Pay all the bill be a strain on my resource
  • 警队有系列推广价值观的管理策略措施,为上述行动的优先处理项目作支援。这些措施包括广泛使用现代科技、着重人力资源管理、更广泛的沟通,以及更有效的资源管理。
    These operational priorities will be supported by a series of management initiatives to promote the Force values through: wider use of modern technology; a focus on human resource management; more widespread communication; and better management of resources.
  • 达到这些目标是项巨大的努力,不仅政府需要提供大量资源和采取协调致的行动,用水的人和对这宝贵的资源进行投资的人也需要这样做,特别是在国家级上。
    To reach these goals is a huge endeavour, requiring substantial resources and coordinated action, not just from governments but also from people who use water and those who invest in this precious resource, especially at the national level.
  • 网络计算机,也叫“因特网烤炉”、因特网装置、因特网设备,是种价格低廉、无需维护的台式装置。它可以让用户不费力气就能接到因特网和网络资源上。从这种台式装置上,他们就能分享到任何资源,完成所有目前需要在pc机上进行的计算任务。
    The network computer, also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,no maintenance desktop device. It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. From there, they can share any resource and perform all computing tasks that they currently do on their PCs.
  • 指从个系统或信息资源字典获得信息,并且由另系统或信息资源字典接收其信息。参阅input/output。
    Pertaining to the acquisition of information from a system or information resource dictionary and the acceptance of the information by another system or information resource dictionary.
  • 锦囊妙计隐藏的优势或资源,直保存到需要时
    A hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed.
  • intraverse可以把用于个组织的安全策略紧密地映射到internet资源上
    IntraVerse maps security policy for an organization seamless onto internet resource
  • 足智多谋的人才有能力对付困难的局势;个有能力的、足智多谋的政治家;城里最聪明的厨师。
    someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations; an able and resourceful politician; the most resourceful cook in town.
  • 她是位士兵的妻子:快活,机智,热心,适应性强,会生活;她们家庭主妇,从不空谈,非常实在。“再也找不到这么完美的女人了。”
    She is a soldier's wife: cheerful, resourceful, warmhearted, adaptable, on top of life; a homemaker; no theories, all practicality. "They don't make them like that any more."
  • 把音乐和舞蹈结合在起。
    resourcefully he mingled music and dance.
  • 在很长的段时间里,广大青少年好好学习,天天向上,爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱护公共财物,英勇机智地同敌人、坏分子作斗争,树立了代新风。
    For a long time, our children and young people studied well and made progress every day. They were filled with love for their motherland, for the people and for labour, science and public property, and they struggled heroically and resourcefully against bad elements and enemies, setting the tone for a new era.
  • 个人的伟大之处在于足智多谋。
    a man of great resourcefulness.
  • 没有点胆略是不行的。
    Nobody could have done it without courage and resourcefulness.
  • 在能源上的种消耗。
    a drain on resources.
  • 我们把资源融合在块。
    We merged our resources.
  • 他们是对老夫妻,过著几乎是不太体面的日子
    They are an old couple living on the margin of respectability
  • 大多数新加坡人都对本地熟食情有独钟,连总统也不例外,这对本地佳肴而言是种肯定,也使得本地饮食文化荣登大雅之堂。
    Most Singaporeans have a special fondness for hawker food. So do our Istana presidents.This certainly raises the level of respectability for our food culture.
  • 大多数新加坡人都对本地熟食情有独钟,连总统也不例外,这对本地佳肴而言是种肯定,也使得本地饮食文化荣登大雅之堂。
    Most Singaporeans have a special fondness for hawker food. So do our presidents. This certainly raises the level of respectability for our food culture.
  • 纳米技术与伙未来学家的联系使其争取应有地位的活动增色不少。这群未来学家认为纳米技术是通向技术理想王国的必由之路,它意味着空前繁荣,无污染的工业,甚至人的长生不老也不是不可能的。
    The field's bid for respectability is colored by the association of the word with a caba1 of futurists who foresee nano as a pathway to a technoutopia: unparalleled prosperity, pollution-free industry, even something resembling eternal life.
  • 但是这种尊重,是给历史以定的科学的地位,是尊重历史的辩证法的发展,而不是颂古非今,不是赞扬任何封建的毒素。
    However, respect for history means giving it its proper place as a science, respecting its dialectical development, and not eulogizing the past at the expense of the present or praising every drop of feudal poison.
  • 在那点上她们有分歧。
    it differs in that respect.
  • 为航运界提供航海服务,在七月日回归前原本是英国海军的职责。回归后,这项工作已由海道测量部接手负责。
    The Hydrographic Office has taken over provision to the shipping community of nautical services which were provided by the British Admiralty before the reversion of sovereignty on July 1, 1997.
  • 这是户有声望的人家。
    This is a respectable household.
  • 这家餐厅是这带最高尚的。
    It's the most respectable one around.
  • 亨特的马状态欠佳,但他纵马跳障碍这轮还算不错
    Hunt jumped a respectable round although his horse is unfit