  • 工作组交换机能够支持每台交换机多达几千个监控地址,其端可用来连接少量的集线器或基干交换机。
    Workgroup switches can support as many as several thousand MAC addresses per switch with ports used to connect a small number of hubs or backbones.
  • 共享技术,如快速以太网、100vg-anylan网和fddi(光纤分布数据接),它们提供的性能是10base-t的10倍,而交换技术,如交换以太网和异步传输模式(atm)给网络设备提供珍视的专用带宽。
    While shared technologies, such as fast Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN and FDDI, offer 10 times the performance of 10Base-T, switching technologies, such as switched Ethernet and Asynchronous Transfer Mode, provide network devices with prized dedicated bandwidth.
  • 工作组交换机的价格范围从每端250美元至1000美元。
    Workgroup switches range in price from $250 to $1,000 per port.
  • 他们把炮转向敌人开了火。
    They swung the gun towards the enemy and fired.
  • 例如,在加深认识祖国的历史文化方面,教育署现正为初中学生编订一套公民教育课程纲要,帮助他们认识本港社会事务、公民权利和义务、政府运作、《基本法》、以及国家状况,例如国家的历史、文化、人、地理、经济结构和政制等。
    For instance, in order to bring about a better understanding of the history and culture of our motherland, a civic education syllabus is being developed by the Education Department for junior secondary students. The aim is to enrich their knowledge of local social affairs, civil rights and obligations, government operations, the Basic Law as well as national affairs such as history, culture, population, geography, economic structure, political system, etc.
  • (四)销售、进、出含有奥林匹克标志的商品;
    To sell, import and export the commodities with the Olympic Symbols;
  • 对于前人的这些成就怎样加以运用,怎样用自己的心得来加以发扬光大;无论哪一个国家生产力的进退,就决定于对这方面领会的深切程度。每一个国家都应当以它的地下蕴藏、疆土范围、地理位置、人和政治力量为依据,尽可能完善、均衡地发展它领土范围以内一切的天然资源,并且使它道义上的、智能上的以及商业、政治上的势力扩展到比较落后的国家,特别是关系到世界局势的事务,它应当有所参加;国家生产力的进退,也就决定于对这些方面的努力程度。
    they form the mental capital of the present human race,and every separate nation is productive only in the proportion in which it has known how to appropriate these attainments of former generations and to increase them by its own acquirements, in which the natural capabilities of its territory, its extent and geographical position, its population and political power, have been able to develop as completely and symmetrically as possible all sources of wealth within its boundaries, and to extend its moral, intellectual, commercial, and political influence over less advanced nations and especially over the affairs of the world.
  • 形与录音讲话或歌曲同步移动嘴唇
    To move the lips in synchronization with recorded speech or song.
  • ldap通过提供一个公共接,方便了分布在电子邮件和其他数据服务器上多个目录的同步。
    By providing a common interface, LDAP facilitates synchronization of directories across distributed E-mail and other database servers.
  • 音频与视频协调一致的录音技术;特别是表演者的型与发音协调一致。
    combining audio and video recording in such a way that the sound is perfectly synchronized with the action that produced it; especially synchronizing the movements of a speaker's lips with the sound of his speech.
  • 科特兰市锡拉丘兹南部纽约州中部城市。1792年有人开始在此定居。人19,801
    A city of central New York south of Syracuse. It was settled in1792. Population,19, 801.
  • 奥本纽约州中西部一城市,位于塞拉库兹西南偏西的芬格湖群地区。建于1793年,是制造业中心。人31,258
    A city of west-central New York in the Finger Lakes region west-southwest of Syracuse. Founded in1793, it is a manufacturing center. Population,31, 258.
  • 大马士革叙利亚的首都和最大城市,位于叙利亚西南部。史前时代就有人居住,在罗马统治时成为繁华的商业中心,在十字军东征期间是穆斯林的大本营。人1,259,000
    The capital and largest city of Syria, in the southwest part of the country. Inhabited since prehistoric times, the city became a thriving commercial center under the Romans and was a Saracen stronghold during the Crusades. Population,1, 259, 000.
  • 从窗,我闻到紫丁香的香味搀和着青草的味道。
    Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass.
