  • 一伙歹徒在地下人行道突袭击一老妇人。
    The gang jumped an old woman in the subway.
  • 那突的吵闹声使我猛一跳。
    That sudden noise made me jump.
  • 油价突然上涨。
    Oil prices jumped sharply.
  • 欣然接受一项工作
    Jump at a job
  • 欣然接受一个提议
    Jump at an offer
  • 这匹马突停下来不前进
    The horse balked at the jump.
  • 一声响,吓了我一跳。
    The sudden noise made me jump.
  • 难民虽已经到了安全地带,还是战战兢兢的。
    The refugees are still jumpy, although they are now in safety.
  • 玛丽最近一直很紧张,很容易激动;她突大哭起来。
    Mary, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears.
  • 最近一直很紧张且易激动的路易丝阿姨突大哭起来。
    Aunt Louise, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears.
  • 永新、酃县、宁冈、遂川四县交界的大小五井山区,和永新、宁冈、茶陵、莲花四县交界的九陇山区,这两个地形优越的地方,特别是既有民众拥护、地形又极险要的大小五井,不但在边界此时是重要的军事根据地,就是在湘鄂赣三省暴动发展的将来,亦将仍是重要的军事根据地。
    The Five Wells mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Linghsien, Ningkang and Suichuan Counties, and the Chiulung mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Ningkang, Chaling and Lienhua Counties, both of which have topographical advantages, are important military bases not only for the border area at present, but also for insurrections in Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi in the future, and this is particularly true of Five Wells, where we have the support of the people as well as a terrain that is especially difficult and strategically important.
  • 而当着革命和战争的紧急关头,首先由于大资产阶级的叛变,同时也由于革命队伍中机会主义者的自动地放弃革命领导权,这次革命战争就失败了。
    However, this revolutionary war failed at the critical juncture, first of all because the big bourgeoisie turned traitor, and at the same time because the opportunists within the revolutionary ranks voluntarily surrendered the leadership of the revolution.
  • 最近我们有一些好消息,但在这关键时刻,我认为最重要是我们不要过份乐观,我相信明年仍是困难的一年,我们需要继续调整我们的生产成本令香港的经济更有效率及更具竞争力。
    Although the news lately are somewhat better. I think it is important that at this juncture, we do not carry away with too much optimism. Next year, I believe, will continue to be difficult and we need to continue to adjust our costs to become more efficient and competitive.
  • 后游击队又不知不觉地回到丛林地区去了。
    Then the guerrillas slipped back into the jungle.
  • 也有人对此持反对意见。他们认为带糖分的饮料只是引起健康问题的垃圾食品中的一小类。洛杉矶一些学校负责人也认为,在不久的将来,学校将为筹办舞会或置办校服这样的开销而发愁。
    Critics of the soda ban argued that sugary drinks were only part of a larger health and junk food problem and some Los Angeles school administrators predicted that they will have trouble paying for such things as dances and band uniforms.
  • 这位名叫卡伦·登内的安发言人开玩笑说:"她们可真的是'透明'到了一定水平。"
    "They're taking transparency to a whole new level," Enron spokeswoman Karen Denne joked.
  • 第十七条各级人民政府对具有代表性的各种类型的自生态系统区域,珍稀、濒危的野生动植物自分布区域,重要的水源涵养区域,具有重大科学文化价值的地质构造、著名溶洞和化石分布区、冰川、火山、温泉等自遗迹,以及人文遗迹、古树名木,应当采取措施加以保护,严禁破坏。
    Article 17. The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, famous regions where karst caves and fossil deposits are distributed, traces of glaciers, volcanoes and hot springs, traces of human history, and ancient and precious trees. Damage to the above shall be strictly forbidden.
  • "当了,"凯瑟琳很高兴阿尔法能喜欢她的想法,"我对生物学太感兴趣了。
    "So it is,"Katherine was happy that α liked her idea,"I'm so interested in biology.
  • “有时从低垂的枝桠上/金翅雀一只只跳下来…/后立即飞走,好象受一时奇想的激发”(约翰·济慈)
    "Sometimes goldfinches one by one will drop/From low-hung branches.../Then off at once, as in a wanton freak"(John Keats).
  • 而她对于自己的魅力已极感兴趣,对生活的更强烈的乐趣感知很快,并渴望获得种种物质的享受。
    And yet she was interested in her charms, quick to understand the keener pleasures of life, ambitious to gain in material things.
  • 她对于男性世界虽所知极少,但作为女人也敏锐地觉察到了他那燃烧的目光。
    But she, who knew little of the world of men, being a woman, was keenly aware of his burning eyes.
  • 大凡不了解一个人痛苦的原因而要安慰他,那是不太容易的。而我对这个年轻人却产生了强烈的同情心。他这么坦率地向我倾吐他的悲哀,不由使我相信,他对我的话也不会无动于衷。于是我对他说:
    It is always difficult to comfort a grief that one does not share, and yet so keenly did I feel for this young man who confided his sorrows with such frankness, that I felt that a few words of mine would not be unwelcome to him, and I said:
  • 从1927年起,海带就在大连一带自生长。
    Since 1927 kelp has been growing naturally around Dalian.
  • 您能把肯尼思·莱(安公司总裁)借给我们一段时间吗?我听说他最近不太忙。
    Could you send Ken Lay (CEO of Enron)over sometime, I hear he is not very busy these days?
  • 后罗伯特·肯尼迪立刻宣布竞选。
    And then in a flash, Robert F. Kennedy announced his candidacy.
  • 其它快餐连锁专卖店经营不同的专项,比如肯德基炸鸡等等,它们之所以受欢迎,主要原因是价格便宜,当更重要的是这些地方提供快捷的服务。
    Other fast food chains have different specialities like Kentucky fried chicken. The popularity of these eating places has much to do with being inexpensive but perhaps more important is that such places offer fast service.
  • 她虽累了,仍继续做下去。
    Tired as she was, she kept doing it.
  • 原《生活》杂志记者迪克·梅里曼禁止克尔使用梦露不太常见的照片,但是克尔拍摄的这部片子仍首次在银幕上展现了梦露18岁左右的个人生活片断。
    Although Kerr has been prevented by the original Life magazine journalist, Dick Meryman, from using Monroe's more unusual views, his film does feature the first public screening, of a home video shot when Marilyn was around 18 years old.
  • 克里虽年轻,却已在许多领域出了名。
    Young as he be, kerry have become famous in many sphere.
  • 克里虽年轻,却已在许多领域出了名
    Young as he is, Kerry has become famous in many spheres
  • 核黄素一种用于制作各种天黄色颜料的酮,c10h6n4o2
    A ketone, C10H6N4O2, that gives color to various natural yellow pigments.
  • 我把这个句子输入了三次, 可是仍不对!
    I've keyed this sentence (in) three times, and it's still wrong!