  • 听见附近有人在喊叫吗?
    Can you hear someone calling in the neighbourhood?
  • 能直拨吗?
    Can I call direct?
  • 跟你电话联系吗?
    May I call you?
  • 虽然海伦·凯勒失去了视觉、听觉和说话力,但她却鼓舞了数万人。明确目标的力量必然胜过任何限制。
    Helen Caller was without sight,hearing,or speech,yet she inspired millions definite major purpose is stronger than any limitation.
  • 今天人们熟悉的电话功,如主叫识别、呼叫等待、800/888业务等,都是由于有了七号信令系统协议而实现的智增值业务。
    Today's familiar telephony features -- such as caller ID, call waiting and 800/888 numbers -- are intelligent value-added services made possible by a protocol called Signaling System 7 (SS7).
  • 长命百岁;我记得上次去故宫,你特别喜欢书法,所以,我想你可会喜欢这个。
    They mean long life. I remembered you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum, so I thought you might like it.
  • 这样,在绘画上和书法上,尤其是在书法上,我们够看见各种的审美质素或各种美的型式,而没有一个人够把艺术作品之美和艺术家自己灵魂之美分别出来。
    Thus in painting and calligraphy, particularly the latter, we are able to see a whole category of aesthetic qualities or different types of beauty, and no one will be able to separate the beauty of the finished product and the beauty of the artist's own soul.
  • 冷静的在逆境中平静且自控;冷静的
    Calm and controlled in trying circumstances; cool.
  • 耐心的,不冲动的平静等待后果或结果的;不急的或不冲动的
    Capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or a result; not hasty or impulsive.
  • 他心平气和地对他们说话,希望息事宁人,但无济于事。
    He spoke calmly to them trying to pour oil on troubled waters but it was useless.
  • “我爱爱德蒙·唐太斯,”姑娘平静地说,“除了爱德蒙,谁也不做我的丈夫。”
    "I love Edmond Dantès," the young girl calmly replied, "and none but Edmond shall ever be my husband."
  • 如果他们做事更沉着一点,从容一点,而不是将一天的活一下子拼命干完,那就好了!
    If only they'd do things a little more calmly and quietly instead of steaming through their day's work at full throttle!
  • 冷静地判断国际形势,多争取一点时间不打仗还是可的。
    After calmly assessing the international situation, we have concluded that it is possible to gain a longer period free from war than we had thought earlier.
  • 如果确是这样,切勿在愤怒时把它发泄出来,要等待怒气渐消,直到够平静地、理智地表达自己的意见。
    If it is, do not express your anger while angry, wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.
  • 因为权位是,或者应当是,德之所在;并且,如在自然界一样,事物向它们底位置动的时候,其动甚烈,而在它们底地位中动的时候其动甚和缓,所以德在努力上达的时候是猛烈的,而在当权的时候是安稳平和的。
    For honour is, or should be, the place of virtue: and as in nature things move violently to their place, and calmly in their place: so virtue in ambition is violent, in authority settled and calm.
  • 在危险时刻,他总保持镇静。
    In times of danger he always preserves his calmness.
  • 按这个节食法,我们每天只吃一千五百卡路里。
    One can eat only 1500 calories a day on this diet.
  • 一些研究表明当人们在饮食中加入坚果时,摄入的总热量并未增加,而且食欲很可会因此下降。
    Some research shows that when people include nuts in their diet, total calorie intake does not increase, and appetite may actually decrease.
  • 引发心脏病的菜包括牛排(盘中的“心脏杀手”),以及任何高脂肪、高胆固醇、高热量、低纤维的食品,比如糖、黄油、奶酪、冰淇淋、白面包、或油炸食品。
    Suspicious dishes include steak (a 'heart attack on a plate') and any high-fat,high-cholesterol, high-calorie, low-fibre food, such as sugar, butter, cheese, ice cream, white bread, or fried anything.
  • 加尔文和他的信徒的神学体系,强调神的万和只有优雅才可得救。
    the theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone.
  • 卡尔文主义约翰·卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万的,以及仁慈上帝对人的超度作用
    The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
  • 持续蒙恩宣称被上帝选中的人直到死都会得到恩赐并且最后还获得拯救的加尔文教义
    The Calvinistic doctrine that those who have been chosen by God will continue in a state of grace to the end and will finally be saved.
  • 贸易情况用图表表示出来,以便该公司规划未来的市场和广告。
    The movements of trade cam be graphed out, enabling the firm to plan their future markets and advertising.
  • 你看我做什么来帮助他们。
    What do you think I cam do to help them?
  • 安装在枢轴上或作往复运动的部件,从凸轮、曲柄或偏心轮所得到或得到的运动极限。
    the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam.
  • 威廉对火箭及太空很感兴趣,他贪婪地学习他所读到的所有有关材料。
    William is interested in rockets and space, and he laps up al he cam read about them.
  • 一个电子设计数据库通过数据联系去识别连接的力。连通性有助于设计自动化和计算机辅助制造。
    The ability of an electronic design data base to recognize connections by association of data. Connectivity facilitates design automation and CAM processing.
  • (植物学)属于、关于或具有形成层功
    (botany) of or relating to or functioning as a cambium.
  • 2英寸大小已经灭绝的长有带鳍尾、脊索和含有细胞质状骨胳的锥形牙齿似鳗的鱼;后寒武纪到后三叠纪的生物;可是圆口纲脊椎动物的祖先。
    small (2 in) extinct eellike fish with a finned tail and a notochord and having cone-shaped teeth containing cellular bone; late Cambrian to late Triassic; possible predecessor of the cyclostomes.
  • 我们希望不久将告知贵公司麻纱已全部售完。
    We hope soon to announce to you that we shall close the sale of the cambric.
  • 我坐这辆车到剑桥大学吗?
    Can I get to Cambridge University on this bus?
  • 海尔否成功在很大程度上取决于南卡罗来纳州坎姆顿小镇上发生的一切。
    Whether he succeeds depends in large part on what's happening in a small town Camden, S.C..