| - (viii)指定申诉依据的商标或服务标志,并且如果存在,分别描述每个商标对应使用的商品或服务(申诉方也可以分别描述在提交申诉时,有意在将来用于该商标的的其他商品和服务);
(viii) Specify the trademark(s) or service mark(s) on which the complaint is based and, for each mark, describe the goods or services, if any, with which the mark is used (Complainant may also separately describe other goods and services with which it intends, at the time the complaint is submitted, to use the mark in the future.); - 新加坡和香港在许多方面都可以互取所长,互补不足;两地所面对的挑战,有不少都十分相似。
In many ways our cities are complementary and we face many similar challenges. - 回文结构含有双股脱氧核糖核酸的一部分,其中的核苷酸系列的一股颠倒顺序来读取即为互补的一股
A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand. - 八所院校各有不同的历史背景,面对香港复杂而且不断转化的需求,分别承担独特的角色和使命,相辅相成。
The eight institutions have distinctive and complementary roles which reflect their varying origins and the way they have responded to Hong Kong's complex and evolving needs. - 譬如,国家会根据经济区域的划分,将会从政策的角度推动和加快资金和技术,向中西部地区的引进,由於过去国家的重点建设主要放在中西部地区,这个地区因此形成了雄厚的工业和科技的基础,但是,这个地区的工业存在需要资金和技术改进的问题,潜在的市场存?开发和拓展的问题,而香港的资金、管理经验和海外市场的信息,和市场网络等等的优势与这个地区有明显的互补性,是香港投资者值得注视的一个投资的领域。
For example, our country, through policy initiatives, facilitates and expedites the flow of capital and technology into the central-western economic region. In the past, our country placed much emphasis on developing the central-western region. Thus, a strong industrial and technological base has been formed there. However, industries in this region are still in need of capital and technological improvements. Problems of developing and opening up potential markets remain. As Hong Kong has the advantages of capital flow, managerial experience, access to information of overseas markets, good market network and a unique complementary relationship with this region, its investors should pay greater attention to this area as a field for investment. - 表示完成动作的分词。
a participle that expresses completed action. - 庭院,院子部分或完全地被墙或建筑物封闭的露天空地;庭院
An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings; a courtyard. - 十分普通和不值得注意的。
completely ordinary and unremarkable. - 完全无辜、十分高兴、圆满成功
Completely innocent, happy, successful - 不充分地陈述,不完全地陈述用比事实所证实的少的完整性和真相进行叙述
To state with less completeness or truth than seems warranted by the facts. - 他配备齐全,若是邮车的灯被风或风暴刮灭(那是常有的事),他只须钻进车厢,不让燧石砸出的火星落到铺草上,便能在五分钟之内轻轻松松点燃车灯,而且相当安全。
For he was furnished with that completeness that if the coach-lamps had been blown and stormed out, which did occasionally happen, he had only to shut himself up inside, keep the flint and steel sparks well off the straw, and get a light with tolerable safety and ease (if he were lucky) in five minutes. - 有关一次运行结束后的分析工作。
Pertaining to the analysis of an operation after its completion. - 他过分关心自己的体重。
He has a complex about his weight. - 离散时间系统的复频域分析
complex-frequency domain analysis of discrete-time system - 暂态复频域分析
complex-frequency domain analysis of transient state - 分散一所综合性大学;分散一座博物馆
Decentralize a university complex; decentralize a museum. - 大部分民事税收法律规范的复杂性也对控诉具有阻碍作用。
The complexity of most civil tax laws is also a deterrent to prosecution. - 有些测试是专为分析产品是否符合产品安全法例而作出的。
Some tests were conducted specifically to check compliance with legislation on consumer product safety. - 有关部门应当按照职责分工,配合气象主管机构做好人工影响天气的有关工作。
Relevant departments shall, in compliance with their functions and duties and division of responsibilities, cooperate with the competent meteorological departments in weather modification. - 石油极易分解,它的原子可以重新排列。
Petroleum is wonderfully compliant about being broken down and allowing its atoms to be arranged in new ways. - 根据保险人及保险经纪向保险业监督呈交的报告,他们的电脑系统已分别于六月三十日及九月三十日完成解决电脑公元二千年数位问题的工作。
Reports submitted to the Insurance Authority showed that all insurers and insurance brokers had become Year 2000 compliant by June 30 and September 30 respectively. - 然而,有些分析师认为,如果符合corba的对象技术供应商不能为其软件制订出低级的互用性(标准),已有的领先地位可能会丧失。
However, some analysts say this lead could melt away if the CORBA compliant object technology vendors cannot work out lower-level interoperability for their software. - 由600家公司组成的omg联合体已制订了多个高级协议标准,给予对象技术供应商粗略的指导原则,帮助了诸如next公司、sunsoft公司和netscape公司向前推进符合corba的分布计算技术。
The 600-company OMG consortium has established a number of high-level protocol standards giving object technology vendors rough guidelines that have helped companies such as Next Computer Inc., SunSoft Inc., and Netscape Communications Corp. to push forward CORBA-compliant distributed computing technology. - 当代的技术十分复杂
The contemporary technique is very complicated. - 指令系统十分复杂
The order system is very complicated. - 人的思维机制是十分复杂的
People's thought process is extremly complicated. - 结构复杂;由相互连接的部分组成。
complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts. - 这部小说的情节十分曲折。
The novel has a very complicated plot. - 这部小说的情节十分曲折。
The novel have a very complicated plot. - 在软件工程中,系统或系统组成部分的复杂程度由下述因素确定:接口的数量和错综程度、条件转移的数量和错综程度、嵌套的深度、数据结构的类型,以及其它一些系统特性。
In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics. - 简化文学作品中复杂的情节被化解或简化的部分
The part of a literary work in which the complications of the plot are resolved or simplified. - 2.不论本部分的其他条文如何规定,在符合第二部分规定的无权利持有人许可的政府使用或政府授权第三方使用的条件下,成员可规定:针对这类使用的救济仅限于依照上文第三十一条(h)项,支付使用费。
2. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Part and provided that the provisions of Part II specifically addressing use by governments, or by third parties authorized by a government, without the authorization of the right holder are complied with, Members may limit the remedies available against such use to payment of remuneration in accordance with subparagraph (h) of Article 31.