  • 旅行者不得不用斧头在热带森林里砍出一路来。
    The traveller had to fight his way out through the tropical forest with an axe.
  • 迂回路线一通路或路线,不改变行进方向而完成全程回到起点
    A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point.
  • 这条铁路横贯全国。
    The railway traverses the country.
  • 第三十六 建设经过已有的噪声敏感建筑物集中区域的高速公路和城市高架、轻轨道路,有可能造成环境噪声污染的,应当设置声屏障或者采取其他有效的控制环境噪声污染的措施。
    Article 36 To build expressways, urban overhead road and light-tract lines that traverse areas where there are concentrated noise-sensitive structures and that might produce environmental noise pollution, sound barriers shall be erected or other effective measures shall be taken to control environmental noise pollution.
  • 公路穿过荒芜的山区.
    The road traverses a wild and mountainous region.
  • 第三十九 穿越城市居民区、文教区的铁路,因铁路机车运行造成环境噪声污染的,当地城市人民政府应当组织铁路部门和其他有关部门,制定减轻环境噪声污染的规划。
    Article 39 Where locomotives when traversing urban residential, cultural and education districts produce environmental noise pollution, the local municipal people's governments shall get the railway departments and other relevant departments together to work out plans for mitigating such pollution.
  • 每天孩子们走林中的同一路。
    Every day the children tread the same path through the woods.
  • 约使双方的贸易又推进了一步.
    The treaty gave (a) fresh impetus to trade.
  • 中国已先后签署了《不扩散核武器约》和《全面禁止核试验约》,并忠实地履行了这两个约规定的义务。
    China has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and faithfully fulfilled the obligations set by the two treaties.
  • 巴黎约和胡贝图斯堡
    Treaty of Paris and Treaty of Hubertusburg
  • 他们商订了一项约。
    They negotiated a treaty.
  • 在联合国支持下,通过多边谈判(如裁军谈判会议中的多边谈判)达成了广泛的协定,包括《核不扩散约》、《全面禁止核试验约》以及关于建立无核区的各项约。
    With UN support, multilateral negotiations, such as those in the Conference on Disarmament, have resulted in a wide range of agreements, including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and treaties to establish nuclear-free zones.
  • 中国政府在《中国对日宣战布告》中明确昭告中外:所有一切约、协定、合同有涉及中日关系者,一律废止。《马关约》自属废止之列。
    In its declaration of war against Japan, the Chinese Government proclaimed that all treaties, conventions, agreements, and contracts regarding relations between China and Japan, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated.
  • 政府通知废止该项约。
    The government denounced the treaty.
  • 他们已经加入了那个约。
    They have acceded to the treaty.
  • 厂方仓促拟出一项约。
    The management huddled up a treaty.
  • 约须经批准方可生效。
    The treaty is subject to ratification.
  • 威尔士与苏格兰订立了一项约。
    Wales concluded a treaty with Scotland.
  • 加美互惠条约
    Reciprocity Treaty between Canada and United States
  • 一九四一年十二月,中国政府在《中国对日宣战布告》中昭告各国,中国废止包括《马关约》在内的一切涉及中日关系的约、协定、合同,并将收复台湾。
    In December 1941, the Chinese government issued the Proclamation of China's Declaration of War Against Japan, announcing to the world that all treaties, agreements and contracts concerning Sino-Japanese relations, including the Treaty of Shimonoseki, had been abrogated, and that China would recover Taiwan.
  • 第四十七 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的有关动植物检疫的国际约与本法有不同规定的,适用该国际约的规定。但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的款除外。
    Article 47 If provisions of this Law contravene those of the international treaties concerning animal and plant quarantine which the People's Republic of China has concluded or to which China is a party, the provisions of the international treaties concerned shall prevail, with the exception of the treaty clauses on which the People's Republic of China has declared reservations.
  • 双方协议;双方约。
    a bipartite agreement; a two-way treaty.
  • 约不存在任何的强迫。
    the treaty had no teeth in it.
  • 狗冻得全身发抖。
    The dog was all of a tremble with cold.
  • 农民们挖了一穿过田野的沟。
    The farmers gouged out a trench across the field.
  • 工人挖了一沟敷设新水管.
    The workmendug a trench for the new water pipe.
  • 我们必须挖一沟排水。
    We must dig a trench to drain away the water.
  • 于一九九五年全面实施的《有组织及严重罪案例》,持续促进警方打击三合会及有组织罪案。
    The Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance, which was fully implemented in 1995, continued to enhance the Force's drive against triads and organised crime.
  • 任何两边长度都不相等的三角形。
    a triangle with no two sides of equal length.
  • (数学)有三长度不等的边的三角形。
    (mathematics) of a triangle having three sides of different lengths.
  • 所谓线,并不是指一直线,一个圆圈,或一个三角形,而是大自然的嶙峋的线
    By line one does not mean a straight line, or a circle or a triangle,but the rugged lines of nature.
  • 除了村子尽头的岔道外,还有一大路。
    There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village.