  • 小船作Z字形驶入港
    The boat tacked into harbor.
  • 该船在顶风曲线航行,力图驶入港停靠。
    The ship was tacking , trying to make the harbor.
  • 10、中国解决人与发展问题的基本出发点是:坚持立足于人多、人均资源少、经济和科技水平都比较落后的基本国情,借鉴世界各国的管理经验和科学成果,结合中国实际解决人与发展中不断出现的问题,走有中国特色的人与发展道路;
    Main guidelines for tackling the population and development issue: Taking into consideration its basic national conditions, including big population, inadequate per-capita resources and low level of economic and scientific development, China would persistently follow its own path in tackling the issue of population and development. It would draw on other countries' managerial expertise and scientific achievement and tackle its own population and development issue in accordance with its own specific conditions.
  • 帕克兰华盛顿中西部一社区,是塔科马的一个住宅区。人20,882
    A community of west-central Washington, a residential suburb of Tacoma. Population,20, 882.
  • 奥本华盛顿州西部城市,位于塔科马东北偏东。是该州飞机工业中心,人33,102
    A city of western Washington east-northeast of Tacoma. It is a center of the state's aircraft industry. Population,33, 102.
  • 他开说话总带头禅。“
    He could hardly open his mouth without using one or other of his tags.
  • 当来到这个地方,他蹦蹦跳欢恰快的上了台阶,来到房门,他高高竖起耳朵,欢快地摇着尾巴,从门往里张望,他惊奇地看到有1000只欢乐的小狗像他一样快的摇尾巴。
    When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his.
  • 俱乐部的活动很合莎莉的味。
    The club is tailor-made for Sally.
  • 不可入口!
    Not to be taken orally!
  • 那个孩子说起话来像是有些吃。
    The child tales as if he had a speech difficulty.
  • 他只要一开,就会说个没完,所以最好别让他张嘴。
    Once he started talking, he will talk a donkey's hind leg off, so it's as well not to let him get started.
  • 据不完全统计结果显示,来自内陆地区的印第安人绝大多数倾向托莱多,而西班牙人后裔占多数的西部沿海地区人则是加西亚的支持者。
    With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors.
  • 中国的计划生育政策既考虑到国家对控制人增长的需要,又考虑到人民群众的实际困难和承受能力,是符合中国经济和社会的实际,符合全国人民的根本利益的。
    Such a population policy, taking into account both the state's necessity to control population growth and the masses' real problems and degree of acceptance, tallies with China's actual economic and social situation and conforms to the people's fundamental interests.
  • 中国的计划生育政策既考虑到国家对控制人增长的需要,又考虑到人民群众的实际困难和承受能力,是符合中国经济和社会的实际,符合全国人民的根本利益的。
    Such a population policy in China, taking into account both the state's necessity to control population growth and the masses' real problems and degree of acceptance, tallies with China's actual economic and social situation and conforms to the people's fundamental interests.
  • 这个港容得下巨型油船和货轮。
    The harbour admits tankers and freighters.
  • 以某些国家的所谓导弹威胁作为要求修改《反导条约》的借是根本站不住脚的。修改《反导条约》的文本内容,即是破坏这一条约,必将引发一系列消极后果。主张修改这一条约的国家必将对此承担全部责任。
    Emphasizing that it is totally untenable to press for amending the ABM Treaty on the pretext of socalled missile threats from some countries, the Presidents point out that to amend the text of the ABM Treaty is tantamount to an act of undermining the ABM Treaty and will inevitably bring about a series of negative consequences, and that the country which presses for amending this treaty will have to bear the full responsibility for all these consequences.
  • 多多马在坦桑尼亚中部的该国首都。人46,000
    The official capital of Tanzania, in the central part of the country. Population,46, 000.
  • 桑给巴尔市坦桑尼亚的一个城市,位于桑给巴尔岛西海岸。16世纪建立时,作为葡萄牙的一个贸易站。19世纪时,它是东非象牙贸易的一个重要中心。人110,699
    A city of Tanzania on the western coast of Zanzibar Island. Founded in the16th century as a Portuguese trading post, it was a major center of the East African ivory trade in the19th century. Population,110, 699.