  • 这台机器蔬菜挤压成汁。
    This machine presses vegetables into juice.
  • 地方党的工人选定朱莉娅·格林为他们的代表,参加即举行的选举。
    The local party workers have adopted Julia Green as their representative for the coming election.
  • 人生的奋斗目标决定你成为怎样的人。--欧文
    Gods determine what you're going to be.-- Julius Erving
  • 人生的奋斗目标决定你成为怎样的人。--欧文
    Gods determine what you're going to be. -- Julius Erving
  • 根据条约, 中国于1997年7月1日收回香港。
    According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.
  • 我们在7月10号装货启运。
    We shall effect shipment on July 10.=shipping July 10
  • 被丢弃的一团杂物。
    a jumble of things to be given away.
  • 这个路口修建一座立交桥。
    An overpass will be built at this junction.
  • 沙田的区域交通控制系统会控制83个路口,安装工作继续进行,工程订于一九九八年初完成。
    Works on the Sha Tin ATC system continue and, upon completion in early 1998, will cover 83 junctions.
  • 介质网关是一种连接,它为语音和传真一类的介质提供电路交换网和包交换网之间的通道。
    Media gateways will be the junctions that provide a path between circuit-switched and packet networks for such media as voice and fax.
  • 沙田的区域交通控制系统控制83个路口,安装工作已于一九九八年四月完成,在区内安装19部闭路电视摄影机的系统工程也于一九九九年竣工。
    The Sha Tin ATC system covering 83 junctions was completed in April 1998. Works for a related CCTV system with 19 cameras will be completed in 1999.
  • 在如此的亡国灭种的紧急关头,国民党如果还因循上述的政策不愿迅速改变,使抗日战争蒙受绝大的不利。
    If, at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation, the Kuomintang continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy, it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance.
  • 永新、酃县、宁冈、遂川四县交界的大小五井山区,和永新、宁冈、茶陵、莲花四县交界的九陇山区,这两个地形优越的地方,特别是既有民众拥护、地形又极险要的大小五井,不但在边界此时是重要的军事根据地,就是在湘鄂赣三省暴动发展的来,亦仍然是重要的军事根据地。
    The Five Wells mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Linghsien, Ningkang and Suichuan Counties, and the Chiulung mountain area at the juncture of Yunghsin, Ningkang, Chaling and Lienhua Counties, both of which have topographical advantages, are important military bases not only for the border area at present, but also for insurrections in Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangsi in the future, and this is particularly true of Five Wells, where we have the support of the people as well as a terrain that is especially difficult and strategically important.
  • 在那里住到六月。
    He will stay there till June.
  • 会议将于六月召开。
    The conference will be held in June.
  • 会议将于六月召开。
    The conference will is hold in june.
  • 婚礼将在六月举行。
    The marriage will take place in June.
  • 会议将于六月召开。
    The meeting will be convened in June.
  • 丛林里又是一个大热天。
    It was going to be another hot day in the jungle.
  • 他即在办公室里上班,当一名低级办事员。
    he will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.
  • 当然也有人对此持反对意见。他们认为带糖分的饮料只是引起健康问题的垃圾食品中的一小类。洛杉矶一些学校负责人也认为,在不久的来,学校为筹办舞会或置办校服这样的开销而发愁。
    Critics of the soda ban argued that sugary drinks were only part of a larger health and junk food problem and some Los Angeles school administrators predicted that they will have trouble paying for such things as dances and band uniforms.
  • 假使朱庇特每当有人犯罪就大发雷霆的话,他手上的雷霆便会即告磬。
    If jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sin, he will soon be out of thunderbolt.
  • 假使朱庇特每当有人犯罪就大发雷霆的话,他手上的雷霆便会即告磬。
    If Jupiter hurls his thunderbolt as often as men sin, he will soon be out of thunderbolt.
  • 在中国’99昆明世博会184天的会期中,举行一系列丰富多彩的活动。
    During the 184 days of Expo '99, kaleidoscopic activities will be held.
  • 请问中国在解决克什米尔争端、缓和印巴局势、消除其对本地区的和平与稳定构成的威胁方面,如何发挥作用?
    I would like to know what kind of role China can play to reduce this tension and resolve the Kashmir problem, which is a major threat to peace and stability in the region.
  • 凯特说她的来怎样,我们都只有等着瞧。
    Kate says as far as her future goes, we'll all have to wait and see.
  • 我的职业敏感性使我意识到这张照片具有无与伦比的新闻写实价值,我的职业良知也要求我按下快门。
    I was keenly aware of the powerful story?telling value that photo would have, and my professional conscience told me to take it.
  • 军的演讲给人们注入了激情。
    The general's speech infused keenness into the men.
  • 军的演讲激起了我们的激情。
    The general's speech infused us with keenness.
  • "这是一项有趣的建议,我们留待以后考虑采用。"
    It's an interesting suggestion and we'll keep it on ice.
  • 我们继续努力,有结果通知你。
    We will keep on trying and, if we get anything done, will notify you.
  • 运动员球投回给板球守门员。
    The player threw back the ball to the wicket-keeper.