  • 我们让人们开始锻炼时,先用一刻钟的时间进行伸展运动,后进行30到40分钟的步行或步行加慢跑,最后以10分钟的伸展运动结束。
    We start people out with 15 minutes of stretching, 30 to 40 minutes of walking or walking/jogging, and end with 10 more minutes of stretching.
  • 约翰尼习惯于户外生活,故而夜晚在林中感到怡自得。
    Johnny was an outdoor man and could make himself at home in the woods at night.
  • 他一定是开玩笑,不他就是疯了。
    He must be joking , or else he is mad.
  • 他当说的是正经的,不是开玩笑。
    He certainly meant what he said; he was not joking.
  • 她开玩笑地回答说:"我要在此遇到一个有钱的丈夫,结婚,生几个孩子,后退休,去旅游。
    She jokingly replied,“ I'm here to meet a rich husband,get married,have a couple of children,and then retire and travel. ”
  • 颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。
    The sudden jolt plunged her forward.
  • 一颠,差点把我摔出床铺,接着一颠,使我急忙站了起来。
    A jolt nearly threw me from the bed, and a second jolt brought me to my feet.
  • 某天夜里,当他独自呆在他的"耗子帮"的理想寓所时,一阵意想不到的震动使其控制力松动,从而令其视觉和听觉皆豁开朗,这是他想像不到的,甚至是梦想不到的。
    Then one night,in the privacy of his Rat Pack dream apartment,that string began to unravel when he got an unexpected jolt,which opened his eyes and ears more than he could have imagined.Or ever dreamed of.
  • (《旧约圣经》)约拿不希望变成一个先知所以上帝引起了一场暴风雨让他从船上落下;通过被鲸吞下后把他呕吐到干燥的陆地使他被救。
    (Old Testament) Jonah did not wish to become a prophet so God caused a great storm to throw him overboard from a ship; he was saved by being swallowed by a whale that vomited him out onto dry land.
  • 当琼斯正举脚踢球时,史密斯突向他冲撞过去,因而犯规。
    Smith ran suddenly into Jones and fouled him just as Jones was kicking the ball.
  • 乔丹对这一切是如何获得成功的仍感到有点困惑不解。
    Still, Jordan is a little mystified by how it all worked out.
  • 在当时,约瑟是明智的,当,还有他的上帝的帮助。
    .." For his time, Joseph was wise, with the help of his God.
  • 拿破仑曾经这样尝试过,他和约瑟芬最后一次相聚时,他说:「约瑟芬,我曾经是世界上最幸运的人,而在这时候,妳是这世界上我唯一信任的人了。
    Napoleon tried it, and in his last meeting with Josephine he said: “Josephine, I have been as fortunate as any man ever was on this earth; and yet, at this hour, you are the only person in the world on whom I can rely.
  • 当他再次看见她的时候,他正在买一本杂志,以便在飞机上看。突,他觉得有人挨近了他。
    When next he sees her, he is buying a magazine to read during the flight and becomes aware that someone is jostling him.
  • 她草草做了些笔记,后誊写在练习本上。
    She jot down a few note, and later transcribe them into an exercise book.
  • 她草草做了些笔记, 後誊写在练习本上.
    She jotted down a few notes, and later transcribed them into an exercise book.
  • 2002年8月8日出版的《自》杂志告诉了我们这是怎么回事。
    Study results published on August 8,2002 in the journal Nature reveal how.
  • 那记者虽有点累,但他那天晚上却连夜写文章。
    The journalist chucked out ink throughout that night although he was a bit tired.
  • 后他回答了记者们向他提出的问题。
    Then he answered the questions put to him by the journalists.
  • 这位提坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个英雄——朱庇特的亲儿子——来解救他。果不爽,时候一到英雄真的来了。
    In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero,- sprung from Jove himself,- to release him.
  • 但是她并没有丧失固有的气质。她不停地呻吟着,哀叹红颜薄命,挣扎着想站直身子,伸爪乞怜;她觉得朱庇特也太薄情,而她无法说给他听。
    Yet her former disposition remained, and with continual groaning, she bemoaned her fate, and stood upright as well as she could, lifting up her paws to beg for mercy; and felt that Jove was unkind, though she could not tell him so.
  • "与大自奋斗,其乐无穷。"
    It is a great joy to battle against nature.
  • 他欣同意,我们就出发了。
    He joyfully consented and we set out.
  • 这时一个声音突在屋外兴冲冲地叫了起来,“美塞苔丝!”
    called a joyous voice from without,--"Mercédès!"
  • 发动机猛然一震.
    The engine gave a sudden judder.
  • 他同意了,但是他对此并不以为
    He agreed, but very much against his better judgement.
  • 公正的人总是不带偏见地考虑发生争执的双方的意见,後才作出决定。
    A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision.
  • 那完全是胡说八道,当我能同时耍3个球!
    That's stuff and nonsense; of course I can juggle with three balls at once!
  • 喂,朱莉亚,既你填字谜的能力这么强,试试这个吧。
    Here Julia—since you're so hot at crosswords, try this one.
  • 那教区牧师暗示说,仍需要有自愿者来帮助进行废旧杂货义卖。
    The vicar gave a hint that volunteers were still wanted to help with Jumble Sale.
  • 她已经把你的衬衫和袜子拣出来,你就不要再把它们混到一起去了。
    Don't jumble your shirts and socks up now that she has sorted them out.
  • jimmy答应马上走开,可是jumbo却不愿意动。
    Though Jummy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move.