  • 事故中汽车司机丧生, 但两乘客幸未受伤.
    The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both passengers escaped unhurt.
  • 事故中汽车司机丧生,但两乘客幸未受伤
    The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both passengers escaped unhurt
  • 不详的男子昨晚跳河自杀。
    An unidentified man did a brodie last night.
  • 一个非正式的字,为加到某未经确认的知识称后面而成学科字,如微电子学。
    an informal word (abstracted from words with this ending) for some unidentified branch of knowledge.
  • 为此,英航将支付数十万美元的酬劳,到2002年,32,000英航员工代表将身着由他设计的新制服。
    The several hundred-thousand dollar deal will put his uniforms on some 32,000 airline representatives by 2002.
  • 这提供了一个有83个字的单,单上的人都参加了“1991年夏天在该化学场地单方面销毁这些原料的行动”。
    It presents a list of 83 names of participants "in the unilateral destruction in the chemical field, which took place in the summer of 1991".
  • 他的提引起党内不和
    His nomination drove a wedge into party unity.
  • 这些新教派有这样一些字:万有得胜教会、普遍生命教会和圣经基石上帝教会。
    Such new churches have names like the Church Universal and Tri-umphant, the Universal Life Church, and the Bible Rock Church of God.
  • 北京大学、清华大学等一些著的高等学校专门举办了民族班。
    In addition, some well-known universities including Beijing University and Qinghua University run classes specially for minority nationality students.
  • 结果,用于某些internet业务的标准unix命令已经进入联机团体语言当作词和动词来描述业务本身。
    As a result, the standard Unix commands for certain Internet services have entered the online community’s languages as both nouns and verbs to describe the services themselves.
  • 未知的数量;未知的岛屿;不知的作家;未知的原始资料。
    an unknown amount; an unknown island; an unknown writer; an unknown source.
  • 年内,香港海关调查了253宗未领牌照而进口或出口战略物品的案件,检控了134违法者,判处的罚款共达270万元,被检获及充公的战略物品则共值1,000万元。
    In 1999, the department investigated 253 cases of unlicensed import and export of strategic commodities and prosecuted 134 offenders, resulting in fines amounting to $2.7 million. Goods valued at $10 million were also seized and confiscated.
  • 年内,海关调查了185宗未领许可证而进口或出口战略物品的案件,检控了39违法者,判处的罚款共达120万元,检获和充公的战略物品共值170万元。
    In 2001, the Customs and Excise Department investigated 185 cases of unlicensed import and export of strategic commodities and prosecuted 39 offenders, resulting in fines amounting to $1.2 million. Goods valued at $1.7 million were seized and confiscated.
  • 古埃及的占星家在每月中命两个不吉利日,但4月份的最后一个星期一、8月的第二个星期一、12月的第三个星期一似乎是三个最不吉利的日子。
    The ancient Egyptian astrologers named two in each month, but the last Monday in April, the second Monday of August, and the third Monday of December seem to have been specially unlucky.
  • 这个问题在c语言里特别突出。因为程序未提供很好的字管理方法。
    In C this is a particular problem because a program is often an unmanageable sea of names.
  • 意大利人对未婚女子的称呼;相当姓前的miss。
    an Italian courtesy title for an unmarried woman; equivalent to Miss with used before a name.
  • 指未命的或说不出字的某物
    An item or a thing that is unnamed or unnamable.
  • 未知或未命的来源的,或者拥有未知或未命的来源。
    being or having an unknown or unnamed source.
  • 作为一会计他事业成功,毫不夸耀。他和妻子生活阔绰。他为他的孩子们感到格外骄傲。约翰现在受到别人的尊敬。我要称他为社会的柱石。
    He is unostentatiously successful as an accountant. He and his wife live in style. He is very proud of his children. John is now respected by others. I should like to call him a pillar of society.
  • 他在同事之间声不隹。
    He is unpopular with his fellow workers.
  • 那个医生因有违反职业道德的行为而被除
    The doctor was struck off for unprofessional conduct.
  • 有时人们就像发扑克牌一样分发片,这样做是很外行的。
    People sometimes pass out their business cards as if they were dealing at a poker game,and this unprofessional.
  • 此外由于酒后失控,有40万年龄在18至24岁的学生在没有任何安全措施的情况下发生过性行为。
    Also, 400,000 students between 18 and 24 years old reported having had unprotected sex as a result of drinking.
  • 在数学班里,妈妈总是两三个女生之一;而且她自视为精英并非全无根据,她各科成绩几乎都列前茅。
    Mom was always one of two or three women in her math classes,and since her cream confidence wasn't unrealistic,she was also near the top of each class.
  • 急于丢弃自己姓的现象相信和过去崇洋媚外的想法没有关系。
    The strong desire to drop Chinese names is probably unrelated to the mentality in the past to fawn over things foreign.
  • 他是学部委员、全国知的人,就这么个遭遇。为什么不叫他搞本行?
    Although this elderly scientist is an academician and well known throughout the country, he has to engage in a profession unrelated to what he studied. Why so?
  • 败坏的声;令人憎恶的丑闻。
    an unsavory reputation; an unsavory scandal.
  • 我认为自己在很大程度上就是那位中学老师的未署的手稿。
    I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher.
  • 而不签的罚款单在法庭上是不能成为证据的。
    And if the forms are unsigned they lose their validity as evidence in court.
  • 到目前为止,我们从应聘者中淘汰了4,留下两待选。
    So far we have screened out four people who wanted the job but were unsuitable, so that leave two people to choose from.
  • 错误(或不当)的称错误地或不恰当地用于人或物的
    A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object.
  • 他清白的声;清白的声。
    his unsullied name; an untarnished reputation.