  • 司前行政主管形容乔丹是耐克形象的化身。
    A former company executive describes him as the embodiment of Nike's image.
  • 但是它也逐渐包含了一个政治立场——重视言论自由,不相信司权利,不满知识的私有化。
    But it has also come to embody a political stand -- one that values freedom of expression, mistrusts corporate power, and is un comfortable with private ownership of knowledge.
  • 坚持和完善支持文化益事业发展的政策措施,扶持党和国家重要的新闻媒体和社会科学研究机构,扶持体现民族特色和国家水准的重大文化项目和艺术院团,扶持对重要文化遗产和优秀民间艺术的保护工作,扶持老少边穷地区和中西部地区的文化发展。
    We must continue to improve the policies and measures for the development of public cultural undertakings. We must give our support to the major news media and research institutions of social sciences of the Party and state, to the major cultural projects and art schools and troupes that are up to national standards and embody national characteristics, to the protection of major cultural heritage and outstanding folk arts, and to the cultural development in the old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, remote areas, impoverished areas and the central and western regions of the country.
  • 不管是众的还是私人的庆典,总有一大堆这样的人(主要是男士):有倒着走路的,有乘镀金四轮马车游行的,还有穿绣花围裙、长统袜和骑士短披风的。
    Their public and private ceremonies are full of people (mainly men) walking backwards, parading in gilded coaches, and wearing embroidered aprons, stockings and tabards.
  • 某些大石油司企图从能源危机中捞到好处。
    Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the emerge crisis.
  • 因特网和司内特网的兴起推动着网络管理员采用san,以直接访问数据。
    The emergence of the Internet and corporate intranets are driving network managers to adopt SANs for direct access to data.
  • 这家百货司有四个紧急出口。
    There are four emergency exits in the department store.
  • 一人演二角的演员;一个牧师的办室有两部分;众讲道和个人感化-r.w.爱默生;每个情节都有多重的含意-弗雷德里克.海里森。
    a double (or dual) role for an actor; the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence- R.W.Emerson; every episode has its double and treble meaning-Frederick Harrison.
  • “市民先生们,”那个人说,“市民太太们,我们将不胜荣幸地在红衣主教大人阁下面前,朗诵和献演一出极其精彩的寓意剧,名为《圣母玛丽亚的正判决》。
    “Messieurs the bourgeois,” he began, “and Mesdemoiselles the bourgeoises, we shall have the honour of declaiming and performing before his Eminence Monsieur the Cardinal a very fine Morality entitled ’The Good Judgment of Our Lady the Virgin Mary.
  • 非难是一个人出名向众付出的代价。
    Censure is the tax a man paid to the public for being eminent.
  • 非难是一个人出名向众付出的代价。
    Censure is the tax a man pay to the public for is eminent.
  • 每个到场的人都承认法官的判决非常正。
    Everyone present admitted that the judge's decision was eminently fair.
  • 你的判决非常公正。
    Your decision was eminently fair.
  • 奥林匹克园内采用零排放车辆和超低排放车辆。
    In the Olympic Green, no emission or ultra-low emission vehicles will be used.
  • 如果减少气体排量费用昂贵,政府可以在每吨统一收费的基础上允许司多排放二氧化碳。
    If emissions reductions ever got too expensive, governments would allow companies to emit more carbon dioxide by paying a flat rate per ton.
  • 秦帝国建于元前221年。
    Empire Qin is found in B.C. 221.
  • 一个大清帝国的高级众官员。
    a high public official of the Chinese Empire.
  • 经过多年的经历和记录,版权办室不仅是经验调查的指导来源,而且是版权数据库的巨大财富。
    With its years of experience and recordkeeping, it could be not only a source of guidance on empirical inquiries but also a treasure trove of copyright data.
  • 宪法中著作权条款是用来最终提高共福利的,对此机制,一直缺乏经验主义研究。
    There is an embarrassing lack of empirical research on the issue of the mechanism bywhich copyright law furthers the end of the public welfare designated in the Constitution.
  • 我们司雇佣了大约一百人。
    Our company employed about one hundred people.
  • 这家司大约雇了100人。
    The firm employs about 100 men.
  • 你雇了多少人?/你们司雇佣了多少人?
    How many people do you employ? /How many people does the company employ?
  • 我们司只有雇用更多的人才能发展。
    Our company cannot progress until we employ more people.
  • 是的,我曾为一家石油司雇用过。
    Yes, I am in the employ of an oil company.
  • 是的,我曾为一家石油司雇用过。
    Yes, I was in the employ of an oil company.
  • 产业工人工业企业或司雇佣的人
    A person employed in industry.
  • 被煤气司雇佣的人。
    someone employed by a gas company.
  • 他的公司有30名雇员。
    There are 30 employees in his firm.
  • 每一位员工都兴司的命运息息相关。
    Every employee is interested in the fate of the company.
  • 司的雇员做任何事都励行节约。
    The employee of the firm practised economy in do everything.
  • 司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇.
    The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
  • 这个司拥有300名雇员。
    The company had 300 employees.